Woman Lied About Sex With Senator Menendez

Is Menendez innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?

I don't know. If he's guilty then he's guilty before, during and after being charged and tried.

If he's innocent then he's innocent before, during and after being charged and tried.

As far as I know, he hasn't been even charged (at least not by any authorities).

Now, if what you are attempting to "ask" is whether he is PRESUMED to be innocent in the eyes of the law prior to getting convicted, then the answer would be "yes."

None of this addresses what I said, however. If the same prostitute got paid to lie about the alleged Bob Menendez sex (with a child) in the first place, then she's not very reliable. Of course, if she's not very reliable, maybe the paid DENIAL that he paid for sex (with a child) is the thing she's actually lying about.

I don't know. Do you?

Well..you make a good argument.

When did you stop beating your girlfriend?

Yes. I did make a good argument, your last stupid question notwithstanding. In fact, your last stupid question being entirely off topic and beside the point.

I never beat any woman. But did Sen. Menendez ever have sexual relations with a prostitute in the DR and if so, was that prostitute a minor?
Politico senior congressional reporter John Bresnahan investigated prostitution allegations against Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) before a Nov. 1 report in the Daily Caller suggesting they were true, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.

Many prominent news organizations did not follow up on the Daily Caller's report, which featured two women in the Dominican Republic, faces obscured, claiming on video to have had sex with Menendez for money. This week, reports from the Washington Post and ABC News raised new questions about the credibility of the sources used by the Daily Caller, which continues to stand by its reporting.

When reached by phone on Friday, Bresnahan referred The Huffington Post to Politico COO Kim Kingsley, who did not return a request for comment. A Politico spokeswoman declined to comment.

It was also revealed this week that political operatives approached several news organizations -- including ABC News, the New York Post, and the New Jersey Star-Ledger -- with the allegations prior to the Daily Caller's report. All three news outlets investigated the charges, but found no evidence to back them up or justify publishing a story.

Politico Investigated Menendez Claims Before Daily Caller Report

The moral: if not even Politico thinks the story is credible, maybe you shouldn't push it.
The Daily Caller reportedly tried to find prostitutes who'd lie about Sen. Bob Menendez. The site denies it.

According to law enforcement officials in the Dominican Republic, a local lawyer alleges that he was approached by someone claiming to work for the Daily Caller about finding prostitutes who would say they were solicited by Sen. Bob Menendez, the Washington Post reports.

More: Report: Lawyer links Daily Caller to paid Menendez prostitutes - Salon.com
Politico senior congressional reporter John Bresnahan investigated prostitution allegations against Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) before a Nov. 1 report in the Daily Caller suggesting they were true, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.

Many prominent news organizations did not follow up on the Daily Caller's report, which featured two women in the Dominican Republic, faces obscured, claiming on video to have had sex with Menendez for money. This week, reports from the Washington Post and ABC News raised new questions about the credibility of the sources used by the Daily Caller, which continues to stand by its reporting.

When reached by phone on Friday, Bresnahan referred The Huffington Post to Politico COO Kim Kingsley, who did not return a request for comment. A Politico spokeswoman declined to comment.

It was also revealed this week that political operatives approached several news organizations -- including ABC News, the New York Post, and the New Jersey Star-Ledger -- with the allegations prior to the Daily Caller's report. All three news outlets investigated the charges, but found no evidence to back them up or justify publishing a story.

Politico Investigated Menendez Claims Before Daily Caller Report

The moral: if not even Politico thinks the story is credible, maybe you shouldn't push it.

"This occurrence goes to the heart of the difference between liberal and
conservative media. Progressive outlets try to shine a light (albeit an
incredibly bright one) on stories that make the other side look bad, while
conservative media create these stories
in the first place."

Menendez Story Illustrates Difference Between Liberal And Conservative Media

Christian Patterson
March 19, 2013


No story illustrates the absurdity of equating media on the right and the left more than the saga of Senator Robert Menendez. Originally broken by The Daily Caller – a website founded by conservative media personality Tucker Carlson – the story alleged that Democratic Senator Robert Menendez was engaging in illicit activities with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.

All signs now point to the falseness of this story. The Dominican police, the Associated Press and the Washington Post all report that the women who made these claims were paid to make them in the first place. We do not know for certain that The Daily Caller was directly involved in paying these women to speak out against Senator Menendez. What we do know is that a slew of media outlets, including Politico, ABC News, the Star Ledger and the New York Post, all looked at the same evidence that the Daily Caller had access to and determined that there was not enough to substantiate its claims.

This occurrence goes to the heart of the difference between liberal and conservative media. Progressive outlets try to shine a light (albeit an incredibly bright one) on stories that make the other side look bad, while conservative media create these stories in the first place.


No one is claiming that liberal media outlets don’t get stories wrong or make outlandish statements. They most certainly do. But when was the last time MSNBC or Think Progress accused a Senator of soliciting prostitution, brought down a non-profit organization or got an administration official fired with evidence that later turned out to be false? There is a difference between calling attention to a problem and creating a problem in the first place.

When MSNBC and Think Progress start making up stories and then fervently defend their veracity despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the equivalency drawn between these organizations will be a fair one. Until then, we’re still comparing apples and oranges.


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