Woman detained and kicked off plane because the mask she was wearing didn’t cover her nose

US is a police state.
In Russia we don't have any carantine now, at all, everything works - factories, offices, shops, caffees, schools, everything.
Vaccination with Sputnik V goes on and number of covid cases dropped by > 3 times in 2 months.

Oh puh-lease...the propaganda is thick in this one.
They asked her and she refused to comply. Then she calls it tyranny. Clearly an anti-mask Trumpster who thinks she's being patriotic by throwing a temper tantrum over something so trivial, as is her right to do.

The airline has the right to enforce rules with the law as they wish. She has the right to boycott them, and every other airline. She can drive if it's such a big issue to her.
They asked her and she refused to comply. Then she calls it tyranny. Clearly an anti-mask Trumpster who thinks she's being patriotic by throwing a temper tantrum over something so trivial, as is her right to do.

The airline has the right to enforce rules with the law as they wish. She has the right to boycott them, and every other airline. She can drive if it's such a big issue to her.

Trumpster's don't have to follow the same rules the rest of us do....
I watched the video of the action.
Albeit, it appeared the video comes late to the scene.

But what I did see, sorta nudged me towards the concept of 'Karen-ness'.
Meaning, she is a friggin' 'Karen'.

Notably in the video, as she respectfully displayed her opinion -- at full decibel -- well, one of her fellow passenger's clapping hands can be seen raised above his head. I presume for her. Which, I also presume, was a gesture of encouragement.

Perhaps it heartened her.

However, then.....the law of numbers emerged (along with Karma), and when the cops hauled her butt off the plane, it seemed ALL of the passengers applauded.

So there is that.
US is a police state.
In Russia we don't have any carantine now, at all, everything works - factories, offices, shops, caffees, schools, everything.
Vaccination with Sputnik V goes on and number of covid cases dropped by > 3 times in 2 months.

Oh puh-lease...the propaganda is thick in this one.
lol, I live in all this, I tell you about Russian reality vs. your failed state :)
US is a police state.
In Russia we don't have any carantine now, at all, everything works - factories, offices, shops, caffees, schools, everything.
Vaccination with Sputnik V goes on and number of covid cases dropped by > 3 times in 2 months.

Oh puh-lease...the propaganda is thick in this one.
lol, I live in all this, I tell you about Russian reality vs. your failed state :)
LOL. A Russian calling the US a failed state?

Ohhh my sides. A land mass larger than the US and a GDP smaller than Italy...run my a Mafia style dictatorship


Keep in mind, unlike John Kerry, she actually had a mask on it just didn't cover her nose.
I fully expect the left to condemn her while defending Kerry.

Keep in mind, Kerry actually had a mask on, it just didn't cover his nose or face, but dangled on his ear.

What difference does it make - is she some how more legit because had one of her multiple orifaces covered?

Millions upon million wear them like she did. Including dozens of our politicians from Biden back to Bush, including Clinton and dozens of reps

And? Just because "millions" wear it that way does not mean it's the right way (you may as well not wear one at all).

So....again, what is the difference between how she wears it and how he wears it that makes one "ok" and the other "not"? They're both wrong. What matters in the end is whether they politely heeded instructions and fixed the error right?

But Biden doesn't know how to wear a mask nor when, as he's demonstrated since before his appointed, and especially after. Not a good leader?

Keep in mind, unlike John Kerry, she actually had a mask on it just didn't cover her nose.
I fully expect the left to condemn her while defending Kerry.

Keep in mind, Kerry actually had a mask on, it just didn't cover his nose or face, but dangled on his ear.

What difference does it make - is she some how more legit because had one of her multiple orifaces covered?

Millions upon million wear them like she did. Including dozens of our politicians from Biden back to Bush, including Clinton and dozens of reps

And that's often acceptable; but not on a plane when you're told to put your mask on to cover your mouth and nose. If you don't comply with their rules, they can kick you off the flight. And if you cause a commotion on a plane, as she did, you can be arrested. There is zero tolerance on planes.

There is zero tolerance on planes.

Unless you are Lurch Kerry.


There is photographic proof otherwise, but nobody expects you to accept reality.

Keep in mind, unlike John Kerry, she actually had a mask on it just didn't cover her nose.
I fully expect the left to condemn her while defending Kerry.

View attachment 469221 Orwell was more than prescient.

Indeed, great image of the Trumplican Party.

What a stupid comment......but representative of two of my laws of understanding your party:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Nice pap. Did you pull it outof a Cracker Jacks box? You need some new content.

Airlines have every right to enforce a mask mandate.

LOL Well they didn't enforce that mandate on John Kerry. He flew commercial with no mask and no one threw him off the plane.

Some of us have to obey the rules. Some of us don't have to obey the rules.

The rich and powerful always get a pass. The rest of us have to obey.

So you will never complain about Trump again, right?

