Woman Trapped On Deserted Island For 7 Years

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Google Earth Finds Woman Trapped On Deserted Island For 7 Years | News-Hound

In 2007, Gemma Sheridan and 2 friends set out on a voyage that was to take them from their home town of Liverpool, across the Atlantic to the Panama Canal and then onwards to the beautiful island of Hawaii.

The first stage of the voyage went without incident. However, after passing through the Panama Canal and into the Pacific, things started to take a turn for the worse.

There was a huge storm that took out the boats electronics and washed her 2 friends overboard and seriously damaged her boat. Without any electronics and with a damaged boat, Gemma drifted for 17 days until she was hit by another major storm. During the storm, Gemma was knocked unconscious and the rest is history.

Gemma awoke on a beach, surrounded by wreckage from her boat. ...


Amazing that she was found by Google Earth.

And, what a story. Heck, Tom Hanks only had to survive 4 years!

Okay, so if it were you, would you survive?
snopes.com: Google Earth Finds Woman Trapped on Deserted Island for 7 Years
^I found this on SNOPES^

CaféAuLait;8811261 said:
Its a hoax.


Link please.

Never mind, I'll go hunting.

I was disappointed this wasn't true, and we'd have a real life survivor story instead of the prefabricated garbage made up for TV.


here's the story of the young sailor who had to be rescued from a voyage,
costing Australia a million dollars alone for their part of the efforts.

I was touched to hear about the maritime policy of
rescuing anyone stranded at sea at no cost.

I thought it would be nice to return the favor by
helping Australia with a million dollar fundraiser toward
saving ocean wildlife or other indigenous species in that region of the world.
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Well, if this was real

most of us would die.

we 'need' food, water, shelter

food wouldn't be that hard. coconuts, crabs, maybe some clams and snakes.

fresh water? probably not on an island, and with 3 days to find it.

shelter, unless you have tools, most of us don't have the knowledge of how to make stone tools, let alone the stone there being usable.

but if you could find water and shelter, you could live to old age, assuming you don't get sick or hurt
I should have listened when my little voice screamed at the phrase, "... drifted for 17 days ...".

Google Earth Finds Woman Trapped On Deserted Island For 7 Years | News-Hound

In 2007, Gemma Sheridan and 2 friends set out on a voyage that was to take them from their home town of Liverpool, across the Atlantic to the Panama Canal and then onwards to the beautiful island of Hawaii.

The first stage of the voyage went without incident. However, after passing through the Panama Canal and into the Pacific, things started to take a turn for the worse.

There was a huge storm that took out the boats electronics and washed her 2 friends overboard and seriously damaged her boat. Without any electronics and with a damaged boat, Gemma drifted for 17 days until she was hit by another major storm. During the storm, Gemma was knocked unconscious and the rest is history.

Gemma awoke on a beach, surrounded by wreckage from her boat. ...

Amazing that she was found by Google Earth.

And, what a story. Heck, Tom Hanks only had to survive 4 years!

Okay, so if it were you, would you survive?

I wopuld love to believe that this story is true, but my BS meter actually exploded when I read it. It turns out that BS meter is a lot more accurate that your ability to discern Fact from fiction.

Google Earth Supposedly Found a Woman Lost for 7 Years ? Here's What Really Happened - PolicyMic

On the other hand, it does explain why you still think Obama is a genius.
Soooo.... any of you think you could survive 7 years on a deserted island?

Depends on a lot of factors:

1. Is there fresh water on the island?
2. Is it warm weather year round?
3. Are there any food sources?
4. Did I get washed up with any tools, weapons or extra clothing?
5. Are there wild animals on the island that would eat me?
6. Is the island within swimming distance of a Marriott?

I guess it really depends on the answer to #6.
Soooo.... any of you think you could survive 7 years on a deserted island?

Depends on a lot of factors:

1. Is there fresh water on the island?
2. Is it warm weather year round?
3. Are there any food sources?
4. Did I get washed up with any tools, weapons or extra clothing?
5. Are there wild animals on the island that would eat me?
6. Is the island within swimming distance of a Marriott?

I guess it really depends on the answer to #6.

Google Earth Finds Woman Trapped On Deserted Island For 7 Years | News-Hound

In 2007, Gemma Sheridan and 2 friends set out on a voyage that was to take them from their home town of Liverpool, across the Atlantic to the Panama Canal and then onwards to the beautiful island of Hawaii.

The first stage of the voyage went without incident. However, after passing through the Panama Canal and into the Pacific, things started to take a turn for the worse.

There was a huge storm that took out the boats electronics and washed her 2 friends overboard and seriously damaged her boat. Without any electronics and with a damaged boat, Gemma drifted for 17 days until she was hit by another major storm. During the storm, Gemma was knocked unconscious and the rest is history.

Gemma awoke on a beach, surrounded by wreckage from her boat. ...


Amazing that she was found by Google Earth.

And, what a story. Heck, Tom Hanks only had to survive 4 years!

Okay, so if it were you, would you survive?

She probably had a Tony Hawk Hoverboard filled with food to help her survive.. :p
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Google Earth Finds Woman Trapped On Deserted Island For 7 Years | News-Hound

In 2007, Gemma Sheridan and 2 friends set out on a voyage that was to take them from their home town of Liverpool, across the Atlantic to the Panama Canal and then onwards to the beautiful island of Hawaii.

The first stage of the voyage went without incident. However, after passing through the Panama Canal and into the Pacific, things started to take a turn for the worse.

There was a huge storm that took out the boats electronics and washed her 2 friends overboard and seriously damaged her boat. Without any electronics and with a damaged boat, Gemma drifted for 17 days until she was hit by another major storm. During the storm, Gemma was knocked unconscious and the rest is history.

Gemma awoke on a beach, surrounded by wreckage from her boat. ...


Amazing that she was found by Google Earth.

And, what a story. Heck, Tom Hanks only had to survive 4 years!

Okay, so if it were you, would you survive?

I actually love all of these false media links. They are annoying, but they are going to serve a good purpose. Soon people are going to question the media for a secondary source before repeating it (no offense).

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