Woman screaming at the top of her lungs, "I can't breath."

That broad would be a good catch for a fellow with bad hearing. She isn't afraid to speak up loudly.
That's all the cops want anyway half the time they stop anyone.
Blacks havent figured out yet that if you're respectful, AND NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG, they are usually so surprised and grateful for a little respect, that they usually let you go.

I have a clean record and I treat them with the respect their position deserves, and I NEVER have problems. It ain't that hard.
That broad would be a good catch for a fellow with bad hearing. She isn't afraid to speak up loudly.
That's all the cops want anyway half the time they stop anyone.
Blacks havent figured out yet that if you're respectful, AND NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG, they are usually so surprised and grateful for a little respect, that they usually let you go.

I have a clean record and I treat them with the respect their position deserves, and I NEVER have problems. It ain't that hard.
If you don't scream at the cops and jump around, YOU AINT BLACK!
I would like to know the history of this car.

I guarantee that the car is indeed stolen and that her overacting melodrama was meant to intimidate the cops into letting her go.
That broad would be a good catch for a fellow with bad hearing. She isn't afraid to speak up loudly.
That's all the cops want anyway half the time they stop anyone.
Blacks havent figured out yet that if you're respectful, AND NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG, they are usually so surprised and grateful for a little respect, that they usually let you go.

I have a clean record and I treat them with the respect their position deserves, and I NEVER have problems. It ain't that hard.
If you don't scream at the cops and jump around, YOU AINT BLACK!

Not every black broad is as mouthy as the gal in the video. But its certainly true that enough are.
Blacks havent figured out yet that if you're respectful, AND NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG, they are usually so surprised and grateful for a little respect, that they usually let you go.

Alternatively, some whites haven't yet figured out that if you're respectful and not doing anything wrong and minding your own business that they have no reason to stop you and to compel you to speak in the first place. An agent of the state can't just stop members of the electorate and strong arm them into stroking their ego or something like that. And then to propose the notion that they might let someone go who hasn't even done anything if said agent of the state personally feels they've been respected enough? What world are you living in?
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There are many positive and great blacks in America (astronauts, scientists, physicians, law enforcement, fire and rescue, et cetera) but this was an example of the inner-city, negative culture, garbage that sadly is what gets reflected as a representative of their race.
I guarantee that the car is indeed stolen and that her overacting melodrama was meant to intimidate the cops into letting her go
Tag & title license plates VIN driver's license how hard is that for the cops to figure out before they whack the lady?
That broad would be a good catch for a fellow with bad hearing. She isn't afraid to speak up loudly.
That's all the cops want anyway half the time they stop anyone.
Blacks havent figured out yet that if you're respectful, AND NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG, they are usually so surprised and grateful for a little respect, that they usually let you go.

I have a clean record and I treat them with the respect their position deserves, and I NEVER have problems. It ain't that hard.
If you don't scream at the cops and jump around, YOU AINT BLACK!

Not every black broad is as mouthy as the gal in the video. But its certainly true that enough are.
They seem to be mostly like this while a FEW are the sweetest girls you'd ever meet.

"I cant breath" is now what they all say. They have the mind of a 2 year old
Blacks havent figured out yet that if you're respectful, AND NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG, they are usually so surprised and grateful for a little respect, that they usually let you go.

Alternatively, some whites haven't yet figured out that if you're respectful and not doing anything wrong and minding your own business that they have no reason to stop you and to compel you to speak in the first place. An agent of the state can't just stop members of the electorate and strong arm them into stroking their ego or something like that. And then to propose the notion that they might let soemone go who hasn't even done anything if they feel they've been respected enough? What world are you living in?
I've never been stopped for "no reason." But when you respond with respect you get a better outcome. Her response guarantees the outcome she received.
I've never been stopped for "no reason." But when you respond with respect you get a better outcome. Her response guarantees the outcome she received.

