Woman Spits In Soldier's Face

She was sitting in the seat of a weapon used to defend the collective ideology of the peoples of Viet Nam. Period. She certainly supported the American Troops. She didn't support the premise of the WAR on very innocent peoples that were being decimated daily by innocently ignorant, even though American, soldiers and airmen that didn't actually have a dog in the fight to start with. What is it about this that you find so confusing?


Voicing her opposition to the Vietnam War?

Do you see what she is sitting on? It is an anti-aircraft gun that was used to shoot at our pilots. That is more than voicing an opposition to the war.

No, nothing amazing about it. Simple logic and generall understanding is all that is required. Maybe "amazing" would be a normal or average response for an imbecile or an otherwise ignoramous but not for those of us that were there and learned to truly love those peoples and their cultures even while WE were killing them and attempting to kill them ALL. I can quess that you probably aren't getting it, are you?


Pitiful excuse for American ideology. But, that's about all I can offer on this subject. Wonder why?

As for usual, you leave no doubt about your willingness to spit on anyone with whom you disagree, GunnyL.

I was spat upon several times in 1971 and 1972 as I returned, in uniform, from Viet Nam and each time by women. I understand that those that spat upon me then are now inclined to vote republican. I will not get into the psychology of that at this time with you. But your reaction to this dilemma is interesting.

There was a shameful end to the Viet Nam War by any standard. The most shame about it is that it was not necessary or advisable in the very first place. The second most shameful part of that American experience is that there are those who still do not understand the original sin there. The third most despicable thing is there are those who use the Viet Nam experience to justify the present War on no certain people or definable concept other than "Terror".

Equally despicable are those that rant on and on about the Islamic World, the Muslims, the extremists and the radicals without ever realizing they too are considered extreme and radical by most if not all that we now War against.

There is no doubt in my mind that I am speaking way beyond your comprehension so I'll shut up now and see what you have to say. You and I both fully support our troops. But I don't support any illegal or unjustified War and that is the difference between you and me.

As much as I might want to do so, I would never spit or encourage anyone else to spit on YOU.


Do you think you could possible have stuffed one more assumption or lie into this little peice of literary "art"?

The only dishonor that came the Vietnam war is the one you left-wingnutjobs keep perpetuating. Nixon bombed Hanoi into submission, we made an agreement, and we left. When N Vietnam broke the agreement, President Ford asked a Dem Congress for support and they refused funding. So if there's any blame to be had, it's you and your soul-mates in fucked-up idealism.

And don't give me that "I support the troops but not the war" bullshit. If you don't support what you, in your infinite wisdom squeezed out of your 3 brain cells, deem an "illegal war," then you do not support the troops.

You couldn't speak beyond my comprehension if I had 10 shots of Wild Turkey in an hour. Matter of fact, you're just about the biggest idiot I've ever encountered. It amazes me you somehow make it through life without getting your ass kicked on an hourly basis.
ZOOOOM!!!!! Right over your head!!!!!!!!! On que, you reveal your innattention and unending ignorance.

Do you think you could possible have stuffed one more assumption or lie into this little peice of literary "art"?

The only dishonor that came the Vietnam war is the one you left-wingnutjobs keep perpetuating. Nixon bombed Hanoi into submission, we made an agreement, and we left. When N Vietnam broke the agreement, President Ford asked a Dem Congress for support and they refused funding. So if there's any blame to be had, it's you and your soul-mates in fucked-up idealism.

And don't give me that "I support the troops but not the war" bullshit. If you don't support what you, in your infinite wisdom squeezed out of your 3 brain cells, deem an "illegal war," then you do not support the troops.

You couldn't speak beyond my comprehension if I had 10 shots of Wild Turkey in an hour. Matter of fact, you're just about the biggest idiot I've ever encountered. It amazes me you somehow make it through life without getting your ass kicked on an hourly basis.

Welcome to America

As for usual, you leave no doubt about your willingness to spit on anyone with whom you disagree, GunnyL.

I was spat upon several times in 1971 and 1972 as I returned, in uniform, from Viet Nam and each time by women. I understand that those that spat upon me then are now inclined to vote republican. I will not get into the psychology of that at this time with you. But your reaction to this dilemma is interesting.

There was a shameful end to the Viet Nam War by any standard. The most shame about it is that it was not necessary or advisable in the very first place. The second most shameful part of that American experience is that there are those who still do not understand the original sin there. The third most despicable thing is there are those who use the Viet Nam experience to justify the present War on no certain people or definable concept other than "Terror".

Equally despicable are those that rant on and on about the Islamic World, the Muslims, the extremists and the radicals without ever realizing they too are considered extreme and radical by most if not all that we now War against.

There is no doubt in my mind that I am speaking way beyond your comprehension so I'll shut up now and see what you have to say. You and I both fully support our troops. But I don't support any illegal or unjustified War and that is the difference between you and me.

As much as I might want to do so, I would never spit or encourage anyone else to spit on YOU.


Can you please just shut the fuck up :)
Well, to sum up MY feelings on this somewhat dated subject, and one, that I was forced to deal with on my return to the States in 1968.

There is NEVER a reason, good, bad, or otherwise, to spit in someones face.

The person doing the spitting is obviously a few bricks short of a full load, and should be ostracized.

To me, spitting in someones face is ASUALT, and should be treated as such, SWIFTLY, and to a degree, that others, that are thinking along the same lines modify their behavior.

Its totally disgusting, and without ANY socially redeeming value, nor does it convey a POINT.:eusa_hand:
Well, to sum up MY feelings on this somewhat dated subject, and one, that I was forced to deal with on my return to the States in 1968.

