Woman speeds then resists arrest and the officer is at fault!?

Yes. 2 seconds is a long time to ignore police instructions. You have to be very drunk or very defiant.

It may be definance but often people are just a little stubborn.

Edit: I think I accidentally deleted my other comment making this one. Don't know how.

My other comment was:

So everyone that doesn't snap to orders in 2 seconds or less should be arrested?
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The resisting comes first, smarty. Then the throwing starts.

Not in this case. Watch the video with better quality in post #8.

She tried to evade him,didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping.Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door.
That is suspicious behavior and frequently leads to running.
Do as requested and none of this would have happened.
What's wrong with her having her feet hanging out of the car?
You have never been a cop. Cops give directions and you follow them. They are trained to head off combative behavior before it even begins. If the woman had followed instructions, none of this would have happened. In a sane world, her teaching credentials would have been immediately pulled and a restraining order applied to keep her away from children. It's this kind of example and teaching by irresponsible adults that's getting young, black men killed.

Want to stop all this? Teach black kids THE LAW OF CLUB AND FANG early on and fewer of them will find themselves on the wrong side of it.

Do you expect everyone to comply with such orders in 2 seconds or less like was the case here?
Yes. 2 seconds is a long time to ignore police instructions. You have to be very drunk or very defiant.

So everyone that doesn't snap to orders in 2 seconds or less should be arrested?
Was it 2 seconds? Was the command not repeated? I think you're telling some fibs.
What's wrong with her having her feet hanging out of the car?
You have never been a cop. Cops give directions and you follow them. They are trained to head off combative behavior before it even begins. If the woman had followed instructions, none of this would have happened. In a sane world, her teaching credentials would have been immediately pulled and a restraining order applied to keep her away from children. It's this kind of example and teaching by irresponsible adults that's getting young, black men killed.

Want to stop all this? Teach black kids THE LAW OF CLUB AND FANG early on and fewer of them will find themselves on the wrong side of it.

Do you expect everyone to comply with such orders in 2 seconds or less like was the case here?
Yes. 2 seconds is a long time to ignore police instructions. You have to be very drunk or very defiant.

So everyone that doesn't snap to orders in 2 seconds or less should be arrested?
She probably wasn't going to be arrested just patted down for his safety She got arrested when she decided to fight the officer
The resisting comes first, smarty. Then the throwing starts.

Not in this case. Watch the video with better quality in post #8.

She tried to evade him,didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping.Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door.
That is suspicious behavior and frequently leads to running.
Do as requested and none of this would have happened.

Quickie is an expert in police tactics, BTW.
I have been pulled over MANY times for speeding once I was doing close to 100 in a 65 racing a bmw I turned my vehicle off stick my hands out the window so the cop could see them and sad still as I waited for him to walk to my window I was polite and acknowledged I was being a meathead he asked for my license insurance and registration I handed it over and sat and waited for my ticket now he could have been a dick and arrested me or towed my car for racing or reckless driving and not wearing a seatbelt but he didn't bc I didn't act like an asshole
She tried to evade him,didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping.Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door.
That is suspicious behavior and frequently leads to running.
Do as requested and none of this would have happened.

Yea, he repeated the request while he grabbed her, but she only had two seconds to comply. Can you count to two? :lol:
"Officials are investigating an Austin police officer’s violent arrest of an African-American elementary school teacher who was twice thrown to the ground during a traffic stop for speeding and comments by a second officer who told her police are sometimes wary of blacks because of their “violent tendencies.”

Video from the previously unreported June 2015 incident was obtained by the American-Statesman and KVUE-TV this week. The video shows the traffic stop escalating rapidly in the seven seconds from when officer Bryan Richter, who is white, first gives a command to 26-year-old Breaion King to close her car door to when he forcibly removes her from the driver’s seat, pulls her across a vacant parking space and hurls her to the asphalt."

Violent arrest of teacher caught on video; officers face...

It's quite a disturbing video - from the dashcam:

It was just as disturbing to hear the conversation on racism that went on between another officer and the woman as she sat in the back in handcuffs.

The police chief has publicly apologized to the woman.

