Woman denied haircut, files human rights complaint

Cutting hair is not serving God. Neither is baking a cake. If either of those can only be done by your faith as serving God, do them at your church. There you can set your one rules, within reason.

yeah well, we still can refuse service to anyone we do not wish to do business with.
We just don't have to give a reason for the denial.
Government as the behest of plaintiff's attorneys and namby pamby advocacy groups has meddled in business once again.
Trust me. If a whiny little jerk like wanted my business, I'd send you on your with "your money is better spent elsewhere."....And there is not a thing you can do about it.
I don't have to give a reason who I don't wish to do business with any person.
And that is the future. Instead of business owners offering a reason, they will simply decline to transact commerce with those with which they have a compatibility issue.
There is no damage. No negligence. Such a declination is not actionable.
That is America of the soon to be past.

Are you sure? Obama said there is no future for those who disrespect the prophet Mohammad or the religion of Islam. You might want to check with him first. Forcing a Muslim to service homosexuals is the very definition of oppression and grounds for jihad. I think this discussion is over now. Have a nice day and be kind to all people. Not just those you like. - Jeri
The rule is simple. Business is business, keep your faith out of making a buck.

And who the hell are you to tell me what i can and can't involve my religious faith in?
The Muslim barber can either make appointments privately and not hold out himself out publicly, or the shop can offer a non-Muslim barber who can cut hair.

Public accommodation does not permit religious discrimination.

My feelings exactly! :up:

Why? Is that the only barber within 1000 miles?

Why should any Canadian be inconvenienced, embarrassed or have to make an effort to find a different barber?

It's up to the Muslim barber to change his attitude and fit in with the Canadian culture, not vice-versa.
Barbers are not trained to cut women's hair.

not quite correct.

Hair is hair.... cutting hair is all the same. "Barbers" are not skilled in styling women's hair cuts.

I am quite sure a "barber" could cut a straight line trim off the bottom of hair. I am not trained and even i can do that.

Correct...Thanks for the clarification.
A barber can cut it. Just cannot style it.
Which is what most women are looking for when they visit the coiffure.
Cutting hair is not serving God. Neither is baking a cake. If either of those can only be done by your faith as serving God, do them at your church. There you can set your one rules, within reason.

Muslim cab drivers have denied homosexual couples rides before who didn't have alchohol in their baggage. As I stated before, a business owner doesn't have to give a reason for denying service. It is up to them. Some will, some won't. That's America.
That is America of the soon to be past.

Oh really?
Wanna bet. Muslims are a PC protected class in this country.
They get whatever they want.
So he is being sued for denying service in order to uphold his religious freedom and to keep her from getting her hair cut from someone without the experience to cut hair she needs.

This is freaking ridiculous. If someone doesn't want to cut your hair, find someone who does. There will always be someone who does.

What the heck is wrong with people nowadays? We don't get our way and we immediately want to use violence to compel others to do what we want.
That is America of the soon to be past.

Are you sure? Obama said there is no future for those who disrespect the prophet Mohammad or the religion of Islam. You might want to check with him first. Forcing a Muslim to service homosexuals is the very definition of oppression and grounds for jihad. I think this discussion is over now. Have a nice day and be kind to all people. Not just those you like. - Jeri
The rule is simple. Business is business, keep your faith out of making a buck.

Never happen. Faith is part of who we are. Deal with it.
The religious thing will find its way back to the main stream.
Eventually, this is going to come to a head and will end up in the hands of SCOTUS.
Religious freedom will be upheld.
Anyone saying hair is hair doesn't really understand cutting hair. People are different. Unless you have training in all different types, it can be very difficult.
Are you sure? Obama said there is no future for those who disrespect the prophet Mohammad or the religion of Islam. You might want to check with him first. Forcing a Muslim to service homosexuals is the very definition of oppression and grounds for jihad. I think this discussion is over now. Have a nice day and be kind to all people. Not just those you like. - Jeri
The rule is simple. Business is business, keep your faith out of making a buck.

Actually the rule in America is business is business when business owners say it is and they don't need an excuse to deny service to any customer. Those are the facts.

With that said, I'm a christian and if I owned a bakery store I'd sell a cake to them just as I would to any other person buying a cake. It's a cake. Not me attending a rally for gays. I wouldn't have a problem with it but for Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, any other person who would have a problem with it ---> they have the right to deny business. The law is already there. End of story. So much drama over a cake. Incredible. How many cake stores are there in America anyhow?? Is there a cake shortage we didn't know about?

I agree with your statement. Bottom line I make choices where to shop. I remember as a child I would go to a barber shop and the barber would ask what school I went to ...if it was the catholic school he cut it very short if it was the public school he cut is a little longer. I went to another barber shop when I got older.
The rule is simple. Business is business, keep your faith out of making a buck.

