Woman stops attack after getting hit in face...uses gun..no shots fired...

So....anti gun nuts like the Colorado Congresswoman, and President obama say that women are unable to use guns effectively to defend themselves...so they don't need them.....

This woman shows that even ambushed, struck in the face with a blunt object, and facing a large, aggressive male.....whose intent very likely included rape, and robbery and possibly murder.....used a gun to drive him off...and never fired a shot....

Woman Scares off Assailant With Stick. Just Kidding, it was a gun.

Just before 7pm on Wednesday night, a 29 year-old woman had gathered up her dog and headed outside to… well, to let her dog do what dogs do.

Upon her first step outside her Minot, North Dakota home, she was hit solidly in the face with a blunt object, knocking her backward down the stairs and into her home.

Her assailant followed her into her home and started to approach her, but the woman had made it to a cabinet where she retrieved a handgun to protect herself and her home.

When confronted with the firearm, the violent intruder and would-be robber/rapist/murderer fled the scene.

The smart, independent, gun-owning woman did not require medical attention, most likely due to the fact that she was able to pull a weapon on her assailant to end the attack.

Okay anti gun nuts....here is where your beliefs meet the rubber to the road....

Imagine I have magic, anti gun nut, pixie dust. This pixie dust allows me to send anti gunners back in time...and by going back in time, they can disarm this woman...take her gun just before she is attacked.....since allowing her to have this gun is unecessary...right?

If this were possible...would you go back in time and disarm this woman...?

Let me say this...I know most of you will not comment...because you are cowards....but there is always hope...

Thank you 2aguy
I'm sure there are a lot more stories that happen this way, so thanks for posting one!

As for anti-gun folks, the only argument I could think of would be that
the woman's use of a gun did not stop this man from going to attack someone else.
he is still criminally ill, and the problem of mental illness is not addressed by guns or punishment.

We still need to address how to diagnose and treat mental illness
BEFORE anyone goes out to attack, like addressing alcoholic addiction BEFORE
someone gets in a car. Or actually has a wreck and hurts or kills someone.

So in addition to deterrence we STILL need to address the root cause of the attacker's mental illness.



If you really want to stop crime, gun violence, the death penalty, police brutality, prison abuses,
then you would support CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL HEALING that cures mental, criminal and physical illness.

see resources for medical research: freespiritualhealing

Especially if you are a liberal who wants to afford health care universally for all,
you would support converting prisons into medical schools and facilities by
research into and public access to spiritual healing that is free, natural and would cut costs of
disease, crime, prison and medical expenses so the public could afford to take care of entire populations
with the same resources currently wasted on failed prison and mental health systems. Thank you!
Christianity does not heal mental illness. In fact it doesn't heal anything except our relationship to God through Christ crucified and risen. People who suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar, or other crippling mental illnesses continue in those conditions just like those with physical disabilities when they come to Christ. Though God can and sometimes does intervene with miracles, Christianity is about uniting our suffering with Christ's and looking with hope to the day when he will make all things whole again.

Dear saintmichaeldefendthem
I think we are both talking about the same thing but saying it differently.

The forgiveness process and receiving of healing taught in Christian healing ministry DOES physically mentally and spiritually change, cure and heal people's mind body spirit and relationships.

It is all of the above, it heals us spiritually and in relation to each other.
And the process also rejuvenates and restores the natural healing energy and process where the mind and body are designed to heal themselves. The forgiveness and removal of blockages merely restores that process by identifying areas of obstruction, where people CHOOSE to ask help to CHANGE those areas so this allows more healing to flow.

Healing Is Yours. Alternative Medicine Healing Ministry.
"HEALING" by Francis MacNutt
"The Healing Light" by Agnes Sanford

And about healing schizophrenia and mental illness,
people cured of schizophrenia and suicidal depression are
cited in the book on HEALING, and also two cases of treating
incureable schizophrenic patients are written up in Scott Peck's
books Glimpses of the Devil and People of the Lie. he found out
these exorcism/deliverance/spiritual healing methods used by priests
actually worked to remove demonic voices obsessions and personalities
from the minds/spirits of schizophrenic patient so they could return to normal and comply with therapy and treatment to be successfully cured.

It's not just "feeling better spiritually' while remaining sick.
Most people actually do improve physically as well and some report complete cure on a miraculous level beyond what we are used to seeing.

