Woman convicted of not driving drunk

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I do not know what I can possibly say to express how I feel about this one.

Stop me when you think you've identified the crime committed by the woman in the facts below:
1. Woman drives to her sister's house.
2. Woman consumes two "tall" beers.
3. Woman's sober friend asks woman to drive him to another person's house.
4. Woman says she is too drunk to drive, but sober friend can drive them both there.
5. Woman and sober friend get in car and head off to other person's house, with woman in passenger seat.
Anybody yell out "Stop" yet? No, not yet? OK, let's add:
6. Police pull over the car driven by sober friend because the license plate light is not working, and see that the woman (who is in the passenger seat) is intoxicated.

Legal Blog Watch
Puritanism is an ugly propensity in man.

It becomes something far worse than merely ugly when puritanism becomes the law.

Then it becomes a ongoing violation of our civil rights.

Windbag omitted this little nugget:
When an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer pulled over the car because the license plate light was not working, the officer determined that the driver did not have a valid driver's license and that the defendant could not operate the vehicle because she was intoxicated.

MOORE v. STATE - June 28, 2011.

Windbag omitted this little nugget:
When an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer pulled over the car because the license plate light was not working, the officer determined that the driver did not have a valid driver's license and that the defendant could not operate the vehicle because she was intoxicated.

MOORE v. STATE*-*June 28, 2011.

He will claim since he posted the link he did not omit it. He failed in another one of his rants to mention the guy that got tazed was under the effects of PCP.

Windbag omitted this little nugget:
When an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer pulled over the car because the license plate light was not working, the officer determined that the driver did not have a valid driver's license and that the defendant could not operate the vehicle because she was intoxicated.

MOORE v. STATE*-*June 28, 2011.

If states have public intoxication laws people don't like they should try to have them repealed.

Also, I hope the idiot friend got a ticket for no liscense.

Countering this, I am always suspicuous of "broken X" initial reasons for pull overs, too easy to make up after the fact.
She did not just have "2 and 1/2 beers" either. She couldn't walk or talk.

The police could have used their discretion and sent them home, but the friend did not have a license.

What was her sentence?
Yes. In that town "public intoxication" is illegal. It's probably one of those laws that rarely gets enforced unless someone is creating a disturbance. This woman was not; but she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her friend was driving illegally which complicated the whole situation for the cops.

Windbag omitted this little nugget:
When an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer pulled over the car because the license plate light was not working, the officer determined that the driver did not have a valid driver's license and that the defendant could not operate the vehicle because she was intoxicated.
MOORE v. STATE*-*June 28, 2011.

So? She was inside the car, not driving, and charged with being a public intoxication. Neither I, nor the blog I linked to, tried to argue that the police did not have a right to stop the car. Thanks for showing that the obvious is still beyond your grasp.

Windbag omitted this little nugget:
When an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer pulled over the car because the license plate light was not working, the officer determined that the driver did not have a valid driver's license and that the defendant could not operate the vehicle because she was intoxicated.
MOORE v. STATE*-*June 28, 2011.

He will claim since he posted the link he did not omit it. He failed in another one of his rants to mention the guy that got tazed was under the effects of PCP.

I am actually claiming it is not relevant. If I had argued about them stopping the car in the first place you might have a point.

Windbag omitted this little nugget:
When an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer pulled over the car because the license plate light was not working, the officer determined that the driver did not have a valid driver's license and that the defendant could not operate the vehicle because she was intoxicated.

Oh, just a minor detail.

Windbag omitted this little nugget:
When an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer pulled over the car because the license plate light was not working, the officer determined that the driver did not have a valid driver's license and that the defendant could not operate the vehicle because she was intoxicated.

MOORE v. STATE*-*June 28, 2011.

Great hat. But face is sour puss. You do not have a sour puss face, Ravi. Don't switch hats yet. Switch faces. :lol:

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