Woman Trapped On Deserted Island For 7 Years

She was not alone...

She was not alone...


Just think, they're all gone now but Mary Ann and Ginger.

Mary Ann.

75 years old.

Tempus fugit.

Five passengers (and one skipper and one first mate) set sail that day for a three-hour tour, but where are they now?

With the passing of "Professor" Russell Johnson Thursday, there are now two living cast members remaining of Gilligan's Island's original crew of seven — 75-year-old Dawn Wells, who played Mary Ann Summers, and 79-year-old Tina Louise, who played Ginger Grant.

Here's a look at what the cast did after the wildly popular 1960s show ended:

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Soooo.... any of you think you could survive 7 years on a deserted island?

Depends on a lot of factors:

1. Is there fresh water on the island?
2. Is it warm weather year round?
3. Are there any food sources?
4. Did I get washed up with any tools, weapons or extra clothing?
5. Are there wild animals on the island that would eat me?
6. Is the island within swimming distance of a Marriott?

I guess it really depends on the answer to #6.

Given the right situation, I could survive in the Alaskan interior. Other than the million and half bugs in a cubic yard during the summer, I could probably be quite comfortable.

Same with a deserted island if you have the right situation.

Not same if dropped in the middle of a desert or an arid land without immediate supply of water and shelter.
Google Earth Finds Woman Trapped On Deserted Island For 7 Years | News-Hound

In 2007, Gemma Sheridan and 2 friends set out on a voyage that was to take them from their home town of Liverpool, across the Atlantic to the Panama Canal and then onwards to the beautiful island of Hawaii.

The first stage of the voyage went without incident. However, after passing through the Panama Canal and into the Pacific, things started to take a turn for the worse.

There was a huge storm that took out the boats electronics and washed her 2 friends overboard and seriously damaged her boat. Without any electronics and with a damaged boat, Gemma drifted for 17 days until she was hit by another major storm. During the storm, Gemma was knocked unconscious and the rest is history.

Gemma awoke on a beach, surrounded by wreckage from her boat. ...

Amazing that she was found by Google Earth.

And, what a story. Heck, Tom Hanks only had to survive 4 years!

Okay, so if it were you, would you survive?


I wonder if she looked like Ginger when she was rescued.
They lost me at the feral goats. An uninhibited island that no one visits in seven years and there are three adult goats? Really?
Depends, will there be any democrats that I have to share what food I find? :D

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