When my friend Olivia prays to help people receive healing,
their minds and bodies change and start facilitating the healing process
instead of fighting or blocking it.

She uses the same methods in the books mentioned above that Dr. Francis MacNutt, Dr. Phillip Goldfedder and Dr. Peck also used to cure mental and physical illnesses.

it's about enhancing and boosting the mind and body's natural self-healing process by praying to forgive and remove any fear, unforgiveness, unresolved issues or other stress/obstructions in the way.
So....anti gun nuts like the Colorado Congresswoman, and President obama say that women are unable to use guns effectively to defend themselves...so they don't need them.....

This woman shows that even ambushed, struck in the face with a blunt object, and facing a large, aggressive male.....whose intent very likely included rape, and robbery and possibly murder.....used a gun to drive him off...and never fired a shot....

Woman Scares off Assailant With Stick. Just Kidding, it was a gun.

Just before 7pm on Wednesday night, a 29 year-old woman had gathered up her dog and headed outside to… well, to let her dog do what dogs do.

Upon her first step outside her Minot, North Dakota home, she was hit solidly in the face with a blunt object, knocking her backward down the stairs and into her home.

Her assailant followed her into her home and started to approach her, but the woman had made it to a cabinet where she retrieved a handgun to protect herself and her home.

When confronted with the firearm, the violent intruder and would-be robber/rapist/murderer fled the scene.

The smart, independent, gun-owning woman did not require medical attention, most likely due to the fact that she was able to pull a weapon on her assailant to end the attack.

Okay anti gun nuts....here is where your beliefs meet the rubber to the road....

Imagine I have magic, anti gun nut, pixie dust. This pixie dust allows me to send anti gunners back in time...and by going back in time, they can disarm this woman...take her gun just before she is attacked.....since allowing her to have this gun is unecessary...right?

If this were possible...would you go back in time and disarm this woman...?

Let me say this...I know most of you will not comment...because you are cowards....but there is always hope...

Thank you 2aguy
I'm sure there are a lot more stories that happen this way, so thanks for posting one!

As for anti-gun folks, the only argument I could think of would be that
the woman's use of a gun did not stop this man from going to attack someone else.
he is still criminally ill, and the problem of mental illness is not addressed by guns or punishment.

We still need to address how to diagnose and treat mental illness
BEFORE anyone goes out to attack, like addressing alcoholic addiction BEFORE
someone gets in a car. Or actually has a wreck and hurts or kills someone.

So in addition to deterrence we STILL need to address the root cause of the attacker's mental illness.



If you really want to stop crime, gun violence, the death penalty, police brutality, prison abuses,
then you would support CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL HEALING that cures mental, criminal and physical illness.

see resources for medical research: freespiritualhealing

Especially if you are a liberal who wants to afford health care universally for all,
you would support converting prisons into medical schools and facilities by
research into and public access to spiritual healing that is free, natural and would cut costs of
disease, crime, prison and medical expenses so the public could afford to take care of entire populations
with the same resources currently wasted on failed prison and mental health systems. Thank you!
Christianity does not heal mental illness. In fact it doesn't heal anything except our relationship to God through Christ crucified and risen. People who suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar, or other crippling mental illnesses continue in those conditions just like those with physical disabilities when they come to Christ. Though God can and sometimes does intervene with miracles, Christianity is about uniting our suffering with Christ's and looking with hope to the day when he will make all things whole again.

Dear saintmichaeldefendthem
I think we are both talking about the same thing but saying it differently.

The forgiveness process and receiving of healing taught in Christian healing ministry DOES physically mentally and spiritually change, cure and heal people's mind body spirit and relationships.

It is all of the above, it heals us spiritually and in relation to each other.
And the process also rejuvenates and restores the natural healing energy and process where the mind and body are designed to heal themselves. The forgiveness and removal of blockages merely restores that process by identifying areas of obstruction, where people CHOOSE to ask help to CHANGE those areas so this allows more healing to flow.

Healing Is Yours. Alternative Medicine Healing Ministry.
"HEALING" by Francis MacNutt
"The Healing Light" by Agnes Sanford

And about healing schizophrenia and mental illness,
people cured of schizophrenia and suicidal depression are
cited in the book on HEALING, and also two cases of treating
incureable schizophrenic patients are written up in Scott Peck's
books Glimpses of the Devil and People of the Lie. he found out
these exorcism/deliverance/spiritual healing methods used by priests
actually worked to remove demonic voices obsessions and personalities
from the minds/spirits of schizophrenic patient so they could return to normal and comply with therapy and treatment to be successfully cured.

