Woman says Donald Trump had sex with 'many women' in Jeffrey Epstein's New York mansion

have the janitors cleaned the shit fumes out of the Senate Hearing Room yet ?
There was a time in America’s political past when the character of a candidate mattered – a time when advocating ‘grabbing women by the pussy’ or ridiculing a disabled person would mean the end of a candidate’s political career, and appropriately so.

Sadly, that’s no longer the case – a corrupt and dishonest Republican party has polluted and poisoned the political process to the extent that it would nominate a reprehensible degenerate such as Trump, someone so loathsome as to be unfit to hold any public office.
There was a time in America’s political past when the character of a candidate mattered – a time when advocating ‘grabbing women by the pussy’ or ridiculing a disabled person would mean the end of a candidate’s political career, and appropriately so.

Sadly, that’s no longer the case – a corrupt and dishonest Republican party has polluted and poisoned the political process to the extent that it would nominate a reprehensible degenerate such as Trump, someone so loathsome as to be unfit to hold any public office.
There was a time when politicians didn't say things like 'some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. Or, how about 'You ain't Black" Then there's 'poor kids' Just as bright as 'white kids.' Another gem: 'Put y'all back in chains.' Then one that is unbelievable about Obama: "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean"

Then there is his daughter writing in her diary that she took showers with daddy. Forget all the videos showing him fondling young female children at photo ops.

Alas, the times of Democrats actually respecting We The People is long past.
"history" of being accused (by people looking to frame him)
Yeah, they falsely accuse over and over and over and, their media repeats the lies incessantly all those lies suddenly become his 'history.' Very juvenile propaganda trick that make the weak minded believe the lies are actually truth. Hell, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, ABC, NBC, CBS all parroted the same so it MUST be true!! Right?
Not the same at all. Being accused means NOTHING. Anybody can say anything.That doesn't mean it has a grain of truth.

An all these bogus charges against Trump are nothing but weird attempts to keep him from running for POTUS in 2024.
Explain all that to Joe Sixpack when he votes
Once an allegation like that is released it doesn’t really matter if it is retracted. Many people will still believe it is true And the allegation will not die or go away.
In this case it doesn't matter. So many lies have been told about Trump, it wouldn't be believed if someone said he had scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Link to where I said he'd been found guilty 20 times, FuckBoi!!!

Watch the news, read a paper. Get your own fucking links.
Here ya go, peckerbreath.

I would say that there is a LOT of evidence that Trump was committing multiple crimes since more than 20 women have confirmed his stories that he sexually assaults women he finds attractive.

We're not making up stuff about Trump, we just repeat the crimes he's confessed to or has been found guilty of - crimes which include rape and sexual assault.
Explain all that to Joe Sixpack when he votes
Joe Sixpack likely already believes that such allegations about Trump are false. The well educated liberals likely believe they are true. Welleducated liberals believed a lot of allegations about Trump were true and some still do. For example Trump was supposed to be Putin’s puppet. Many liberals believed in the Steele Dossier. Some likely still believe that Trump had prostitutes pee on a Moscow hotel bed.


seem to believe that if they repeat an absurdity often enough, it somehow becomes true. The myth that Trump has been Putin’s puppet falls into that category. Trump did commit the apparently unpardonable sin during the 2016 campaign of advocating better relations with Moscow, and he was guilty of using effusive diplomatic language at Helsinki. But if one examines his administration’s actual policies toward Russia, the notion that he is “doing Putin’s bidding” or even pursuing an appeasement policy evaporates.

We have credible evidence that Trump flew on Epstein's plane a total of four times, all between Florida and New York City with one stopover in DC.

The Bible warns about spreading malicious gossip and bearing false witness. You might want to read up.

It's kind of amusing that you think lying leftists, who are the ones swearing they saw with their own eyes President Trump having sex with underage girls on Epstein's island, care about what the Bible says.

But yeah, your evidence is probably perfectly credible. Thanks for sharing it.

Have a great day!

This thread is a tragic attempt to link Trump with Epstein's crimes.

It's hilarious that they actually think they will succeed via the magic of leftist lying. Wish I could have the success that they seem to think they have at making something true simply because they want it to be so.


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