There is NEVER a reason, good, bad, or otherwise, to spit in someones face.

The person doing the spitting is obviously a few bricks short of a full load, and should be ostracized.

To me, spitting in someones face is ASUALT, and should be treated as such, SWIFTLY, and to a degree, that others, that are thinking along the same lines modify their behavior.

Its totally disgusting, and without ANY socially redeeming value, nor does it convey a POINT.:eusa_hand:

It's definately assault. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. The original article says she was charged with harrassment. She should have been charged with assault.
That silly bitch needs to be flogged. You don't spit in a soldier's face just because he was doing his/her duty. You don't spit in a soldier's face because the Commander In Chief is off his nut. You don't spit in a soldier's face...period.
I posted this article and my comment on a couple other forums, and got some interesting replys/comments. Some had me scratching my head. There were some semi-apologists for this woman, and other's wanted more background. Many resented any connection to a political "bent" or "anti-war" connection being inferred.

I know that we all have differing views on the war or any wars with some folks, but I really think that this is a sad commentary on a lot of folks, and how they view our military folks that "answer the call" regardless of their personal feelings might be.

I also give the soldier a lot of credit for keep his, "cool", and letting the proper authorities handle this "assault".

Hopefully this gal wasn't Hepatitus A, B, or C, positive.

Regards, Eightballsidepocket

Woman Spits in Soldier's Face
Jawa Report ^ | December 08, 2006 | Staff

Posted on 12/08/2006 3:07:49 PM PST by Anti-Bubba182

Syracuse radio station WFBL reports that Lauren Maggi, 35, of Thurber Street was charged with harassment for spitting in a soldier's face at Hancock Airport.

The incident happened over the Thanksgiving holiday. Maggi approached a soldier from the 10th Mountain Division, who apparently was not in uniform, and asked if he was a soldier. When he said yes, Maggi allegedly spit in his face.

WFBL's news service is supplied by television station WTVH, which has nothing posted yet about the incident on its website. Syracuse.com carries this blurb:

• Woman accused of spitting on soldier A Syracuse woman was charged after a Fort Drum soldier accused her of spitting on him without provocation at Hancock Airport, Syracuse police said.

On January 18 of this year, Lauren Maggi, 34, of Thurber Street, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

Someone tell me again about how the Left supports the troops, but not their mission.

Update: More details:

Jason Jones, 21, told police a woman he did not know walked up to him near the United Airlines ticket counter, asked him if he was a Fort Drum solider and, when he responded that he was, spat in his face.

Police searched the airport garage and located a woman fitting the description that Jones provided, who was later identified as Maggi. Police escorted her into the terminal, where Jones identified her as the woman who had spit on him. A second soldier on the scene supported Jones' accusation, police said.

Maggi offered no explanation for her conduct, police said. She could not be reached for comment Thursday night.

Relax, I'm sure its not the worse thing the guy has gone through.
Relax, I'm sure its not the worse thing the guy has gone through.

I truly don't know. Seems to me though, if I was a soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan I'd be expecting to be shot at or something. When I was coming home, while not 'fanfare' I don't think I'd be expecting spit. So yeah, it might be the worst.
Relax, I'm sure its not the worse thing the guy has gone through.

can i use that line when i spit in the face of an anti war protester?

i can see it now.....

"hey...relax i'm sure it is not the worse thing you have gone through...i mean you are pro choice right?"
Literary "art"? I doubt it. Your's is the art of deception and common misunderstanding. I voted for Nixon in 1968 because he promised to end the War in Viet Nam. I voted again in 1972 for Nixon as I perceived he was holding true to his promise but had not completely achieved it yet. The War was immoral. The War was against all that America stands for and the War was not taken well by the American peoples in light of the atrocities that began the War and continued through the War. It was not left-wingers that ended the war at all. It was the complicities of the right wingers that understood the idiocies and incompatibilities of genuine American interests in that stupid, immoral, illegal and incomprehensible War that ended it. As usual, I doubt if you actually know the history or the facts but jam on as if you did. I won't promise I will listen but you certainly have the right to jam on.


Do you think you could possible have stuffed one more assumption or lie into this little peice of literary "art"?

The only dishonor that came the Vietnam war is the one you left-wingnutjobs keep perpetuating. Nixon bombed Hanoi into submission, we made an agreement, and we left. When N Vietnam broke the agreement, President Ford asked a Dem Congress for support and they refused funding. So if there's any blame to be had, it's you and your soul-mates in fucked-up idealism.

And don't give me that "I support the troops but not the war" bullshit. If you don't support what you, in your infinite wisdom squeezed out of your 3 brain cells, deem an "illegal war," then you do not support the troops.

You couldn't speak beyond my comprehension if I had 10 shots of Wild Turkey in an hour. Matter of fact, you're just about the biggest idiot I've ever encountered. It amazes me you somehow make it through life without getting your ass kicked on an hourly basis.
Literary "art"? I doubt it. Your's is the art of deception and common misunderstanding. I voted for Nixon in 1968 because he promised to end the War in Viet Nam. I voted again in 1972 for Nixon as I perceived he was holding true to his promise but had not completely achieved it yet. The War was immoral. The War was against all that America stands for and the War was not taken well by the American peoples in light of the atrocities that began the War and continued through the War. It was not left-wingers that ended the war at all. It was the complicities of the right wingers that understood the idiocies and incompatibilities of genuine American interests in that stupid, immoral, illegal and incomprehensible War that ended it. As usual, I doubt if you actually know the history or the facts but jam on as if you did. I won't promise I will listen but you certainly have the right to jam on.


LOL. Get a life. One that includes a functioning brain.

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