It's not just "feeling better spiritually' while remaining sick.
Most people actually do improve physically as well and some report complete cure on a miraculous level beyond what we are used to seeing.

When my friend Olivia prays to help people receive healing,
their minds and bodies change and start facilitating the healing process
instead of fighting or blocking it.

She uses the same methods in the books mentioned above that Dr. Francis MacNutt, Dr. Phillip Goldfedder and Dr. Peck also used to cure mental and physical illnesses.

it's about enhancing and boosting the mind and body's natural self-healing process by praying to forgive and remove any fear, unforgiveness, unresolved issues or other stress/obstructions in the way.
Wow, so there are no crazy people in the Church? The schizophrenic I know who has prayed over and over for healing, did she not have enough faith or did she not use the right incantation? Or perhaps she should have claimed it like a lottery winning or personified her illness as a demon and taken authority over it, huh?

"Faith healing" ministries are nothing more than a scheme to separate desperate people from their money by peddling false hope. With rare exception, God leaves us to suffer infirmity like he did to St. Paul and works even greater miracles through our weakness. Crazy people still suffer the same dysfunction of the mind, diabetics still take insulin, and the paraplegic will never walk. They have faith in God in spite of their obstacles and God never fleeces them like Francis Macnutt or Phillip Goldfetter.

That's real faith and they will someday get their reward in heaven while the con artists go to hell.
I'm sure there are a lot more stories that happen this way, so thanks for posting one!

5000 times each and every day. Hard to believe isn't it?
Remarkably hard as in, yep, bullshit.

Dear PaintMyHouse
I can tell you another account like this that happened next door in the historic district right next to mine.

Weeks before the incident, the homeowner who is a very meek man, or was before he had to kill someone, suddenly decided he needed to buy a gun and train himself to use it. He and his wife had a young child at home, and something told him it would be a good idea to have some extra security.

Within weeks of buying a gun and going through the proper training and licensing, a strange incident occurred. A couple of men in a van were casing the neighborhood and pretended to be looking for their lost dog. They were really scouting out the place. They returned later, where one of the men broke through the front door swinging a baseball bat and came after the homeowner who commanded him to stop, at gunpoint. But the intruder kept lunging forward, and appeared to be high on PCP or other drugs. So the homeowner, after warning him he would shoot, had no choice but to shoot and kill this man to defend his home and family. He was extremely traumatized by the incident. And they had to move afterwards.

It was sad that a man who turned out to be a personal trainer, and possible hired by an unknown third party to go harass this man out of retaliation, ended up dead when this man who did it was not the type to shoot and kill anyone. He was the last person I would think of to end up in such a situation, because it seems so outside his nature as a completely gentle and unassuming man.

But the happy ending to the story is that when they sold the house, someone bought it who was a Second Amendment advocate, didn't mind that someone had died in the house, and actually was proud of that history and not afraid or ashamed of it, and paid a good price for the house. It didn't lower the value, but added to it in the eyes of the new owner. So that part worked out.

Who knows what would have happened if the man didn't have a gun and couldn't stop the intruder who was much larger, and more physically strong and developed.

If all he was after was to threaten and beat up the man, then perhaps nobody needed to die. But what if the injuries he inflicted caused the man to die later. Perhaps it still would end up worse off. So maybe it was better to shoot and kill the man the minute he refused to stop, and not take that risk of worse injury or death. What if he would have attacked the wife and child also, who knows what he intended to do or was paid to do, or why this guy went after this family.

In any case, I think this is another example of why guns are necessary for defense of person, property and household. Until we get a grip on screening and treating criminal abuse, addiction and illness in advance BEFORE confrontations happen, they are going to occur. And most people are not big enough or trained enough to fight off an intruder barehandedly. So guns help to equalize the defense, as in the case of this man who was very slight in build and meek in nature, and was no match to huge professional trainer high on PCP who was charged up where nothing could stop him.

