Woman prays to Jesus during a Bear Attack


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
"I could hear its teeth going through my scalp": Watch woman tell of surviving savage bear attack

Mum-of-two Terri Franna, 45, caught a pack of five bears rummaging through her garbage cans outside her home in Orlando on Saturday.

One of the animals lunged at the helpless mum and sunk its teeth deep into her scalp as it tried to drag her away.

But desperate mum Terri managed to fight back and free herself. She was raced to hospital where she ended 30 staples and 10 stitches to stop the bleeding.

Remarkably she survived the ordeal and law-enforcement officials later spotted and killed four bears which they found roaming the area and acting aggressively.

Terri, who had just returned home to find the animals in her garden, told how she believed she was facing certain death.

She told local TV station WESH-TV: "I could hear her teeth marks going through my scalp.

"The bear was growling and drooling. It was just terrifying."

During the interview, Speaking with fresh scars still visible on her face, she added: "I just thought 'God, please, this can't be the end. It can't end like this.' I literally heard Jesus say to me, 'It's OK, you will be at peace with us,.

"I replied, 'Please, my kids need me.' Then the bear released my head. She let go of my head and I knew I had to get up off that ground and get away, otherwise I was not going to make it."

WATCH: Bear attack survivor tells of horror - "I could hear its teeth going through my scalp" - Mirror Online
"I could hear its teeth going through my scalp": Watch woman tell of surviving savage bear attack

Mum-of-two Terri Franna, 45, caught a pack of five bears rummaging through her garbage cans outside her home in Orlando on Saturday.

One of the animals lunged at the helpless mum and sunk its teeth deep into her scalp as it tried to drag her away.

But desperate mum Terri managed to fight back and free herself. She was raced to hospital where she ended 30 staples and 10 stitches to stop the bleeding.

Remarkably she survived the ordeal and law-enforcement officials later spotted and killed four bears which they found roaming the area and acting aggressively.

Terri, who had just returned home to find the animals in her garden, told how she believed she was facing certain death.

She told local TV station WESH-TV: "I could hear her teeth marks going through my scalp.

"The bear was growling and drooling. It was just terrifying."

During the interview, Speaking with fresh scars still visible on her face, she added: "I just thought 'God, please, this can't be the end. It can't end like this.' I literally heard Jesus say to me, 'It's OK, you will be at peace with us,.

"I replied, 'Please, my kids need me.' Then the bear released my head. She let go of my head and I knew I had to get up off that ground and get away, otherwise I was not going to make it."

WATCH: Bear attack survivor tells of horror - "I could hear its teeth going through my scalp" - Mirror Online
Is there a point to this story?
What do you think it is?
Two guys are sitting at their campsite and spot a grizzly bear, downwind, and starting to come toward them with blood in his eyes. One sits down on a log and starts to lace up his running shoes. The other says, "What are you doing? You can't outrun a grizzly bear!"

First guy says, "I don't have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun YOU!"

Two guys are sitting at their campsite and spot a grizzly bear, downwind, and starting to come toward them with blood in his eyes. One sits down on a log and starts to lace up his running shoes. The other says, "What are you doing? You can't outrun a grizzly bear!"

First guy says, "I don't have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun YOU!"

Bears not only differentiate but are under dominion of the redeemed who are using Psalm 8 and Gen 1:26 dominion authority. It is up to the believer to understand their authority in that realm. Lack of knowledge can lead to people perishing. Another reason people should be "led by the Spirit of God", Pacer. You never know what is around the next corner.

Jeremiah, never think you are invincible. You are not above anyone else. Everyone needs to use common sense and be careful. Wild animals do not discriminate.
Jeremiah, never think you are invincible. You are not above anyone else. Everyone needs to use common sense and be careful. Wild animals do not discriminate.

Ecclesiastes is a whole book about how it rains on the righteous and the unrighteous.
That book never gets quoted.
Jeremiah, never think you are invincible. You are not above anyone else. Everyone needs to use common sense and be careful. Wild animals do not discriminate.