Yeah, I agree with your latter point insofar as she was in possession of stolen property and acted a fool. But if you've ever been stopped at a random DUI checkpoint, just to name one possible circumstance, you've been stopped for no reason. I've been caught up in a few of those long lines where they stop every car on the road.

It usually goes like this. I'm in the line of traffic, trying to get some place, then finally my turn comes to be shaken down. I roll my window down. The agent of the state asks, where you headed tonight, sir? I say anywhere I want, am I free to go? And then every single time they just walk away. And I'm free to go, apparently, because the window goes up and I proceed on my course.
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why does it matter exactly? cop asks for ID, hand it over.

It makes a great deal of difference. In this case, the request was justified because reasonable suspicion existed. She was behind the wheel of stolen property. But if someone's just walking down the street minding their own business, they're either free to go or they are not. If they are free to go, then, clearly there no reasonable suspicion. If they're not free to go, then they are being detained and it should be assumed that the agent of the state believes that he or she has a reasonable suspicion. To add to that, just because the agent of the styate believes that he or she has a reasonable suspicion to detain a member of the elctorate is quite another aspect to the discussion in scope. This is fundamental to the constitution, irrelevant of any state law, and anyone placed in that position should immediately determine if the agent of the state has some kind of reasonable suspicion. That's why you ask them if you're free to go.

To just walk up to someone and compel them to provide information about themself without reasonable suspicion is patently unconstitutional. This isn't Nazi Germany... yet.
not in a car. a driver is on public access with other drivers, cop pulls one over one respects his position and responds respectfully. That cop isn't out for that driver, they obviously have a concern and that's that.
not in a car. a driver is on public access with other drivers, cop pulls one over one respects his position and responds respectfully. That cop isn't out for that driver, they obviously have a concern and that's that.

Another reason I'm a big fan of private roads. The old governent roads justification. Concern..lol. Concern is why they're going after your gun rights. And so many others. Whenever I hear the word concern offered as a pretext for constitutional violation I always remember just how wilfully so many in the electorate voluntarily relinquish their civil liberties in order to placate frightened and 'concerned' nobodies. You're no pirate, jc.
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I've never been stopped for "no reason." But when you respond with respect you get a better outcome. Her response guarantees the outcome she received.

Yeah, I agree with your latter point insofar as she was in possession of stolen property and acted a fool. But if you've ever been stopped at a random DUI checkpoint, just to name one possible circumstance, you've been stopped for no reason. I've been caught up in a few of those long lines where they stop every car on the road.

It usually goes like this. I'm in the line of traffic, trying to get some place, then finally my turn comes to be shaken down. I roll my window down. The agent of the state asks, where you headed tonight, sir? I say anywhere I want, am I free to go? And then every single time they just walk away. And I'm free to go, apparently, because the window goes up and I proceed on my course.
yep, as long as you don't smell like alcohol. or your eyes are slitty. Then they can stop you. again, it is a hazard to drive a car impaired. If your phone's out, guess what ticket. you share the road with others and have earned a privilege to be on it with that vehicle. They can do what ever they want except search your vehicle until a warrant arrives. Makes no difference what you were doing.
Ah well. So far as the topical content, the agents of the state were in the right. She was in possesion of stolen property. Probable cause and reasonable suspicion were apparent and the agents' request for the perp to identify herself was valid.
Ah well. So far as the topical content, the agents of the state were in the right. She was in possesion of stolen property. Probable cause and reasonable suspicion were apparent and the agents' request for the perp to identify herself was valid.
I agree.
I'm all about people standing up for their rights but this woman's behavior was downright deranged. WTH did she or the folks watching expect with a display like that?

Another thing, if you really believe that cops are out to beat you or kill you every chance they get, you don't charge up on them the way she and several other folks in that video did. You move slow and calm the way you would around a snarling dog. You don't rant and rave and do all that shit..... not if you really believe these folks want to hurt you, you don't.

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