Woman Collapses in Rose Garden During Black Jimmy's Promotion Speech on Obamacare

Another thread brought to you by trolls from Stormfront and the KKK.

The racist OP blows the dog whistler and the bigots come barkin':

Obamas speech wasnt kosher ...the jew girl fell out.

These people have no shame.

Do they even realize what they're posting here could cost them their job should their real identity come out?

"their job"? What job?
You're ugly and fat. ...

Actually, by the pics you've provided, YOU'RE UGLY AND FAT.

And this one's not a guess so.......:lol::lol::lol:

The real ugly fat sweaty bearded hairy legged birkenstock sandal with sock and frumpy kilt hairy armpitted bull dyke
Registered User
Member #20112

Seen the real life pictures of her, eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww she could be a brother to chaz bono in a kilt :puke:

Ah yes...the Bootlicker also brags about being a datamining voyeur. These are fine, upstanding people, these RW posters, aren't they? :eusa_eh:
Typical rw's, desperately trying to politicize illness.

The woman is pregnant and diabetic but as usual, all the fans of the Party of Stupid can think of is how they can politicize the incident.

Notice that not one rw has expressed concern for her health.

You people are scum.

They're careless and heartless. There's no reason to attack this woman...

"black Jimmy".

when will Conservatives get over the fact that they have a black President, who was re-elected?
Sorry but I sense staged here she is directly behind Obama out of his sight line yet he just happens to turn around right when she starts to faint that's a little to convenient and if memory serves this is not the first time someone has gotten light headed or fainted at a Obama speech.
She locked her knees. A mistake many have made over the years. But please, carry on with your RW rants.
"black Jimmy".

when will Conservatives get over the fact that they have a black President, who was re-elected?

Yep. Elected twice and much adored because of his loyalty and caring for the little guy.

The rw's just can't stand that ObamaCare is popular and is just going to get more and more popular.


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