You can have that rule.. The nice thing about living in America is that your personal rules don't have to be my rules.

It's called Freedom. Look it up sometime.
That is my rule, it's also very close to the rule our society has set. That's why it works out so well for me, I'm in compliance.

Whose society?
Speak only for yourself.
YOU are one person. Do not claim to represent or even have knowledge of society.
You have an opinion. That's all. You represent yourself.
Compliance?....With WHAT?
While this happened in Canada, considering how the left lied about what was going on in Arizona, it is going to happen here sooner or later..

Woman denied haircut by barbers | CTV News

Barbers in Toronto who refused to cut a woman’s hair have become the target of a human rights complaint, in a case that pits religious freedom against gender equality.

When Faith McGregor went into the Terminal Barber Shop requesting a short haircut, she was told the shop only grooms men.

The reason, co-owner Omar Mahrouk said, was that as a Muslim he could not cut the hair of a woman who was not related to him.

But for McGregor, the rejection of her patronage amounted to sexism.

“Fundamentally, my hair is the same as their male clients, so why would they have a problem with that,” she told CTV News.

“I felt like a second class citizen, like it was hard to hear that they refused and there was no discussion."

So the 35-year-old filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.

Under the law, business owners aren’t supposed to discriminate based on gender, but Mahrouk felt he had religious rights.

A lawyer for the owners also says in their defence they've only ever trained to cut men's hair and that they'd bought a barbershop on the expectation they would only have to serve male clientele.

The Terminal bills itself as “the oldest standing barber shop in Toronto,” offering haircuts, massages and hot lather shaves “in a classic barber shop setting,” since 1925.

Its client list includes former prime minister Paul Martin and actor Woody Harrelson, who can be seen posing with the owners in a photograph on the shop’s website.

Some are standing behind the barbershop’s owners, pointing out that there are women-only spas and gyms.

“If I wanted to have a specialized business geared just towards men that wanted hot razor shaves and cuts, why not,” said Sean Gibson of the Ontario Barber Association.

But McGregor disagrees and is hoping to force the shop to service women too.

Her case goes to mediation in the new year.

When I was a kid Barber Shops were for men and Hair Salons were for women. When did that change?

It didn't...Just some rabble rousing liberal female looking to create a little pay day for herself through litigation.
A lawyer for the owners also says in their defence they've only ever trained to cut men's hair and that they'd bought a barbershop on the expectation they would only have to serve male clientele.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but aren't barbershops tailored for men only? Everytime I've been inside an old style barbershop, all the customers were men. Hairdressers and beauty salons are tailored for women.

I guess the reason why barbershops are tailored for men only has to do with the fact that unlike hair stylists, barbers are not trained in fancy hair cuts and styling. If they allow only the women who want basic haircuts, they would be discriminating against the other women. That is why the policy is usually men only.

I've never seen a woman getting her hair cut in a barber shop in my entire life. I don't know why one would, honestly. Even women who go with really short haircuts typically have some sort of style to it. Most guys who go into a barber shop are getting a very simple trim or shave. There's not much to it.

Interestingly, the gym I go to has a private work out room for ladies only. I'm guessing this is for women who are more comfortable not working out around the men, but would this practice not be discriminatory as well? I never see any guys complaining about not being able to use that part of the gym. It only seems to be an issue with women who have a problem with gender specific services and only when they are the ones not being served by it.
That is my rule, it's also very close to the rule our society has set. That's why it works out so well for me, I'm in compliance.

And once again, In America I am supposed to have the right to not be "In compliance" as long as I don't hurt anyone else.

Freedom. It's a wonderful thing.
That's incorrect, and not what the laws say.

Which laws are those?
And just a minute. In an earlier post you stated "those are my rules"..."and I am in compliance"....
Who the fuck named you pope of this dump?
You don't get to make rules for others.
In any event, we may exercise the right to not conform.
Does the liberal code contain rules or laws barring freedom?
Those laws?
You certainly have a fucked up view of things.
Or are you as I suspect, one of these douche bags that come to these forums just to post bullshit to see from how many people you can get rise and reaction?
I think you are the latter.

When I was a kid Barber Shops were for men and Hair Salons were for women. When did that change?

When women decided that they didn't want to wait for other women to get their hair done, so they started using barbers because men's hair usually takes less time to cut.

When I was in the service, a woman brought her daughter into the barbershop to have it washed, cut, and put into a French Braid. Several of us found the BX Manager and raised hell. She was told to take her daughter to the saloon next door, that the barbershop was for men's haircuts only. Braiding and washing was done in the saloon.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure you meant Salon. :lol:

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