Woman speeds then resists arrest and the officer is at fault!?

She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.

Yep. The black chick.

No. It was the person who acted violently.

by resisting. I agree.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.

Yep. The black chick.

No. It was the person who acted violently.

by resisting. I agree.

The violence occurred before the victim tried to get away from the assailant.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.
That is also a problem regarding the professionalism of the cop. He almost had the lady back where she needed to be when he lost it. With a little more persuasion the lady probably would have complied with putting her feet in the car and closing the door. She had complied to his other orders, with a little bit of persuasion.

I kind of wonder if the cop had a rough day and was void of patience at this point.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.
That is also a problem regarding the professionalism of the cop. He almost had the lady back where she needed to be when he lost it. With a little more persuasion the lady probably would have complied with putting her feet in the car and closing the door. She had complied to his other orders, with a little bit of persuasion.

I kind of wonder if the cop had a rough day and was void of patience at this point.

Well if we are to learn anything from the poster on this board who claims to be a cop, it is part of an all-encompassing "respect my authorituh!" mindset, which blocks out all neocortex function.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.
That is also a problem regarding the professionalism of the cop. He almost had the lady back where she needed to be when he lost it. With a little more persuasion the lady probably would have complied with putting her feet in the car and closing the door. She had complied to his other orders, with a little bit of persuasion.

I kind of wonder if the cop had a rough day and was void of patience at this point.

Well if we are to learn anything from the poster on this board who claims to be a cop, it is part of an all-encompassing "respect my authorituh!" mindset, which blocks out all neocortex function.
I am not a cop basher. I usually give the benefit of a doubt to cops on threads like these. However, some cops want to go on a power trip when dealing with the public.
Video: Austin police body-slam black teacher, tell her blacks have ‘violent tendencies’

Wtf? Don't resist arrest and you won't get thrown to the ground,don't do 15 mph over the speed limit and you won't get pulled over! The cop did absolutely nothing wrong same thing would have happened to anyone that did what she did in fact I am surprised he didn't use his taser! These fucking negroes and being a professional victim! Pisses me off
although I agree that she put herself in that position with her actions, I will say that not always do things work out the same.
I was coming back from Myrtle beach last September, when I crossed from South Carolina into North Carolina on I-95 it was around 2am, the highway was empty except for a tractor trailer or two, I had the cruise control set at 100. I got pulled over.
The officer asks if I know why he pulled me, I suggested the 100 in a 70, he told me I had a headlight out. I said I would get it fixed in the morning and he told me to have a safe trip.
no ticket, no getting thrown to the ground.
To me, it is females like her that give the rest of the gender a bad name. I wonder if this is the reason why some males try to become females. Any story that is put out there by a female is the story that ends up being labeled the truth whether it really is the truth or not and so some males feel as if there is no other option but to try and change their sex.

God bless you and them always!!!

Video: Austin police body-slam black teacher, tell her blacks have ‘violent tendencies’

Wtf? Don't resist arrest and you won't get thrown to the ground,don't do 15 mph over the speed limit and you won't get pulled over! The cop did absolutely nothing wrong same thing would have happened to anyone that did what she did in fact I am surprised he didn't use his taser! These fucking negroes and being a professional victim! Pisses me off
although I agree that she put herself in that position with her actions, I will say that not always do things work out the same.
I was coming back from Myrtle beach last September, when I crossed from South Carolina into North Carolina on I-95 it was around 2am, the highway was empty except for a tractor trailer or two, I had the cruise control set at 100. I got pulled over.
The officer asks if I know why he pulled me, I suggested the 100 in a 70, he told me I had a headlight out. I said I would get it fixed in the morning and he told me to have a safe trip.
no ticket, no getting thrown to the ground.
I rarely get stopped because I speed less than the general driving population. If a cop asks me if I know why he pulled me over, I say no. I want him to tell me why. If I answer "because I was speeding", that could be considered a confession.
To me, it is females like her that give the rest of the gender a bad name. I wonder if this is the reason why some males try to become females. Any story that is put out there by a female is the story that ends up being labeled the truth whether it really is the truth or not and so some males feel as if there is no other option but to try and change their sex.

God bless you and them always!!!

Wow! I doubt this has anything to do with why some men become trannies.

God bless you.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.
That is also a problem regarding the professionalism of the cop. He almost had the lady back where she needed to be when he lost it. With a little more persuasion the lady probably would have complied with putting her feet in the car and closing the door. She had complied to his other orders, with a little bit of persuasion.

