Woman Who Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner Is Prolific Donor to Democratic Causes

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
Just to make Trump look bad. Now the facts are known. The woman who gave her husband aquarium cleaner until he died is a prolific democrat donor.

Either democrats are really too stupid to know the difference between prescribed medication and aquarium cleaner or she killed her husband and blamed Trump

Just to make Trump look bad. Now the facts are known. The woman who gave her husband aquarium cleaner until he died is a prolific democrat donor.

Either democrats are really too stupid to know the difference between prescribed medication and aquarium cleaner or she killed her husband and blamed Trump

Thank you,....this was brought up and of course argued over in another thread the other day...….based on the information from the original story. Though it wasn't determined of their politics.

How many Dimsocialists on this board were laughing at how stupid they were, and how it was because they were Trump supporters?

Turns out they are your typical single digit IQ Dimsocialists.

Woman Who Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner Is Prolific Donor to Democratic Causes

The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested a substance used to clean fish tanks after hearing President Donald Trump tout chloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus has given thousands of dollars to Democratic groups and candidates over the last two years.

The woman's most recent donations, in late February, were to a Democratic PAC, the 314 Action Fund, that bills itself as the "pro-science resistance" and has vocally criticized the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic and held up her case to slam the White House.

Although local and national media outlets withheld the couple's names, the Washington Free Beacon established their identities through descriptions in local news reports, where the pair were identified by their first names and ages: Gary, 68, and Wanda, 61. The Free Beacon is withholding their identities at Wanda's request.

Federal Election Commission records show that Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years, including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and EMILY's List, a group that aims to elect pro-choice female candidates.

Wanda told the Free Beacon that she and her husband were both Democrats, not Trump supporters. They heard about the potential benefits of chloroquine, an antimalarial drug, in news reports. She decided at the "spur of the moment" to try taking it, but reached for a fish tank cleaner in her pantry that contains chloroquine phosphate, a different and deadly form of the chemical. The Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency authorization for the use of chloroquine to treat coronavirus on Sunday.

Just to make Trump look bad. Now the facts are known. The woman who gave her husband aquarium cleaner until he died is a prolific democrat donor.

Either democrats are really too stupid to know the difference between prescribed medication and aquarium cleaner or she killed her husband and blamed Trump

Jack of no brains is adamant in at least 12 posts Trump told them to take it. See hydrochloroquine naysayer thread.

Look at the last line on the warning label. "keep away from children and pets" Adults are supposed to know better.
Unfortunately the Darwin Awards remain suspended, due to fear, panic, loathing, and regionalized mayhem.

Once again, please resume your survival activities.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.

How many Dimsocialists on this board were laughing at how stupid they were, and how it was because they were Trump supporters?

Turns out they are your typical single digit IQ Dimsocialists.

Woman Who Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner Is Prolific Donor to Democratic Causes

The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested a substance used to clean fish tanks after hearing President Donald Trump tout chloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus has given thousands of dollars to Democratic groups and candidates over the last two years.

The woman's most recent donations, in late February, were to a Democratic PAC, the 314 Action Fund, that bills itself as the "pro-science resistance" and has vocally criticized the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic and held up her case to slam the White House.

Although local and national media outlets withheld the couple's names, the Washington Free Beacon established their identities through descriptions in local news reports, where the pair were identified by their first names and ages: Gary, 68, and Wanda, 61. The Free Beacon is withholding their identities at Wanda's request.

Federal Election Commission records show that Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years, including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and EMILY's List, a group that aims to elect pro-choice female candidates.

Wanda told the Free Beacon that she and her husband were both Democrats, not Trump supporters. They heard about the potential benefits of chloroquine, an antimalarial drug, in news reports. She decided at the "spur of the moment" to try taking it, but reached for a fish tank cleaner in her pantry that contains chloroquine phosphate, a different and deadly form of the chemical. The Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency authorization for the use of chloroquine to treat coronavirus on Sunday.

Too bad that person deserves the posthumous Darwin award with clusters..
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Between that and how quickly MSM ran with such a remote story tells you there’s a lot more behind this.

Between that and how quickly MSM ran with such a remote story tells you there’s a lot more behind this.

Of COURSE she's a prolific Democratic donor, NO surprise there. It's been hilarious to see the dimwitted liberal lunatics posting she and her husband HAD to be Republican. Another EPIC fail by the liberal dimwits that post on here.
She should have gotten a five year old independent to write down the actual ingredients and Goofled them for her
Is anyone really surprised? They're not a bright bunch

The irony of this donation!

The woman's most recent donations, in late February, were to a Democratic PAC, the 314 Action Fund, that bills itself as the "pro-science resistance" and has vocally criticized the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic and held up her case to slam the White House
Got anything better than the Free Beacon?

  • Overall, we rate the Washington Free Beacon Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to misleading and false claims.

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