Woman speeds then resists arrest and the officer is at fault!?

Common sense tells you to stay in your car, say "yes officer and no officer", be polite and don't be combative at all...

This woman should have never left her car, I don't care what color you are stay seated...

I have been pulled over in Austin for speeding by APD, PPD & WCS, APD gave me a warning twice, WCS gave me a warning and PPD gave me a ticket 97MPH in a 80MPH Zone, I was polite and at no time did they threaten me...

I have several friends from my younger days who didn't use this approach and they got what they deserved...

Be respectful and you will be fine, resist and anything is possible...
She tried to evade him,didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping.Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door.
That is suspicious behavior and frequently leads to running.
Do as requested and none of this would have happened.

1.The cop didn't have his sirens on when he pulled up. She might not have even known he was behind her and pulling her over.
Did you see the longer version of the tape I posted earlier?
She was on her lunch break, (she was going from her job, to her college campus, where she was working on her Master's Degree) obviously in a hurry. There's nothing indicating she knew she was being pulled over as she got out.

"didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping." She was headed into Wendy's, not shopping -- and how in the hell do you know she didn't have ten bucks in her pocket?

"Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door." In two seconds he said that, then grabbed her. Two fucking seconds.

He couldn't have taken a breath and given her a moment to process what the heck was happening and comply.

It's all on him -- that's why he will likely be fired. Good on the police chief for the apology.
Cop turned sirens and lights on I heard the siren the rest is wrong you listen and do as told not back talk take the ticket and fight it in court
Look again. The police chief said he did something wrong. Tell us what it was he did.
Like I said before Fakey.....I do not see where the policeman did anything wrong? You called me a liar. So I am graciously asking you to point out what part of the video shows police misconduct? It's a very simple request.
Thank you in advance. ...... :cool:
:) You are a liar. I told you what the police chief said. That's what you will follow, not your silly authoritarian anti-black anti-woman screed. Just the way it is. Won't change.
Yes. One man who wasn't there among many cops who see this video and back up the cop.

Police chiefs cease being police officers. They are politicians who will throw any number of cops under the bus for political expediency.
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.

Maybe because the chief position is a political position, and in certain departments, especially those with liberal Mayors, who appoint the Chief, they will throw their officers under the bus to cover their own ass.
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.

Maybe because the chief position is a political position, and in certain departments, especially those with liberal Mayors, who appoint the Chief, they will throw their officers under the bus to cover their own ass.
Also, maybe because the Chief knows their policies and laws more than we do.
I told you what the police chief said. That's what you will follow, not your silly authoritarian anti-black anti-woman screed. Just the way it is. Won't change.
Typical Fake Jake the faggot response.

Make an idiotic claim.....can't back it up.....then yells liar when confronted.

Fakey, you give fudge packers a bad name. ...... :gay:
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:
She tried to evade him,didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping.Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door.
That is suspicious behavior and frequently leads to running.
Do as requested and none of this would have happened.

1.The cop didn't have his sirens on when he pulled up. She might not have even known he was behind her and pulling her over.
Did you see the longer version of the tape I posted earlier?
She was on her lunch break, (she was going from her job, to her college campus, where she was working on her Master's Degree) obviously in a hurry. There's nothing indicating she knew she was being pulled over as she got out.

"didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping." She was headed into Wendy's, not shopping -- and how in the hell do you know she didn't have ten bucks in her pocket?

"Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door." In two seconds he said that, then grabbed her. Two fucking seconds.

He couldn't have taken a breath and given her a moment to process what the heck was happening and comply.

It's all on him -- that's why he will likely be fired. Good on the police chief for the apology.
Cop turned sirens and lights on I heard the siren the rest is wrong you listen and do as told not back talk take the ticket and fight it in court

Racist fuckstain LIAR.

The sirens were on for a second, going thru the intersections, when she was far up ahead of him/

No sirens when he pulled in.
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:

If you say you weigh 100 pounds, and you weigh 300, thats how far you were off...

And I see you conveniently ignored all the things leading up to that part. Doesn't work that way.
Maybe because the chief position is a political position, and in certain departments, especially those with liberal Mayors, who appoint the Chief, they will throw their officers under the bus to cover their own ass.
I'm not surprised.

Austin is a super liberal loon city.

An ugly blue dot in the middle of the beautiful red state of Texas. ...... :cool:
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.

Maybe because the chief position is a political position, and in certain departments, especially those with liberal Mayors, who appoint the Chief, they will throw their officers under the bus to cover their own ass.
Also, maybe because the Chief knows their policies and laws more than we do.

Like Hillary?
Common sense tells you to stay in your car, say "yes officer and no officer", be polite and don't be combative at all...

This woman should have never left her car, I don't care what color you are stay seated...

I have been pulled over in Austin for speeding by APD, PPD & WCS, APD gave me a warning twice, WCS gave me a warning and PPD gave me a ticket 97MPH in a 80MPH Zone, I was polite and at no time did they threaten me...

I have several friends from my younger days who didn't use this approach and they got what they deserved...

Be respectful and you will be fine, resist and anything is possible...

I think she was trying to go into a business establishment.
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:

If you say you weigh 100 pounds, and you weigh 300, thats how far you were off...

And I see you conveniently ignored all the things leading up to that part. Doesn't work that way.

No, 2 seconds and 3 seconds are essentially the same. You are confusing other issues with what started it.
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:
It just keeps getting worse for you. 3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

You were never a cop. I was. Stop acting like you know police procedure.
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:
It just keeps getting worse for you. 3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

You were never a cop. I was. Stop acting like you know police procedure.

You didn't answer my question. Should EVERYONE that won't comply with every order from a cop be arrested?
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:
It just keeps getting worse for you. 3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

You were never a cop. I was. Stop acting like you know police procedure.

You didn't answer my question. Should EVERYONE that won't comply with every order from a cop be arrested?
1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.

2:10 Finishes his command to close door

2:13 Decides to grab her

Ok it is 3 seconds :eek:
It just keeps getting worse for you. 3 seconds is a long time, sufficient to communicate to the cop she had no intention of complying.

You were never a cop. I was. Stop acting like you know police procedure.

You didn't answer my question. Should EVERYONE that won't comply with every order from a cop be arrested?


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