I kind of wonder if the cop had a rough day and was void of patience at this point.

Well if we are to learn anything from the poster on this board who claims to be a cop, it is part of an all-encompassing "respect my authorituh!" mindset, which blocks out all neocortex function.

I don't expect you to understand, because you don't want to. It isn't a power trip, it comes from experience on how things can go bad very quickly when you have someone who is non-compliant, including the possibility of being shot or attacked with/without a weapon. You haven't walked in my shoes. I, however, have been on the other side. I became a cop in my mid 30's, and had a few run ins with the police before that. Those were my fault, except for the last one, which was on a traffic stop, where I passed the cop (I was going 35, he was going 30, speed limit was 35) who was in the inside lane. I was on the outside lane. He pulled me over for no reason and was a complete dick. I sat there and took it. Thinking back, I wish I would have called in a complaint on him. I still remember that clear as day, and I NEVER treat anyone like that. Had I jumped out of the car I probably would have gotten my ass kicked.

So, I have the perspective from both sides, including being shot while on a seemingly routine call. So, go ahead and dismiss my view on this if you wish. Thats your right.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.
That is also a problem regarding the professionalism of the cop. He almost had the lady back where she needed to be when he lost it. With a little more persuasion the lady probably would have complied with putting her feet in the car and closing the door. She had complied to his other orders, with a little bit of persuasion.

I kind of wonder if the cop had a rough day and was void of patience at this point.

Well if we are to learn anything from the poster on this board who claims to be a cop, it is part of an all-encompassing "respect my authorituh!" mindset, which blocks out all neocortex function.
I am not a cop basher. I usually give the benefit of a doubt to cops on threads like these. However, some cops want to go on a power trip when dealing with the public.

I appreciate that, and yes those cops are out there.
Watched the video, she was at fault. But it won't matter she is black so allowed to resist arrest and the officer is just supposed to ignore it.
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Breaoin King, the woman at the center of a video that shows an Austin police officer slamming her to the ground in a violent arrest, is speaking out for the first time.

King says she remembers the tense moments on June, 15 2015. She says she was confused when Officer Bryan Richter stopped her.

“He’s standing next to my door, I was in the vehicle, he asked me to get in the vehicle, but I guess my foot was out, and before I had a chance to comply, it escalated,” King remembers.

Soon after, the second grade teacher was taken to the ground.

“I was afraid for my life, that I have this man pulling me out of my car and I didn’t understand why, and it was pure fear, and I really wanted God to help me, I needed him to save me because I didn’t know what was going to happen,” King says.

Newly released video from the first police car she sat in shows her reaction moments after the arrest. She’s placed into a second police vehicle, at her request, and that’s when her conversation about race begins with the second officer, Patrick Spradlin.

Breaion King says she feared for her life after arrest
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Breaoin King, the woman at the center of a video that shows an Austin police officer slamming her to the ground in a violent arrest, is speaking out for the first time.

King says she remembers the tense moments on June, 15 2015. She says she was confused when Officer Bryan Richter stopped her.

“He’s standing next to my door, I was in the vehicle, he asked me to get in the vehicle, but I guess my foot was out, and before I had a chance to comply, it escalated,” King remembers.

Soon after, the second grade teacher was taken to the ground.

“I was afraid for my life, that I have this man pulling me out of my car and I didn’t understand why, and it was pure fear, and I really wanted God to help me, I needed him to save me because I didn’t know what was going to happen,” King says.

Newly released video from the first police car she sat in shows her reaction moments after the arrest. She’s placed into a second police vehicle, at her request, and that’s when her conversation about race begins with the second officer, Patrick Spradlin.

Breaion King says she feared for her life after arrest
She did seem confused in the video. I wonder if something was wrong with her?
Soon after, the second grade teacher was taken to the ground.

“I was afraid for my life, that I have this man pulling me out of my car and I didn’t understand why, and it was pure fear, and I really wanted God to help me, I needed him to save me because I didn’t know what was going to happen,” King says.

Newly released video from the first police car she sat in shows her reaction moments after the arrest. She’s placed into a second police vehicle, at her request, and that’s when her conversation about race begins with the second officer, Patrick Spradlin.

“I wanted to understand the point of view the officer was coming from, well what is it, why is it, you know and how can we make a change,” King says. “That’s what I was trying to understand, what is it that I need to do? What do we need to do as a community to make sure we change these things in a positive way so it doesn’t continue to happen to people?”