It would be interesting to see the video from the woman up on the sidewalk with her dog. You can see she stopped and started filming with her phone.
I have been pulled over MANY times for speeding once I was doing close to 100 in a 65 racing a bmw I turned my vehicle off stick my hands out the window so the cop could see them and sad still as I waited for him to walk to my window I was polite and acknowledged I was being a meathead he asked for my license insurance and registration I handed it over and sat and waited for my ticket now he could have been a dick and arrested me or towed my car for racing or reckless driving and not wearing a seatbelt but he didn't bc I didn't act like an asshole
And most importantly, you didn't immediately step out of the car like this role model for black children did. The situation was already being escalated when Jemima couldn't keep her stupid ass in the car.
"Officials are investigating an Austin police officer’s violent arrest of an African-American elementary school teacher who was twice thrown to the ground during a traffic stop for speeding and comments by a second officer who told her police are sometimes wary of blacks because of their “violent tendencies.”

Video from the previously unreported June 2015 incident was obtained by the American-Statesman and KVUE-TV this week. The video shows the traffic stop escalating rapidly in the seven seconds from when officer Bryan Richter, who is white, first gives a command to 26-year-old Breaion King to close her car door to when he forcibly removes her from the driver’s seat, pulls her across a vacant parking space and hurls her to the asphalt."

Violent arrest of teacher caught on video; officers face...

It's quite a disturbing video - from the dashcam:

It was just as disturbing to hear the conversation on racism that went on between another officer and the woman as she sat in the back in handcuffs.

The police chief has publicly apologized to the woman.

It would be interesting to see the video from the woman up on the sidewalk with her dog. You can see she stopped and started filming with her phone.
Yes. I'm sure her phone would have shown something different than this woman repeatedly ignoring commands and fighting the cop.

(Sarcasm alert)
Was it 2 seconds? Was the command not repeated? I think you're telling some fibs.

It is very plain in the video with better quality in post #8.
"Stop resisting!" At least 8 times by my count.

Stop lying, Leftists!

You lost track of the comments. We were talking about complying with the order to pick her feet up and close her door.
She had time to ask why and say seriously before he finally opened the door and took her out lot longer than 2 seconds
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
Was it 2 seconds? Was the command not repeated? I think you're telling some fibs.

It is very plain in the video with better quality in post #8.
"Stop resisting!" At least 8 times by my count.

Stop lying, Leftists!

You lost track of the comments. We were talking about complying with the order to pick her feet up and close her door.
She stepped out of the car, nitwit. That's what got this whole ball rolling. Her disposition was defiant from the start.
Was it 2 seconds? Was the command not repeated? I think you're telling some fibs.

It is very plain in the video with better quality in post #8.

1:26 - asks her to get back into the car because she is being pulled over.
1:36 - begins to get back in car

So, at this point, she has already shown signs she is not going to cooperate. In case you struggle with math, thats 10 seconds.

2:09 - tells her to take a seat back into the car so he can close the door
2:12 - asks her again to put her feet in the car

still non-compliant. Thats 3 seconds.

2:15 - tells her to stand up, she refuses, its on.

She had her chances, she was non-compliant at every step.
She tried to evade him,didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping.Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door.
That is suspicious behavior and frequently leads to running.
Do as requested and none of this would have happened.

1.The cop didn't have his sirens on when he pulled up. She might not have even known he was behind her and pulling her over.
Did you see the longer version of the tape I posted earlier?
She was on her lunch break, (she was going from her job, to her college campus, where she was working on her Master's Degree) obviously in a hurry. There's nothing indicating she knew she was being pulled over as she got out.

"didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping." She was headed into Wendy's, not shopping -- and how in the hell do you know she didn't have ten bucks in her pocket?

"Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door." In two seconds he said that, then grabbed her. Two fucking seconds.

He couldn't have taken a breath and given her a moment to process what the heck was happening and comply.

It's all on him -- that's why he will likely be fired. Good on the police chief for the apology.
All these people on this thread who see no problem with how the police reacted should contact that police dept. The Chief disagrees for some odd reason.
The chief is a politician who must punish whitey for daring to tell the truth about black people. It had nothing to do with the arrest.
Look again. The police chief said he did something wrong. Tell us what it was he did.
Like I said before Fakey.....I do not see where the policeman did anything wrong? You called me a liar. So I am graciously asking you to point out what part of the video shows police misconduct? It's a very simple request.
Thank you in advance. ...... :cool:
:) You are a liar. I told you what the police chief said. That's what you will follow, not your silly authoritarian anti-black anti-woman screed. Just the way it is. Won't change.

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