Woman speeds then resists arrest and the officer is at fault!?

1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:

If you say you weigh 100 pounds, and you weigh 300, thats how far you were off...

And I see you conveniently ignored all the things leading up to that part. Doesn't work that way.

No, 2 seconds and 3 seconds are essentially the same. You are confusing other issues with what started it.

I'm not the one who is confused. Anyhoooo, one second is enough for someone to pull out a gun and kill you. Period. End of discussion.

BTW, you are invited to go join your local police department if you think it is such an easy job. Good luck.
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
The chief is a politician who must punish whitey for daring to tell the truth about black people. It had nothing to do with the arrest.
Go talk to your parish priest, you moron, and ask him for guidance on race issues.
Was it 2 seconds? Was the command not repeated? I think you're telling some fibs.

It is very plain in the video with better quality in post #8.

1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.
It is the point where the cop told her to stand up that he made a critical mistake. Upon this command he pulled her out of the car and wrestled with her. This was not professional because he did not give her the time or space to stand up upon her own.

He also could had been more professional if he had stated that if she did not cooperate by obeying his orders that he would have to physically restrain her and arrested her.

It is true that the lady was being a pain in the ass, but cops have to be professional anyway.
Was it 2 seconds? Was the command not repeated? I think you're telling some fibs.

It is very plain in the video with better quality in post #8.
"Stop resisting!" At least 8 times by my count.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Hey, intelligent people know that just because a cop says "stop resisting, that does not mean that they were resisting.

And another thing. He kept telling her to get out of the car while at the same time blocking the doorway. How could she get out when he was clearly blocking her way out?
3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

So AFTER 3 seconds of thinking about it, no one ends up complying? LOL
Nobody's given the option of "thinking about it". You're precisely the kind of idiot this is going to happen to. You're going to have an encounter with cops and you will immediately get an attitude going. I can't wait to see your stupid ass on Liveleak.
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:

If you say you weigh 100 pounds, and you weigh 300, thats how far you were off...

And I see you conveniently ignored all the things leading up to that part. Doesn't work that way.

No, 2 seconds and 3 seconds are essentially the same. You are confusing other issues with what started it.

I'm not the one who is confused. Anyhoooo, one second is enough for someone to pull out a gun and kill you. Period. End of discussion.

BTW, you are invited to go join your local police department if you think it is such an easy job. Good luck.

Again, that's not what we were talking about.
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:
It just keeps getting worse for you. 3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

You were never a cop. I was. Stop acting like you know police procedure.

Defending bad cops.

Likely because you were one of them.
One thing you need to understand. When an officer tells someone they are under arrest, and they do not comply, it is going to go badly. There is no "nice" way to take someone down.
I saw the whole thing. The woman was no threat to the police officer he who handled it wrongfully and unlawfully.

The APD already apologized, the guys is on restricted duties, the DA is looking at pressing criminal charges, and the first offer was $500K to her not to sue.

No threat? Anyone who resists instantly becomes a threat. I don't care if they are a male, female, white, black. Of course, once again, you seem to place NO blame on her behavior, which is 100% responsible for the officer having to use any kind of force. What happened after that can be debated, but not before that. 100% HER FAULT.
The police chief disagrees with your assessment, son. Just the way it is. You and your opinion just don't matter, the chief's does. You don't get to debate that and be taken seriously.
3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

So AFTER 3 seconds of thinking about it, no one ends up complying? LOL
Nobody's given the option of "thinking about it". You're precisely the kind of idiot this is going to happen to. You're going to have an encounter with cops and you will immediately get an attitude going. I can't wait to see your stupid ass on Liveleak.

It's just not realistic. You can't get EVERYONE to snap to orders in 3 seconds unless you hold a gun on them often enough or recruit them.
We had a cop like that in our hometown who acted that way. Once. He moved on once it was explained to him what would happen if he did it again. Smart guy.

Expectations and boundaries for police exclude acting like a storm trooper.
One thing you need to understand. When an officer tells someone they are under arrest, and they do not comply, it is going to go badly. There is no "nice" way to take someone down.
I saw the whole thing. The woman was no threat to the police officer he who handled it wrongfully and unlawfully.

The APD already apologized, the guys is on restricted duties, the DA is looking at pressing criminal charges, and the first offer was $500K to her not to sue.

No threat? Anyone who resists instantly becomes a threat. I don't care if they are a male, female, white, black. Of course, once again, you seem to place NO blame on her behavior, which is 100% responsible for the officer having to use any kind of force. What happened after that can be debated, but not before that. 100% HER FAULT.
The police chief disagrees with your assessment, son. Just the way it is. You and your opinion just don't matter, the chief's does. You don't get to debate that and be taken seriously.

how much experience do you have as a police officer?
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:
It just keeps getting worse for you. 3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

You were never a cop. I was. Stop acting like you know police procedure.

Defending bad cops.

Likely because you were one of them.
You're going to get tazed and slammed to the ground too. It's only a matter of time.
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:
It just keeps getting worse for you. 3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

You were never a cop. I was. Stop acting like you know police procedure.

Defending bad cops.

Likely because you were one of them.
You're going to get tazed and slammed to the ground too. It's only a matter of time.

Hopefully that shit is on video.
Common sense tells you to stay in your car, say "yes officer and no officer", be polite and don't be combative at all...

This woman should have never left her car, I don't care what color you are stay seated...

I have been pulled over in Austin for speeding by APD, PPD & WCS, APD gave me a warning twice, WCS gave me a warning and PPD gave me a ticket 97MPH in a 80MPH Zone, I was polite and at no time did they threaten me...

I have several friends from my younger days who didn't use this approach and they got what they deserved...

Be respectful and you will be fine, resist and anything is possible...

I think she was trying to go into a business establishment.

I find it unbelievable she didn't know he was pulling her over....

And if that is the truth, she should follow his instructions...
I saw the whole thing. The woman was no threat to the police officer he who handled it wrongfully and unlawfully.

The APD already apologized, the guys is on restricted duties, the DA is looking at pressing criminal charges, and the first offer was $500K to her not to sue.

And Austin citizens get to pick up the tab. Support the lack of training with your bucks!
3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

So AFTER 3 seconds of thinking about it, no one ends up complying? LOL
Nobody's given the option of "thinking about it". You're precisely the kind of idiot this is going to happen to. You're going to have an encounter with cops and you will immediately get an attitude going. I can't wait to see your stupid ass on Liveleak.

It's just not realistic. You can't get EVERYONE to snap to orders in 3 seconds unless you hold a gun on them often enough or recruit them.
Yes, anyone can follow instructions in 3 seconds or less. Taking longer than that is defiance.
3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

So AFTER 3 seconds of thinking about it, no one ends up complying? LOL
Nobody's given the option of "thinking about it". You're precisely the kind of idiot this is going to happen to. You're going to have an encounter with cops and you will immediately get an attitude going. I can't wait to see your stupid ass on Liveleak.

It's just not realistic. You can't get EVERYONE to snap to orders in 3 seconds unless you hold a gun on them often enough or recruit them.
Yes, anyone can follow instructions in 3 seconds or less. Taking longer than that is defiance.

That's why you police can't work with the public. You classify everyone.

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