Why did it take so long to come forward?
Many have asked why King took more than a year to come forward with her case. Her attorney says video was just now released to her, but that her client only hired her in May. King herself told us she was scared and ashamed.

“I asked God why, is there something that I’ve done? What is it — so part of me felt like is there something wrong with me, what’s wrong with me?” King said.

The Austin native says she turned to faith immediately following the arrest, trying to make sense of why the police officer had treated her so violently.

“Honestly, I didn’t know what it was going to do, but I feared for my life,” King says. “I was ashamed and I was hurt because I didn’t think it would be me.”

In the days following her arrest, not even family knew what had happened. King says she was determined to keep silent.

“I know a lot of people look up to me so it was embarrassing, you know, my students, I felt like I was letting them down, I felt like I was letting my family down, my organization down, and I felt like I let myself down,” King said.

Recent police encounters caught on video empowered King, she says after a year she wanted to talk, knowing she wasn’t alone in her situation.

“It’s given me the opportunity to be able to deal with it emotionally and mentally,” King says.

Now she hopes her story and video will speak for themselves and help change what she says is happening in our country.

“I have a desire for us to come together as a nation, we need to have open discussions on the way people genuinely feel. What’s going on, how is this hurting you, why is this hurting you and what can we do to take away the fear?” King said."

Breaion King says she feared for her life after arrest
Your obsession with anal sex noted.
As yours has been (particularly in conjunction with Sunni Man) from your first days. It's fun to turn that back on the far right, and then watch you cry. You need to talk about your confused sexuality with your parish priest as well.:gay:
You're the one that keeps associating deviant sexuality with priests. Is this a freudian allusion to a private and embarrassing sexual fantasy of yours?
"First and foremost, let me just say this to Breaion King, her family, her friends, her neighbors, her supporters: 'I’m sorry that on the day that you were stopped for going 15 mph [above the speed limit], you were approached in a manner and then treated in a manner that is not consistent with the expectations of this police chief," Acevedo said. "There’s a way to do this job, and that day, we did not approach it anywhere near the way we should’ve approached it."

Acevedo said that "the chain of command" who reviewed Richter's use of force in the incident determined that "the incident was not consistent with the expectations of the department." Richter was told to attend training and counseling.

The chief added that the incident was never brought to his attention nor the attention of other executive members of the department and that an administrative inquiry has now been launched "into the chain of command decision-making process."

As for the second video showing Spradlin suggesting to King that black people have "violent tendencies," Acevedo claimed that the no one in the department had ever uncovered that video before until the District Attorney's Office brought it to the department's attention.

When asked by a reporter at the news conference if he thought Spradlin's comments were "racist," Acevedo replied, "Yes."

"This is not, I believe, reflective of the quality of this organization that we run," he said. "I want you to listen to that conversation and tell me that we don’t have social issues in this nation, issues of violence, issues of racism, issues of people being looked at differently because of their color."

The police chief said that his department has opened investigations into the incident and into the conduct of Richter and Spradlin. He added that both have been placed on paid administrative leave.

Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg has also requested the Austin Police Department's Special Investigations Unit to "conduct a criminal investigation of the arresting officer’s actions that are well documented on that video," so she can decide whether or not to present the case to a grand jury and decide whether Richter's conduct rises to a criminal offense," Acevedo said. He added that Lehmberg's office has since dropped the charges of resisting arrest against King.

King told ABC affiliate KVUE today that she appreciated the chief's public apology and that she believed what happened to her "is an opportunity to make things better and to change things for the better."

Austin Police Chief ‘Sickened and Saddened’ at Arrest of Breaion King
Found a picture of St.MichaelDefendthem.

That doesn't look like an overweight, middle aged American Indian. Keep looking.
She as clearly no threat. Also wasn't going faster than any other drivers in the video. He's a racist piece of trash. And so is anyone who defends him.

No threat? Everyone knows women are crazy. OK, men know. Women know too, but most won't admit it.

He tells he to get into her car, and then drags her out of the car. It's clear who the crazy person on that video was.
That is also a problem regarding the professionalism of the cop. He almost had the lady back where she needed to be when he lost it. With a little more persuasion the lady probably would have complied with putting her feet in the car and closing the door. She had complied to his other orders, with a little bit of persuasion.

I kind of wonder if the cop had a rough day and was void of patience at this point.
All cops are "impatient" with defiant, non compliant suspects.

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