Woman threatens president; Not guily by insanity; Buys gun, tries to shoot school!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?
In 2005 she threatened the President (Bush)... That would make her a Liberal.

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?

Follow the already existing laws. They should have reported her mental ruling to the federal Government so that she could not buy a firearm. You see it is already illegal to do so if judged mentally deficient. Either the State did not report it or someone in the system did not put her in the system. Pretty simple concept.
'incidents' have always been, are, and will always be a part of life

And it seems like the court system is the one with a flaw... I know, let's give it some more power and throw more money at it
In 2005 she threatened the President (Bush)... That would make her a Liberal.

Haha, so? An insane liberal w a gun is just as dangerous as an insane conservative w a gun!

Actually, one of her gripes was that she hates "feminists": [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQsAA01oZEs]BREAKING; Armed Gunwoman 'Alice Boland' Tried To Murder Head Master At School - YouTube[/ame]

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?

these things have always been a part of modern life, like car accidents, house fires, and work accidents. The only difference is some people have an goal (disarm the normal people) and keep things like this in the media spotlight to push thier political agenda.

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?

Follow the already existing laws. They should have reported her mental ruling to the federal Government so that she could not buy a firearm. You see it is already illegal to do so if judged mentally deficient. Either the State did not report it or someone in the system did not put her in the system. Pretty simple concept.

They didnt have to. She reported it herself, when she plead insanity in a Federal Court in 2005! It wasnt the state. The federal government already knew about it.

The problem? Unless a person is actually admitted to a mental institute, their mental illness isnt on a background check.

Alice Boland wasnt committed to an institute, because well, we rarely do that anymore. Liberals dont like the social act of doing it; Conservatives just dont like having to fund it.

THus, we get Alice Boland.
So what? Sounds like just another liberal nut.

So, you think its ok that person can plead insanity in a federal court; Then walk out and go buy a gun to do what they wish with?

BTW, its not fair to call this whackjob a liberal or conservative; But for the record, her biggest gripe was "feminists", and Ashley Hall is considered a fairly liberal "feminist" leaning school.

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?

50 years ago this person would have been put in a psyco ward. Today we try to normalize the oddballs. This is why "gay" marriage is even an issue. There is no logical definition for NORMAL today, and we try to get everyone one to fit. This can't always be the case. The younger generation of the 1960's, sex indulgent, drug experimenting, hypsters, of the now/me generation --- are now the Presidants, Congressmen, Senators, lawyers, etc... They really have no clue. They just think they've made it and can do whatever...:eusa_whistle:
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So what? Sounds like just another liberal nut.

So, you think its ok that person can plead insanity in a federal court; Then walk out and go buy a gun to do what they wish with?

BTW, its not fair to call this whackjob a liberal or conservative; But for the record, her biggest gripe was "feminists", and Ashley Hall is considered a fairly liberal "feminist" leaning school.

Would you call someone who threatened Obama a conservative? Of course you would, and it's completely fair to call this nut who threatened Bush in 2005 a Liberal.

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?

Any armed guard or teacher at the school would have been very helpful like the NRA suggested!
So what? Sounds like just another liberal nut.

So, you think its ok that person can plead insanity in a federal court; Then walk out and go buy a gun to do what they wish with?

BTW, its not fair to call this whackjob a liberal or conservative; But for the record, her biggest gripe was "feminists", and Ashley Hall is considered a fairly liberal "feminist" leaning school.

Would you call someone who threatened Obama a conservative? Of course you would, and it's completely fair to call this nut who threatened Bush in 2005 a Liberal.

No. I've been consistent on that. Anyone dumb enough to do that is just pure insane, and should not be lumped in with more rational people of either side.

Her gripe is actually that she hates "feminists". Which, seems would be more of a right wing stance, since Limbaugh and the right love to bash on feminism.

But she is not a con or lib. She is just a crazy ass person who belongs locked up.

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?

Any armed guard or teacher at the school would have been very helpful like the NRA suggested!