I do feel bad for whoever set him up to do this job that got him killed, if that's what was behind it. Perhaps it was just a random home invasion and robbery, but from the description he seemed to be going after the man specifically. Since the attacker had no criminal background or record, but seemed to be a regular working family man, it seemed more likely that someone hired him and set him up. so for that part, I agree that more needs to be done to address the root of the criminal intent and behavior itself, and not rely on guns which are only for defense after it escalates beyond control.

I think it is clear that BOTH are necessary. Guns are not a replacement for addressing the mental and criminal issues head on at the root cause; but just working on the preventative side is not enough to guarantee safety in real life situations where violent confrontations do erupt. We need BOTH.
Last edited:
So....anti gun nuts like the Colorado Congresswoman, and President obama say that women are unable to use guns effectively to defend themselves...so they don't need them.....

This woman shows that even ambushed, struck in the face with a blunt object, and facing a large, aggressive male.....whose intent very likely included rape, and robbery and possibly murder.....used a gun to drive him off...and never fired a shot....

Woman Scares off Assailant With Stick. Just Kidding, it was a gun.

Just before 7pm on Wednesday night, a 29 year-old woman had gathered up her dog and headed outside to… well, to let her dog do what dogs do.

Upon her first step outside her Minot, North Dakota home, she was hit solidly in the face with a blunt object, knocking her backward down the stairs and into her home.

Her assailant followed her into her home and started to approach her, but the woman had made it to a cabinet where she retrieved a handgun to protect herself and her home.

When confronted with the firearm, the violent intruder and would-be robber/rapist/murderer fled the scene.

The smart, independent, gun-owning woman did not require medical attention, most likely due to the fact that she was able to pull a weapon on her assailant to end the attack.

Okay anti gun nuts....here is where your beliefs meet the rubber to the road....

Imagine I have magic, anti gun nut, pixie dust. This pixie dust allows me to send anti gunners back in time...and by going back in time, they can disarm this woman...take her gun just before she is attacked.....since allowing her to have this gun is unecessary...right?

If this were possible...would you go back in time and disarm this woman...?

Let me say this...I know most of you will not comment...because you are cowards....but there is always hope...

Thank you 2aguy
I'm sure there are a lot more stories that happen this way, so thanks for posting one!

As for anti-gun folks, the only argument I could think of would be that
the woman's use of a gun did not stop this man from going to attack someone else.
he is still criminally ill, and the problem of mental illness is not addressed by guns or punishment.

We still need to address how to diagnose and treat mental illness
BEFORE anyone goes out to attack, like addressing alcoholic addiction BEFORE
someone gets in a car. Or actually has a wreck and hurts or kills someone.

So in addition to deterrence we STILL need to address the root cause of the attacker's mental illness.



If you really want to stop crime, gun violence, the death penalty, police brutality, prison abuses,
then you would support CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL HEALING that cures mental, criminal and physical illness.

see resources for medical research: freespiritualhealing

Especially if you are a liberal who wants to afford health care universally for all,
you would support converting prisons into medical schools and facilities by
research into and public access to spiritual healing that is free, natural and would cut costs of
disease, crime, prison and medical expenses so the public could afford to take care of entire populations
with the same resources currently wasted on failed prison and mental health systems. Thank you!
Christianity does not heal mental illness. In fact it doesn't heal anything except our relationship to God through Christ crucified and risen. People who suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar, or other crippling mental illnesses continue in those conditions just like those with physical disabilities when they come to Christ. Though God can and sometimes does intervene with miracles, Christianity is about uniting our suffering with Christ's and looking with hope to the day when he will make all things whole again.

Dear saintmichaeldefendthem
I think we are both talking about the same thing but saying it differently.

The forgiveness process and receiving of healing taught in Christian healing ministry DOES physically mentally and spiritually change, cure and heal people's mind body spirit and relationships.

It is all of the above, it heals us spiritually and in relation to each other.
And the process also rejuvenates and restores the natural healing energy and process where the mind and body are designed to heal themselves. The forgiveness and removal of blockages merely restores that process by identifying areas of obstruction, where people CHOOSE to ask help to CHANGE those areas so this allows more healing to flow.