Only when you stop complaining about Biden.

So you won’t live by the standards you want others to. Where have we seen that before?



Watch this.................


Get a better schtick. :itsok:
She knew the rules. Bye.

So do illegal immigrants, so if it's just about following the rules, guess you agree they should all just be kicked out and sent back to where they came from?
Yes I do. But in a humane way. Just like I don't think this dumb bitch should be hog tied and pushed out of the emergency exit...I don't think we should be gunning people down at the border.
US is a police state.
In Russia we don't have any carantine now, at all, everything works - factories, offices, shops, caffees, schools, everything.
Vaccination with Sputnik V goes on and number of covid cases dropped by > 3 times in 2 months.

Oh puh-lease...the propaganda is thick in this one.
lol, I live in all this, I tell you about Russian reality vs. your failed state :)
LOL. A Russian calling the US a failed state?

Ohhh my sides. A land mass larger than the US and a GDP smaller than Italy...run my a Mafia style dictatorship


lol, sustainability does not depend on size. a big bankrupt is still a bankrupt.

US GDP is mostly fictional, levitates with huge emission of dollars, your debt is 108% of GDP (Russia - 14%) , the best among top biggest 50 economies, budget deficite is 4,6% of GDP ( Russia - surplus 1,8%) , current account deficite is 2,3% of GDP ( Russia - surplus 3,9%).

the US is one of the worst insolvent countries. an irreversible bankrupt. a failed state.
US is a police state.
In Russia we don't have any carantine now, at all, everything works - factories, offices, shops, caffees, schools, everything.
Vaccination with Sputnik V goes on and number of covid cases dropped by > 3 times in 2 months.

Oh puh-lease...the propaganda is thick in this one.
lol, I live in all this, I tell you about Russian reality vs. your failed state :)
LOL. A Russian calling the US a failed state?

Ohhh my sides. A land mass larger than the US and a GDP smaller than Italy...run my a Mafia style dictatorship


lol, sustainability does not depend on size. a big bankrupt is still a bankrupt.

US GDP is mostly fictional, levitates with huge emission of dollars, your debt is 108% of GDP (Russia - 14%) , the best among top biggest 50 economies, budget deficite is 4,6% of GDP ( Russia - surplus 1,8%) , current account deficite is 2,3% of GDP ( Russia - surplus 3,9%).

the US is one of the worst insolvent countries. an irreversible bankrupt. a failed state.
Yeah, Afghanistan bankrupted the USSR long ago--that is why you're Russia now.

Keep in mind, unlike John Kerry, she actually had a mask on it just didn't cover her nose.
I fully expect the left to condemn her while defending Kerry.

It covered her nose. sHE didn’t cover her nose because like most MAGA’s she didn’t give a f**k about anyone else.

Like most MAGA_--she has a higher iq than the MAGA haters like you---and realizes what a government trying to CONTROL people is all about.
US is a police state.
In Russia we don't have any carantine now, at all, everything works - factories, offices, shops, caffees, schools, everything.
Vaccination with Sputnik V goes on and number of covid cases dropped by > 3 times in 2 months.

Oh puh-lease...the propaganda is thick in this one.
lol, I live in all this, I tell you about Russian reality vs. your failed state :)
LOL. A Russian calling the US a failed state?

Ohhh my sides. A land mass larger than the US and a GDP smaller than Italy...run my a Mafia style dictatorship


lol, sustainability does not depend on size. a big bankrupt is still a bankrupt.

US GDP is mostly fictional, levitates with huge emission of dollars, your debt is 108% of GDP (Russia - 14%) , the best among top biggest 50 economies, budget deficite is 4,6% of GDP ( Russia - surplus 1,8%) , current account deficite is 2,3% of GDP ( Russia - surplus 3,9%).

the US is one of the worst insolvent countries. an irreversible bankrupt. a failed state.
Yeah, Afghanistan bankrupted the USSR long ago--that is why you're Russia now.

you're going to get solvent again when the US shrinks to North Dacota + a couple of neighbouring states...

in New Mexico Latin Americans already constitute 52% of population.
In California and Texas - 48%.

in 5 years 2 rows of the states bordering Mexico will become conpletely Latino and will secede. As minimum these states, but most probably the US will disintegrate into more than 2 new entities.

Keep in mind, unlike John Kerry, she actually had a mask on it just didn't cover her nose.
I fully expect the left to condemn her while defending Kerry.

It covered her nose. sHE didn’t cover her nose because like most MAGA’s she didn’t give a f**k about anyone else.

Like most MAGA_--she has a higher iq than the MAGA haters like you---and realizes what a government trying to CONTROL people is all about.

No. She's an idiot. A discourteous idiot with unknown IQ who has a misguided notion of rights and seems to feel they come with no personal responsibility, and acts on it. This is the evolution of the Republican Party (of personal responsibility) into the Trumplican Party (me me me me).

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