They would've needed the reflexes of a Navy SEAL. She presented the gun at the gate, amongst the crowd of kids and teachers, without warning. She could've had the 1st magazine empty by the time an "armed guard" had time to process the "OH SHIT" moment and reacted.

Plus, imagine this: This school is about 2 blocks from the PD. The report was a "white woman with a gun, shooting at people". Imagine if a few other white women with guns (teachers) drew and were in a gunfight with this lunatic.

And cops show up, and see 4-5 white women with guns trading shots.

That aint gonna end well, is it?
the problem is she threatened bush, which wasn't a big deal. If she threatened obama, she would still be in jail. Is the guy that made that film obama failed trying to pass blame on bengazi, out of jail yet? Just saying.

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?

We should all agree that there should things done on both sides.
Common sense items I believe should be in place.
(1) Universal Background checks with a mandatory waiting period: Guns in the wrong hands are DANGEROUS no one can argue that. We should do things to make sure they aren't sold to people who might be dangerous. If there are inconveniences gun owners like myself so be it.
(2) FOID cards - If you are for voter ID laws, then I don't see how you can be against a gun owner card. In Illinois you have to get one. I think hated the long process, but I think it's an important one to make sure illegals, people on the run and ex-cons can obtain guns or ammo.
(3) End the Gun Shows: It's too easy for fraud and other misdeeds.
(4) Mandatory wi/24 report of lost or missing gun to the police UPON NOTICE OF LOST OR MISSING: Or face vicarious liability and/or criminal charges for anything done by that gun.
(5) Teacher/Professor conceal carry: Allow teachers to carry firearms. Vigorous background check, high level of training, high standard of carry, etc.
(6) Armed Guards in Schools: Some exemptions for small rural schools with small budgets, teachers can be "deputized."
'incidents' have always been, are, and will always be a part of life

And it seems like the court system is the one with a flaw... I know, let's give it some more power and throw more money at it

Dave's easy answer to all of lifes questions: Do nothing

Really cant even make this shit up.

Alice Boland has a history of mental illness, her parents say. In 2005, she was arrested for threatening to shoot the president, and made the threats to US Customs officers. She was charged, and plead not guilty by reasons of mental illness. The court agreed, and the charged was dropped. She openly admitted mental illness in a federal court.

So, she then goes to a gun store last year, and buys a pistol. Ooops.

And shows up to an all girls prep school, Ashley Hall, which she has no ties to. She approaches school staff, points the gun and begins trying to fire. Ooops. She forgot to take the safety off, the cops say.

In her bond court, she is argumentive with the judge, asking how can she be charged? She says "how do you know i was trying to shoot someone?" She asks "How do you know I wasnt just shooting randomly, and not at a person?"

We are either gonna just have to accept the fact that these incidents are now a part of US life; Or we're gonna have to make some changes. Which is it?

We should all agree that there should things done on both sides.
Common sense items I believe should be in place.
(1) Universal Background checks with a mandatory waiting period: Guns in the wrong hands are DANGEROUS no one can argue that. We should do things to make sure they aren't sold to people who might be dangerous. If there are inconveniences gun owners like myself so be it.
(2) FOID cards - If you are for voter ID laws, then I don't see how you can be against a gun owner card. In Illinois you have to get one. I think hated the long process, but I think it's an important one to make sure illegals, people on the run and ex-cons can obtain guns or ammo.
(3) End the Gun Shows: It's too easy for fraud and other misdeeds.
(4) Mandatory wi/24 report of lost or missing gun to the police UPON NOTICE OF LOST OR MISSING: Or face vicarious liability and/or criminal charges for anything done by that gun.
(5) Teacher/Professor conceal carry: Allow teachers to carry firearms. Vigorous background check, high level of training, high standard of carry, etc.
(6) Armed Guards in Schools: Some exemptions for small rural schools with small budgets, teachers can be "deputized."

Fine, but next time before you post something, i want you to wait 3 days for some government flunky to review your post, and make sure you are capabale of using your 1st amendment rights.

And NONE of these things should even be considered until I get my rights as a New York State citizen given back to me. In this state only the police and government flunkies get to defend themselves and thier families, the rest of us have to wait for "help" to arrive.

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