Healing Is Yours. Alternative Medicine Healing Ministry.
"HEALING" by Francis MacNutt
"The Healing Light" by Agnes Sanford

And about healing schizophrenia and mental illness,
people cured of schizophrenia and suicidal depression are
cited in the book on HEALING, and also two cases of treating
incureable schizophrenic patients are written up in Scott Peck's
books Glimpses of the Devil and People of the Lie. he found out
these exorcism/deliverance/spiritual healing methods used by priests
actually worked to remove demonic voices obsessions and personalities
from the minds/spirits of schizophrenic patient so they could return to normal and comply with therapy and treatment to be successfully cured.

It's not just "feeling better spiritually' while remaining sick.
Most people actually do improve physically as well and some report complete cure on a miraculous level beyond what we are used to seeing.

When my friend Olivia prays to help people receive healing,
their minds and bodies change and start facilitating the healing process
instead of fighting or blocking it.

She uses the same methods in the books mentioned above that Dr. Francis MacNutt, Dr. Phillip Goldfedder and Dr. Peck also used to cure mental and physical illnesses.

it's about enhancing and boosting the mind and body's natural self-healing process by praying to forgive and remove any fear, unforgiveness, unresolved issues or other stress/obstructions in the way.
Wow, so there are no crazy people in the Church? The schizophrenic I know who has prayed over and over for healing, did she not have enough faith or did she not use the right incantation? Or perhaps she should have claimed it like a lottery winning or personified her illness as a demon and taken authority over it, huh?

"Faith healing" ministries are nothing more than a scheme to separate desperate people from their money by peddling false hope. With rare exception, God leaves us to suffer infirmity like he did to St. Paul and works even greater miracles through our weakness. Crazy people still suffer the same dysfunction of the mind, diabetics still take insulin, and the paraplegic will never walk. They have faith in God in spite of their obstacles and God never fleeces them like Francis Macnutt or Phillip Goldfetter.

That's real faith and they will someday get their reward in heaven while the con artists go to hell.

Hi saintmichaeldefendthem Thanks for clarifying where you are coming from.
1. faith healing that is based on DECLARING and COMMANDING things without changing the dynamics and doing the work behind it is indeed FRAUDULENT and malpractice.

2. that is NOT what is meant by REAL spiritual healing that is natural and effective and works with science and medicine.

Nobody just COMMANDS X Y Z to happen and expects results.
That is like commanding a person to suddenly magically lose weight without doing the
diet changes, exercise, and mental changes to habit and thinking that are necessary for the longrun.

with REAL spiritual healing, the person has to go through their personal and generational history and agree to FORGIVE and REMOVE anything that is causing the negative patterns to repeat and block the process of moving and growing forward.

it is like the difference between someone "promising they will stop drinking"
and someone really doing the FORGIVENESS work to go through their childhood background,
and clean up all the fear and resentment, issues with parents or past relations, that fuels their
addiction to drink as an escape or coverup for whatever they weren't resolving and carrying around.

There IS NOT "fakery" or "placebo" effect that can simulate
the same results that people get from TRULY FORGIVING
as in letting God in to take that away from us which we will hold onto and will not let go and forgive.

it takes nothing short of DIVINE INTERVENTION to get people to let go, forgive, heal and change.

have you met anyone that changed from a complete drug or alcoholic addict to someone
completely free of any fear or addiction or issue from the past?
have you ever met someone who used to be a gang leader, drug dealer or hardened criminal
who changed and became an open compassionate community volunteer and counselor
who no longer was driven by any fear or guilt from the past, but is completely
"made new" and lives and gives out out pure love with no conditions expectations or strings attached.

That is how to tell the difference if someone is spiritually healed.
They have no fear, no unforgiveness, no issue they aren't afraid to confront talk about or resolve,
and they are willing to work with and include everyone because they have no more fear or conditions

You can't fake that, saintmichaeldefendthem

If someone is a fraud, yes, they will hold onto Conditions and project and demand/command
things based on conditions and expectations.

The true spiritual healers DO NOT DICTATE THE PROCESS but just ask God's help to bring in the healing (and the exorcist types will not command God to do anything, but will command demons to obey Christ authority and depart and leave and return to the Lord to be dealt with, without dictating what that is since it is up to God not us). God's will is what is already in charge of the process, so nobody dictates that or commands/demands it to be one way or another.

If you read the book on HEALING it explains the difference between the faith healing where people make the mistake of trying to command or dictate the process, which is not "unconditional."
Versus being unconditional and accepting to receive God's will and any healing in accordance with it.

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