Woman waiting to get her gun permit...stabbed to death by ex boyfriend....a win win for gun grabbers

How about a blaming the police who knew this woman was in danger, hence the restraining order, and the attack on the prior girlfriend and did nothing to protect this woman. There's no guarantee that this woman would have been able to shoot the bastard herself before the guy stabbed her.

There is an assumption that anyone who owns a gun is safe and in reality that's not true.

She might have had a better chance with the gun, and now we never know.

You gun control advocates love to throw bodies at the feet of gun rights advocates when it suits you.

Now its your shoes that have blood on them. How does it feel?
the POINT is that the Police dragged their feet in getting her the permit. the Police knew she had filed a formal complaint and knew she had a restraining order out on someone that was threatening to her....

they should have expedited the clearance for her to get the permit.

there should be an expedited manner in order for people just like her with official restraining orders, to get a license...

We do not have such a problem in Maine...just go to a gun show and you can buy one, or buy one or get gifted one from a neighbor if you want one quickly....

It's possible the gun could have saved her, but very possible it would not have and he would have taken possession of it, or she would not have had time to even draw it....in his ambush of her in the driveway....as you said, we will never know....

this guy was an ex-felon...if there was enough reason to put a restraining order out on him...that should have been enough to jail the guy.....imho.
My Dad used to hunt in Maine. It's a firearm friendly state.....
Or at least it was then
Anyway, one thing one must realize about NJ cops.....Their mentality is that no one can do their job.....They are very put off by citizens who even save their own lives with the use of a firearm....
A woman is stabbed and right wingers see it as a "win"?

He pleaded “guilty to a weapons offense in 2008 after being indicted in 2006 on a charge of aggravated assault with bodily injury. He received a five-year sentence for that offense, which neighbors said was related to an assault on a former girlfriend.”

It sounds like the system in general failed her. If he had been given a stiffer sentence for assaulting an ex girlfriend, maybe the victim in this case never would have met him.

On the other hand, if she had a fire arm she may have been able to fend him off. I wouldn't be against the gun permit process being expedited for people who can prove that they're in danger of bodily harm or death. I would think that a restraining order against a known violent offender would be proof enough.

No law abiding citizen should be denied the right to a firearm, regardless of reason. Its up to the State to figure out how to do any background checks they want to do quickly, and for minimal cost.
She wasn't denied the right to a firearm. She was put through the same process in her state that everybody else is put through.

Those laws are put in place to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and to make sure that law abiding citizens go through the proper channels to ensure both safety to themselves and to the public.

We can't just hand out gun permits to any warm body that walks through the door. I do, however, support an expedited permit process for those able to prove that they're in danger of bodily harm or death. A restraining order against a violent ex should be sufficient proof

She was infringed upon. There is no way in hell it needs to take months to figure out if a person has the right to a firearm, considering the only disqualifying parameters are controlled by the government also (felonies, mental adjudication).

EVERYONE in New Jersey is infringed upon, simply because the powers that be hate armed citizens.

How about we apply a 2 month waiting period for voting?
How about a blaming the police who knew this woman was in danger, hence the restraining order, and the attack on the prior girlfriend and did nothing to protect this woman. There's no guarantee that this woman would have been able to shoot the bastard herself before the guy stabbed her.

There is an assumption that anyone who owns a gun is safe and in reality that's not true.

She might have had a better chance with the gun, and now we never know.

You gun control advocates love to throw bodies at the feet of gun rights advocates when it suits you.

Now its your shoes that have blood on them. How does it feel?
the POINT is that the Police dragged their feet in getting her the permit. the Police knew she had filed a formal complaint and knew she had a restraining order out on someone that was threatening to her....

they should have expedited the clearance for her to get the permit.

there should be an expedited manner in order for people just like her with official restraining orders, to get a license...

We do not have such a problem in Maine...just go to a gun show and you can buy one, or buy one or get gifted one from a neighbor if you want one quickly....

It's possible the gun could have saved her, but very possible it would not have and he would have taken possession of it, or she would not have had time to even draw it....in his ambush of her in the driveway....as you said, we will never know....

this guy was an ex-felon...if there was enough reason to put a restraining order out on him...that should have been enough to jail the guy.....imho.

At least she probably would have had a better chance against him than she did. A restraining order only works on people who have a sense of lawfulness, and felons/wife beaters to me are not included in the subset of the population.

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