Woman says Donald Trump had sex with 'many women' in Jeffrey Epstein's New York mansion

Why would you give it any consideration at all if she admits she lied to the reporter? I guess she didn't repeat her lies to federal investigators knowing it would be a chargeable felony.

Why would you even post it, well except for propaganda purposes, if you doubted it's veracity?


It’s quite obvious. Severe Irreversible Mind Altering TDS.
Accusing others of doing what YOU'RE guilty of doing. We've know about Clinton's trips on the jet for years, but this is the first time Trump's name has appeared all over the documents, and you're playing defence using Bill Clinton.

Trump's name is on the flight logs 7 times, and there is mountains of evidence that Trump participated in the abuse of young women in Epstein's control. Multiple young victims met Epstein or Maxwell while working for Trump at Mar-a-lago.

Trump didn't even break up his friendship with Epstein until 2 years after Epstein was charged with sex trafficking.
According to another poster, Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago months before he was charged. Which is it?

Got any pictures of them after Epstein went to jail?
We're innocent until proven guilty in this country, and she eventually retracted her statements, so I'll reserve judgement as to whether these accusations are true or not. Nonetheless, this is yet another set of baggage this is going to bog down Trump in this election. Why his disciples continue to want to elevate this man into the nomination with the endless circus of controversy surrounding him is beyond me.

You know who doesn't have to worry about these accusations? Joe Biden, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis.

In the latest batch of Jeffrey Epstein documents, a woman claims that Donald Trump had sex with "many women" in Epstein's New York mansion. It's one of several bombshell allegations made by Epstein victim Sarah Ransome — all of which she later retracted.

Ransome wrote a slew of emails to a New York Post reporter in 2016 linking former presidents Trump and Bill Clinton to Epstein's "seedy inner circle." A sampling of emails released Monday includes claims that Epstein recorded sex tapes of Clinton, Prince Andrew and other prominent men to keep as blackmail, though none has ever been publicly uncovered.

Ever heard of Defamation of Character.I mean,just try that act on
Obama.See how it's treated.
That's the problem.Democrats wouldn't put up with any
character assasination of it's elites,fir a goddamned second.
Whereas Republicans are chicken shit widdle cowards.
Pansies.Worse even.
Take almost any example.Newt Gingrich.Or Tom Delay.
Trent Lott.Even a guy I don't think did what he was said to have
done.Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.Something about his
fooling around with Boys as a coach.
We've all heard about Jerry Sandusky.Actually he was never
a pedophile who stalked boys.he was Framed big time.
I studied his persecution thru the lens of an Investigative reporter
who doggedly went after facts.Not innuendo or Lies by
attorneys who needed a victim.Jerry Sandusky was a very
shy person and the perfect bait to generate a narrative.
But that wasn't enough.They { lefties in the Journalist world }
decided to go after a bigger bait and story.namely THE Biggest
name in NCAA Football.A legend.Joe Paterno.I think just to prove
they could.Destroy the Football legend and never let up.
Tie him in with Knowing all about Jerry Sandusky and protecting
Sandusky's alter life.It was all made up.
Eventually Paterno was destroyed,they yanked down his
Bronze statue and his fantastic record as coach..It killed
John Ziegler dug-in for years proving how Jerry Sandusky was
framed.On YouTube.he lived out in California and was having a hard
time being a Journalist and Talk Radio personality.Within the last 2 years
he moved over to Mediaite .
We're innocent until proven guilty in this country, and she eventually retracted her statements, so I'll reserve judgement as to whether these accusations are true or not. Nonetheless, this is yet another set of baggage this is going to bog down Trump in this election. Why his disciples continue to want to elevate this man into the nomination with the endless circus of controversy surrounding him is beyond me.

You know who doesn't have to worry about these accusations? Joe Biden, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis.

In the latest batch of Jeffrey Epstein documents, a woman claims that Donald Trump had sex with "many women" in Epstein's New York mansion. It's one of several bombshell allegations made by Epstein victim Sarah Ransome — all of which she later retracted.

Ransome wrote a slew of emails to a New York Post reporter in 2016 linking former presidents Trump and Bill Clinton to Epstein's "seedy inner circle." A sampling of emails released Monday includes claims that Epstein recorded sex tapes of Clinton, Prince Andrew and other prominent men to keep as blackmail, though none has ever been publicly uncovered.

We have credible evidence that Trump flew on Epstein's plane a total of four times, all between Florida and New York City with one stopover in DC.

The Bible warns about spreading malicious gossip and bearing false witness. You might want to read up.
Why his disciples continue to want to elevate this man into the nomination with the endless circus of controversy surrounding him is beyond me.
Let me help. It's because there have been so many phony allegations against Trump by the left, and such flimsy bases for impeachments and other charges that his supporters (me included) don't believe them and don't care because we consider the source. The Biden JD and FBI have been proven to be corrupt liars. Various prosecutors going after Trump are proven Marxist ideologues and Soros beneficiaries. Then there is the fact that for every Trump accusation, Biden or other Democrats have done much worse,,,,and gotten a total media pass.

And finally, we know the leftwing media misleads andflat out lies about Trump. Take the recent Iowa story where the headlines screamed. "Trump tells Iowans to "get over it" regarding school shootings" And that's a flat out lie when you look at Trump's entire compassionate statement about the shootings.

So really, the left has inoculated Trump in the eyes of the American public.

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