Woman Lied About Sex With Senator Menendez

Was she lying for pay then or is she lying for pay now?

Is Menendez innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?

I don't know. If he's guilty then he's guilty before, during and after being charged and tried.

If he's innocent then he's innocent before, during and after being charged and tried.

As far as I know, he hasn't been even charged (at least not by any authorities).

Now, if what you are attempting to "ask" is whether he is PRESUMED to be innocent in the eyes of the law prior to getting convicted, then the answer would be "yes."

None of this addresses what I said, however. If the same prostitute got paid to lie about the alleged Bob Menendez sex (with a child) in the first place, then she's not very reliable. Of course, if she's not very reliable, maybe the paid DENIAL that he paid for sex (with a child) is the thing she's actually lying about.

I don't know. Do you?
You mean have actuial facts and evidence before I start blindly accusing someone of a crime like child molesting?

Nah.............I'd rather just hire a hooker to say Rush Limbaugh hired her

More fun that way

Yeah I know. Waiting for facts and evidence is difficult for progressives. but that doesn't mean you need to let that dictate your path.
You mean have actuial facts and evidence before I start blindly accusing someone of a crime like child molesting?

Nah.............I'd rather just hire a hooker to say Rush Limbaugh hired her

More fun that way

Yeah I know. Waiting for facts and evidence is difficult for progressives. but that doesn't mean you need to let that dictate your path.

Not waiting for facts and evidence is what people on the right were guilty of in this situation. But instead of backing down and moving onto another story rightwingers on this board are already doubling down, claiming she must have been paid to change her story. No chance it may have been the original story she was paid for.
Woman Lied About Sex With Senator Menendez, Her Lawyer Says - NYTimes.com

Published: March 4, 2013

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — A Dominican woman who said in a video that she had had sex with Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey for money is acknowledging that the story is false, according to her sworn statement released by a lawyer enmeshed in the scandal.

The lawyer, Vinicio Castillo Semán, said at a news conference on Monday that the woman, identified as Nexis de los Santos, 23, had said in a sworn statement not only that she had never gone “to bed with” Mr. Menendez, but also that she had never met him.



She lied about lying about it.
The WaPo got the wrong woman. Bobbie's laid half the teeny bopper prostitutes in the DR by now.

You should know by now you can't be a good Democrat unless you're a bona fide sleeze bag first.
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Wait wait wait.

Somebody supposedly paid a prostitute to lie.

And now we should believe the lying prostitute when she recants her story because ---

wait ---

why is she suddenly credible this time?

She wasn't "credible" either time.

That's the point.
Was she lying for pay then or is she lying for pay now?

Is Menendez innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?

I don't know. If he's guilty then he's guilty before, during and after being charged and tried.

If he's innocent then he's innocent before, during and after being charged and tried.

As far as I know, he hasn't been even charged (at least not by any authorities).

Now, if what you are attempting to "ask" is whether he is PRESUMED to be innocent in the eyes of the law prior to getting convicted, then the answer would be "yes."

None of this addresses what I said, however. If the same prostitute got paid to lie about the alleged Bob Menendez sex (with a child) in the first place, then she's not very reliable. Of course, if she's not very reliable, maybe the paid DENIAL that he paid for sex (with a child) is the thing she's actually lying about.

I don't know. Do you?

Well..you make a good argument.

When did you stop beating your girlfriend?
Was she lying for pay then or is she lying for pay now?

Is Menendez innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?

I don't know. If he's guilty then he's guilty before, during and after being charged and tried.

If he's innocent then he's innocent before, during and after being charged and tried.

As far as I know, he hasn't been even charged (at least not by any authorities).

Now, if what you are attempting to "ask" is whether he is PRESUMED to be innocent in the eyes of the law prior to getting convicted, then the answer would be "yes."

None of this addresses what I said, however. If the same prostitute got paid to lie about the alleged Bob Menendez sex (with a child) in the first place, then she's not very reliable. Of course, if she's not very reliable, maybe the paid DENIAL that he paid for sex (with a child) is the thing she's actually lying about.

I don't know. Do you?

Are you an asshole in real life or is this just your internet character?
Woman Lied About Sex With Senator Menendez, Her Lawyer Says - NYTimes.com

Published: March 4, 2013

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — A Dominican woman who said in a video that she had had sex with Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey for money is acknowledging that the story is false, according to her sworn statement released by a lawyer enmeshed in the scandal.

The lawyer, Vinicio Castillo Semán, said at a news conference on Monday that the woman, identified as Nexis de los Santos, 23, had said in a sworn statement not only that she had never gone “to bed with” Mr. Menendez, but also that she had never met him.


Yikes. Some people around the net were going to string up Senator Menendez. lol
Heh..no conservative is mad at The Daily Caller for lying..eh?

Big fucking surprise.

Really big.

The article blamed a lawyer who approached the young woman to say it. A lawyer who "could not be reached for comment."

It's a media story. Lately, everything the media says goes through the ringer and comes up with ring around the collar. lol
Is Menendez innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?

I don't know. If he's guilty then he's guilty before, during and after being charged and tried.

If he's innocent then he's innocent before, during and after being charged and tried.

As far as I know, he hasn't been even charged (at least not by any authorities).

Now, if what you are attempting to "ask" is whether he is PRESUMED to be innocent in the eyes of the law prior to getting convicted, then the answer would be "yes."

None of this addresses what I said, however. If the same prostitute got paid to lie about the alleged Bob Menendez sex (with a child) in the first place, then she's not very reliable. Of course, if she's not very reliable, maybe the paid DENIAL that he paid for sex (with a child) is the thing she's actually lying about.

I don't know. Do you?

Well..you make a good argument.

When did you stop beating your girlfriend?
Is Menendez innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?

I don't know. If he's guilty then he's guilty before, during and after being charged and tried.

If he's innocent then he's innocent before, during and after being charged and tried.

As far as I know, he hasn't been even charged (at least not by any authorities).

Now, if what you are attempting to "ask" is whether he is PRESUMED to be innocent in the eyes of the law prior to getting convicted, then the answer would be "yes."

None of this addresses what I said, however. If the same prostitute got paid to lie about the alleged Bob Menendez sex (with a child) in the first place, then she's not very reliable. Of course, if she's not very reliable, maybe the paid DENIAL that he paid for sex (with a child) is the thing she's actually lying about.

I don't know. Do you?

Are you an asshole in real life or is this just your internet character?

I might be an asshole in real life. You unquestionably are.

I note that you had no substantive response to what I posted. And we all know why. There is no rejoinder to it.

If a killer murders some poor innocent schmuck, that killer is presumed innocent in the eyes of the law until and unless convicted, even though he did it.

Menendez DID either have sex with a child prostitute or he didn't. He IS presumed innocent in the eyes of the law (until and unless charged, tried and convicted) even if he did it.

All very basic stuff. Yet it seems to confuse the snot out of asshole liberals like you for some reason.


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