Woman claiming to be a doctor says "Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy"

Yes it is. You're consenting to the consequences of your actions. If I go sky diving and the parachute doesn't open, I can't just scream I didn't consent to this, and it goes away. It's not like pregnancy isnt a known result of sex.
The difference is that in pregnancy you have some control over the consequences.
The difference is that in pregnancy you have some control over the consequences.
Yeah that's the objection. You shouldnt be allowed to kill someone because you didn't think through the consequences of your actions and their existence is now inconvenient for you.
" Choices For Self Preservation In Closed Systems With Competition For Limited Resources "

* Higher Regard For Quality Of Life Determined Through Individualism Versus Authoritarian Collective Through Federal Or State *

This moniker for abortion choice represents republicans with allegiance to a us republic founded on principles of individualism , from a credo of e pluribus unum .

A credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

A state is comprised of individuals , each of whom is a citizen , on whose behalf interests of a state lay .

A citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated through a live birth requirement to be an individual .

By induction , from principles for equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

* Requirements Principles Of Physical Law Versus Subjective Personal Volition *

The standard of law by which authority of a state may enforce public policy is the principle of non violence , which is not a standard of social behavior consistent with the principles of non aggression .

* Natural Freedoms Versus Busy Body Banana Business *

An altruism of a subjective perspective is for its introspection to exist in perpetuity throughout eternity , while through multiplicity - nature does not require every instance of introspection to exist in perpetuity throughout eternity to satisfy the altruism .

An expectation by orthodoxy , to demand that a deontology be applied , to protect every instance of introspection , even where introspection does not exist , conflicts with natural law .

By principles of individualism for us republic , through informed consent , individual citizens are to determine the disposition of with cause abortion for themselves .

The abortion anti-choice trope remains focused on without cause abortion , with rave of rage that another is performing a ritual of procreation and , to relieve themselves of a primordial anxiety , a uniform fetish for collective dictates is embraced , as traitors to the principles of individualism for us republic .

^^^ The magic birth canal story again. :rolleyes:

Guilt-ridden pro-abortionists afraid to face the moral issue involved in their worship of death.
It is one of them there options.

"I wuz just poking fun, and she took me seriously."

Either party has the "option" of throwing themselves off a cliff or eating the business end of a pistol as well. That doesn't change the premise that consent to sex is consent to the risk of becoming pregnant. Even if you terminate the pregnancy and kill the child you were still pregnant and were so with your consent.
" Lies Of Degenerates For Perverted Dictates "

* Freak Farm Fanatics Demand Others Endure Their Mandated Angst Of Grief *

^^^ The magic birth canal story again. :rolleyes:
Guilt-ridden pro-abortionists afraid to face the moral issue involved in their worship of death.
The meaning of a " magic birth canal story " does not make any sense to me , unless it is on par with the delusions of a 100% perfect , 100% per of the time , myth of fetal development , upon which degenerates accuse women of seeking without cause abortion when with cause abortion is the actual situation .

Thus , actually , it is a story about the magic miracle of congenital deformity .

You keep it to term , you deliver it , you keep it for life .
" Idiom Of Innuendo "

* Oh Well *

Ok. Doesnt change the original premise. If you consent to sex you are consent to the resulting pregnancy if that happens.
There is an accepted risk of becoming pregnant , which does not include consent to stay pregnant ; hence , consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy .
Dr Jill Biden. A PhD is a Dr.
She got her "degree" with a sophomoric dissertation on why people drop out of Jr College. The stupid bitch used college advertisement brochures and handed out a questionnaire to few students as her scholarly "research".

She was given the damn degree because she was the wife of an influential politician, not because she earned anything.

Typical Potatohead family dishonesty.
" Idiom Of Innuendo "

* Oh Well *

There is an accepted risk of becoming pregnant , which does not include consent to stay pregnant ; hence , consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy .
If you have sex you might get pregnant. Therefore if you consent to sex you consent to getting pregnant.
Wait. A woman who consents to sex isnt consenting to the resulting pregnancy and if she gets pregnant it's rape?
Where did you read this?
If a woman does NOT consent towards sex - but the man still does it - it constitutes RAPE - as such a man needs a woman's consent towards sex - clear now?
If you consent to sex you consent to the risk of getting pregnant. That's just a biological fact. If all it took was a woman not consenting to get pregnant to not get pregnant we'd have no need of contraception or abortion.
Learn to understand the meaning of consent first - it means "approval/agree" So you approve/agree to someone driving your car - one does not automatically approve/agree towards that person injuring or killing someone with ones car. - can you understand this simple example?

If you do, then you will automatically understand why contraceptives exist or were invented.
Ok. Doesnt change the original premise. If you consent to sex you are consent to the resulting pregnancy if that happens.
NO - wrong again. You have to take responsibility towards your action - which might be making a woman pregnant.
Same as if you have a venereal disease and keep it a secret - whilst asking a women if she consents to having sex without you using a condom.

The women simply gave her consent towards having sex with you, without a condom - and NOT consenting towards getting a venereal disease from you.
NO - wrong again. You have to take responsibility towards your action - which might be making a woman pregnant.
Same as if you have a venereal disease and keep it a secret - whilst asking a women if she consents to having sex without you using a condom.

The women simply gave her consent towards having sex with you, without a condom - and NOT consenting towards getting a venereal disease from you.
Youre not hiding that having sex can cause pregnancy dum dum.
Youre not hiding that having sex can cause pregnancy dum dum.
The dum dum Neanderthal is you

The TOPIC of this thread is: Women claiming to be a doctor says "Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy" - which is absolutely correct.

The TOPIC of this thread is NOT: What to do about an unwanted pregnancy - now go back to your cave and chew on some bones.
This responsibility might include an abortion - and the topic of abortion is ANOTHER issue. - to which consent was NOT given either - just towards SEX

^ This is the most twisted, disgusting, idiotic statement on this entire thread. I mean, it's wrong on so many levels.

First of all, when you get someone pregnant, killing the baby is not "taking responsibility"..... that is laughably upside-down. Why should an innocent human being have to die because you refuse to acknowledge cause and effect? The baby didn't bring himself into the world, YOU (and of course the mother) brought the baby into the world. So just like any other parent, you have a moral obligation to either take care of that innocent life, or give the baby to someone else who will.

Secondly, yes, you do consent to KNOWN consequences of a particular action. Because that's reality, and you can't ignore reality or pretend the consequences don't apply to you. If I knowingly press my hand down on a hot stove, I can't say "I didn't consent to getting burnt!" How absurd would that be? Again, cause and effect.

Unless you are a mentally ill person, or severely retarded, you can't act as if reality doesn't apply to you and you are not responsible for your own actions.
The dum dum Neanderthal is you

The TOPIC of this thread is: Women claiming to be a doctor says "Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy" - which is absolutely correct.

The TOPIC of this thread is NOT: What to do about an unwanted pregnancy - now go back to your cave and chew on some bones.
No it fucking isnt. If you have sex there is always a chance you'll get pregnant. It's the main purpose of having sex. It's why sex exists. If you consent to having sex you consent to the outcome of that action. This really isnt that hard to grasp.

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