Woman Collapses in Rose Garden During Black Jimmy's Promotion Speech on Obamacare

Another thread brought to you by trolls from Stormfront and the KKK.

The racist OP blows the dog whistler and the bigots come barkin':

Obamas speech wasnt kosher ...the jew girl fell out.

These people have no shame.

Do they even realize what they're posting here could cost them their job should their real identity come out?

^^^intimidation tactics of the left.

Nice example.
Typical rw's, desperately trying to politicize illness.

The woman is pregnant and diabetic but as usual, all the fans of the Party of Stupid can think of is how they can politicize the incident.

Notice that not one rw has expressed concern for her health.

You people are scum.
Another thread brought to you by trolls from Stormfront and the KKK.

The racist OP blows the dog whistler and the bigots come barkin':

Obamas speech wasnt kosher ...the jew girl fell out.

These people have no shame.

Do they even realize what they're posting here could cost them their job should their real identity come out?

^^^intimidation tactics of the left.

Nice example.

Shut up kosher girl.

hazlnut - I've thought about this too. These twerps obviously post from work or their mother's basement. They would never admit to the latter and, if the former is true, they have no compunction about screwing over their employer.

But, its just stupid of them to be so openly KKK plus being assholes. They their jobs at risk and don't see very concerned about that.

OTOH, they consistently vote against their own best interests so this shouldn't be all that surprising.

Its no accident that they're known as the Party of Stupid.
Another thread brought to you by trolls from Stormfront and the KKK.

The racist OP blows the dog whistler and the bigots come barkin':

Obamas speech wasnt kosher ...the jew girl fell out.

These people have no shame.

Do they even realize what they're posting here could cost them their job should their real identity come out?

^^^intimidation tactics of the left.

Nice example.

BTW, kosher girl -

There is no intimidation in his opinion. But, even so, try to remember who it is who actually posts photographs of children ...........................................

Hint: its not hazlnut.
I'm sure an Obamacare doctor has his fingers in... er, on her as we speak.

Uh, there are no doctors in Obama's fascist care scam. The best you can get is a PA. Most of your care will be provided by folks with a 6 month certificate from a trade school they learned about on late night TV.....

Become a medical technician, no need to learn to read, just 6 short months at Obamamans college of inferior care... If you're currently unemployed, have a criminal record, or smoke crack, a federal grant will pay all your costs..

not quite. p.a.'s have been used as primary contacts long before the aca.
She is diabetic and pregnant.

You're ugly and fat. ...

Actually, by the pics you've provided, YOU'RE UGLY AND FAT.

And this one's not a guess so.......:lol::lol::lol:

The real ugly fat sweaty bearded hairy legged birkenstock sandal with sock and frumpy kilt hairy armpitted bull dyke
Registered User
Member #20112

Seen the real life pictures of her, eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww she could be a brother to chaz bono in a kilt :puke:
Another thread brought to you by trolls from Stormfront and the KKK.

The racist OP blows the dog whistler and the bigots come barkin':

Obamas speech wasnt kosher ...the jew girl fell out.

These people have no shame.

Do they even realize what they're posting here could cost them their job should their real identity come out?

Self employed Consultant retardicus, I wont be firing myself. Now get back in line for your obama check bitch. :cool:
You have to love the high horses who ride in on these threads...trying to politicize a illness? didn't Obama have an ad where they accused people of wanting to shove grandma over a cliff in a wheelchair....

she made the choice and if people don't praise her for it or say poor poor dear...

look out, you are the big bad rwinger who has no feelings blaa blaaa blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

this stuff cracks me up

another mother Sheehan born.... now they use her for advertising of ObambamfailNocare....they've already started, I saw it on another site...

that's all they care about her anyway, to use

but they don't have a problem politicizing PALIN a citizen attending an event with the vets..

you people are such hyprocrites
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You're ugly and fat. ...

Actually, by the pics you've provided, YOU'RE UGLY AND FAT.

And this one's not a guess so.......:lol::lol::lol:

The real ugly fat sweaty bearded hairy legged birkenstock sandal with sock and frumpy kilt hairy armpitted bull dyke
Registered User
Member #20112

Seen the real life pictures of her, eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww she could be a brother to chaz bono in a kilt :puke:
i saw the real life picture of warbler. He us not ugly...he is FFFFugly, and fat also. So it drips with disgusting, oozy hypocrisy when he demeans women for being fat or ugly. Homey looks like the trailer budweiser-junky version of Keith jardine
You have to love the high horses who ride in on these threads

she made the choice and if people don't praise her for it or say poor poor dear...

look out, you are the big bad rwinger who has no feelings blaa blaaa blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

this stuff cracks me up

another mother Sheehan now they use her for advertising of ObambamfailNocare....they've already started, I saw it on another site...

that's all they care about her anyway, to use

Got damn you have no shame
Typical rw's, desperately trying to politicize illness.

The woman is pregnant and diabetic but as usual, all the fans of the Party of Stupid can think of is how they can politicize the incident.

Notice that not one rw has expressed concern for her health.

You people are scum.

Where was the supportive father?

Once you refer to the President in such disrespectful, racist terms, you lose all credibility. No one with any integrity would bother to engage in serious dialogue with you.

It's "racist" to call a black man black? :lol: I admit he's halfrican and a queer so you can call me a "homophobe" but I'd appreciate an explaination why you think I'm afraid of him. Fact of the matter is Axelrod hired teenie-boppers to faint at the first Barry liefests. Colonel Parker did the same thing with Elvis at first....later it wasn't necessary as the Colonel once said there wasn't a dry pair of panties at an Elvis show for 20 years. Barry is about as appealing to normal women as Anthony Weiner. :lol:
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not quite. p.a.'s have been used as primary contacts long before the aca.

Now with fascist care, PA's will be the specialist. For primary care, you'll get a tech with a certificate from a trade school.


Well, it's about time they caught up. NPs have been in specialty practice for years. I was in specialty practice for 17 years. PAs will never be independent practitioners. They limited themselves when they chose their name.
Typical rw's, desperately trying to politicize illness.

The woman is pregnant and diabetic but as usual, all the fans of the Party of Stupid can think of is how they can politicize the incident.

Notice that not one rw has expressed concern for her health.

You people are scum.

Where was the supportive father?

she doesn't need one, she has Obama now
Actually, by the pics you've provided, YOU'RE UGLY AND FAT.

And this one's not a guess so.......:lol::lol::lol:

The real ugly fat sweaty bearded hairy legged birkenstock sandal with sock and frumpy kilt hairy armpitted bull dyke
Registered User
Member #20112

Seen the real life pictures of her, eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww she could be a brother to chaz bono in a kilt :puke:
i saw the real life picture of warbler. He us not ugly...he is FFFFugly, and fat also. So it drips with disgusting, oozy hypocrisy when he demeans women for being fat or ugly. Homey looks like the trailer budweiser-junky version of Keith jardine

So we are to assume the person in your avatar is you?

The real ugly fat sweaty bearded hairy legged birkenstock sandal with sock and frumpy kilt hairy armpitted bull dyke
Registered User
Member #20112

Seen the real life pictures of her, eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww she could be a brother to chaz bono in a kilt :puke:
i saw the real life picture of warbler. He us not ugly...he is FFFFugly, and fat also. So it drips with disgusting, oozy hypocrisy when he demeans women for being fat or ugly. Homey looks like the trailer budweiser-junky version of Keith jardine

So we are to assume the person in your avatar is you?


Thats my daughter.

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