I would not ever put God to any foolish tests, Pacer. But it's already happened to me before. Too late. I was walking down in the woods and walked up on a black bear standing on top of a large wooden box with garbage inside it. It belonged to the house down the road. He looked straight at me and I looked at him and said be quiet! And he put his head down. I then walked on up the hill and a car full of people staring out of closed windows were all shouting look! It's a bear! lol.. I was not given to fear. I never panicked. I think animals can smell fear on people. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. I don't put myself in dangerous situations but if I come across one I most certainly take authority over it in the spirit realm. You can count on it. I'm not some leaf blowing down the road carelessly. I know my authority in Christ.

Far better than running and screaming like a crazy person so the thing chases you!! HA! That is what fear does to you. It turns you into a victim!
Not all bears attack people. You came upon a peaceful one. That does not translate to some sort of mystical powers on your part for believing in the lord. You are not invincible, period. And you are not above anyone else.
Jeremiah, never think you are invincible. You are not above anyone else. Everyone needs to use common sense and be careful. Wild animals do not discriminate.

I would not ever put God to any foolish tests, Pacer. But it's already happened to me before. Too late. I was walking down in the woods and walked up on a black bear standing on top of a large wooden box with garbage inside it. It belonged to the house down the road. He looked straight at me and I looked at him and said be quiet! And he put his head down. I then walked on up the hill and a car full of people staring out of closed windows were all shouting look! It's a bear! lol.. I was not given to fear. I never panicked. I think animals can smell fear on people. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. I don't put myself in dangerous situations but if I come across one I most certainly take authority over it in the spirit realm. You can count on it. I'm not some leaf blowing down the road carelessly. I know my authority in Christ.

Far better than running and screaming like a crazy person so the thing chases you!! HA! That is what fear does to you. It turns you into a victim!

Or a believer.
Fear of death and the unknown chase most believers into the arms of a savior that can deliver them from their fear.
You have stated in the past that you are motivated by eternal life in your faith.
We understand.
Not all bears attack people. You came upon a peaceful one. That does not translate to some sort of mystical powers on your part for believing in the lord. You are not invincible, period. And you are not above anyone else.

I beg your pardon but I have angelic protection 7 days a week. Not to mention my own authority in prayer, Pacer. If you do not believe in the divine protection of God or the divine providence of God that is your choice. I know otherwise. As to the different realms.. 2 Kings 6:17 gives a great picture of what I'm referring to - when Elisha prayed that God would open Gehazis eyes to see into the unseen realm and know God had the situation under control..

So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." 17Then Elisha prayed and said, "O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the LORD opened the servant's eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 18When they came down to him, Elisha prayed to the LORD and said, "Strike this people with blindness, I pray." So He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.…


That is what I call divine protection, Pacer, and God still provides that same protection to His Servants today. Somewhere on the earth it is happening every single day. God is good to His servants. VERY GOOD. But so that you do not feel I have not given adequate scripture you are free to read the biblical account of Daniel - who spent the night in a lions den - not by choice - nothing to do with his putting God to a foolish test - he just happened to have angered the idolaters and soothsayers who knew he was praying to the One true God. ( their enemy ) So they plotted against him until they could have him thrown into the lions den. ( Daniel refused to stop praying to God 3 times a day - he opened the window for good measure so everyone could hear him! ha! ha! )

As for the lions...... The angels were with Daniel and the lions did not eat him. These same lions did eat his enemies however which were promptly tossed into that den with their families once the King learned Daniels God was with him! Hmm..... how did those lions know who was who?

Is my God with me today as God was with Daniel in his day? Yes. He is. I know He is.

- Jeremiah
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I beg your pardon but I have angelic protection 7 days a week. Not to mention my own authority in prayer, Pacer. If you do not believe in the divine protection of God or the divine providence of God that is your choice.
In your own mind, Jeremiah.

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