Woman speeds then resists arrest and the officer is at fault!?

All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
The chief is a politician who must punish whitey for daring to tell the truth about black people. It had nothing to do with the arrest.
Go talk to your parish priest, you moron, and ask him for guidance on race issues.
I don't know his political leanings. If he's a Leftist like you, I'm sure he'll tell me that as a Native American, I'm incapable of racism. I do love the soft bigotry of low expectations when it works in my favor. Thanks for the advice.
3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

So AFTER 3 seconds of thinking about it, no one ends up complying? LOL
Nobody's given the option of "thinking about it". You're precisely the kind of idiot this is going to happen to. You're going to have an encounter with cops and you will immediately get an attitude going. I can't wait to see your stupid ass on Liveleak.

It's just not realistic. You can't get EVERYONE to snap to orders in 3 seconds unless you hold a gun on them often enough or recruit them.
Yes, anyone can follow instructions in 3 seconds or less. Taking longer than that is defiance.

That's why you police can't work with the public. You classify everyone.
Thanks for your opinion. Another way to look at it is because we're irascible and likely to get physical if you don't follow our instructions in 3 seconds or less, you better hop to it. This viewpoint will keep you out of trouble while preserving intact your delusional thinking about police procedure.

And I'm no longer a cop.
Look again. The police chief said he did something wrong. Tell us what it was he did.
Like I said before Fakey.....I do not see where the policeman did anything wrong? You called me a liar. So I am graciously asking you to point out what part of the video shows police misconduct? It's a very simple request.
Thank you in advance. ...... :cool:
:) You are a liar. I told you what the police chief said. That's what you will follow, not your silly authoritarian anti-black anti-woman screed. Just the way it is. Won't change.
Yes. One man who wasn't there among many cops who see this video and back up the cop.

Police chiefs cease being police officers. They are politicians who will throw any number of cops under the bus for political expediency.
The chief is top cop. The other cops, once they saw the vid, went like, "oh, dude, you dinn'it." Talk to your priest. You have some racial, sexual, and authoritarian issues.
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
The chief is a politician who must punish whitey for daring to tell the truth about black people. It had nothing to do with the arrest.
Go talk to your parish priest, you moron, and ask him for guidance on race issues.
I don't know his political leanings. If he's a Leftist like you, I'm sure he'll tell me that as a Native American, I'm incapable of racism. I do love the soft bigotry of low expectations when it works in my favor. Thanks for the advice.
I am no more a leftist than you are an American patriot. Anyone is capable of racism.
Look again. The police chief said he did something wrong. Tell us what it was he did.
Like I said before Fakey.....I do not see where the policeman did anything wrong? You called me a liar. So I am graciously asking you to point out what part of the video shows police misconduct? It's a very simple request.
Thank you in advance. ...... :cool:
:) You are a liar. I told you what the police chief said. That's what you will follow, not your silly authoritarian anti-black anti-woman screed. Just the way it is. Won't change.
Yes. One man who wasn't there among many cops who see this video and back up the cop.

Police chiefs cease being police officers. They are politicians who will throw any number of cops under the bus for political expediency.
The chief is top cop. The other cops, once they saw the vid, went like, "oh, dude, you dinn'it." Talk to your priest. You have some racial, sexual, and authoritarian issues.
I'll think about that next time I have him over for a barbeque. Though I don't think he'll agree with you.
I told you what the police chief said. That's what you will follow, not your silly authoritarian anti-black anti-woman screed. Just the way it is. Won't change.
Typical Fake Jake the faggot response. Make an idiotic claim.....can't back it up.....then yells liar when confronted. Fakey, you give fudge packers a bad name. ...... :gay:
The claim was backed up, and your arguments were turned around, bent over by the police chief, and fudge packed. :)
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
Maybe the cheif is black.
Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo.
Look again. The police chief said he did something wrong. Tell us what it was he did.
Like I said before Fakey.....I do not see where the policeman did anything wrong? You called me a liar. So I am graciously asking you to point out what part of the video shows police misconduct? It's a very simple request.
Thank you in advance. ...... :cool:
:) You are a liar. I told you what the police chief said. That's what you will follow, not your silly authoritarian anti-black anti-woman screed. Just the way it is. Won't change.
Yes. One man who wasn't there among many cops who see this video and back up the cop.

Police chiefs cease being police officers. They are politicians who will throw any number of cops under the bus for political expediency.
The chief is top cop. The other cops, once they saw the vid, went like, "oh, dude, you dinn'it." Talk to your priest. You have some racial, sexual, and authoritarian issues.
I'll think about that next time I have him over for a barbeque. Though I don't think he'll agree with you.
He will agree with me, I am sure. That is good you have a relationship with your clergy. Ask for his guidance more often.
I told you what the police chief said. That's what you will follow, not your silly authoritarian anti-black anti-woman screed. Just the way it is. Won't change.
Typical Fake Jake the faggot response. Make an idiotic claim.....can't back it up.....then yells liar when confronted. Fakey, you give fudge packers a bad name. ...... :gay:
The claim was backed up, and your arguments were turned around, bent over by the police chief, and fudge packed. :)
Your obsession with anal sex noted.
Your obsession with anal sex noted.
As yours has been (particularly in conjunction with Sunni Man) from your first days. It's fun to turn that back on the far right, and then watch you cry. You need to talk about your confused sexuality with your parish priest as well.:gay:
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.
Come on, your racist pieces of shit, stand up and defend him. Come on you fag righties, bring a friend.

She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.
The officer's arrest was justified, and by the book.

But he will be vilified for his comments with the negress during the ride to the police station.

Although it's true that negro's have "violent tendencies".

In today's PC society it's forbidden to speak the truth. ...... :cool:
There is no benefit to conversing with the "negros" for reasons just such as this... And if you dare tell one the truth about anything; and I do mean anything you'll be labeled the ohhh, soooo, awful "racist".
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.

Yep. The black chick.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.

Yep. The black chick.

No. It was the person who acted violently.

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