Woman who runs ABC is a close personal friend of Kamala Harris


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
I'm shocked. Shocked I tells ya!

The fact the "moderators" were such hacks obviously came down from the top of ABC. As if these hacks needed any direction to be hacks.

I'm shocked. Shocked I tells ya!

The fact the "moderators" were such hacks obviously came down from the top of ABC. As if these hacks needed any direction to be hacks.

Blame Trump and his team.

Why come out and give a list of three debate dates, including Fox News and then just let her off the hook?

He didn't have a good political engine in 2016 and he doesn't seemed to have learned 8 years later. If he just said "I will only do the debates if we do three" she would be relegated to zero air time as they wont do interviews and he could do multiple Town Halls.

Let's face it, he's a sucker for agreeing to this debate on ABC. Creepy Disney is known as a creepy company for a reason.
LOLOLLOLLL, triggered bi^%#es.

I'm shocked. Shocked I tells ya!

The fact the "moderators" were such hacks obviously came down from the top of ABC. As if these hacks needed any direction to be hacks.
For the record, trump has NO Friends, he's ONE sad POS.
Blame Trump and his team.

Why come out and give a list of three debate dates, including Fox News and then just let her off the hook?

He didn't have a good political engine in 2016 and he doesn't seemed to have learned 8 years later. If he just said "I will only do the debates if we do three" she would be relegated to zero air time as they wont do interviews and he could do multiple Town Halls.

Let's face it, he's a sucker for agreeing to this debate on ABC. Creepy Disney is known as a creepy company for a reason.

Trump is a dumbfuck but he's 1,000% better for poor and middle-class Americans than the Regime's candidate who is, by the way, a LOCK to "win".
I knew something was up when Muir said Trump told his rally to go to the Capitol, but left off to be "peacefully and patriotically".

Video proves President Trump called on people to “PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY march to the Capital”

Then when Trump said Pelosi's video takes responsibility for J6 Muir ignores it.
I knew something was up when Muir said Trump told his rally to go to the Capitol, but left off to be "peacefully and patriotically".

Then when Trump said Pelosi's video takes responsibility for J6 Muir ignores it.
I've never watched his "news" program. Certainly won't now.
I'm shocked. Shocked I tells ya!

The fact the "moderators" were such hacks obviously came down from the top of ABC. As if these hacks needed any direction to be hacks.

Oh lord....

You guys are flailing.
I'm shocked. Shocked I tells ya!
So why then were the mods so flagrantly biased towards Trump? You know, giving him vastly more time to talk, shutting down Harris, letting Trump skate on almost all of his lies.

Your weepy sore-loser bitch-whining never makes any sense.

Grow up. Admit it. Trump lost so badly because he was a moron even before he went senile, and because Harris is so damned good.

On the plus side, at least you've moved past the "denial" stage of grieving, and accepted that Trump did lose.
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So why then were the mods so flagrantly biased towards Trump?

Your weepy sore-loser bitch whining never makes any sense.

Grow up. Admit it. Trump lost because he's a senile loser, and becaues Harris is so damned good.

Harris was not good, she was competent at reading her rehearsed lines.

What Americans don't understand is that when she is meeting with President Xi or Putin. When she is dealing with Iran or others. She won't have any moderators on her side. Furthermore, these two men speak for themselves, they don't have speech writers. They have spies and interests.

You can bet there are many spies operating in the Democrat Party. How high up and with how much influence is anyones guess.
Harris was not good, she was competent at reading her rehearsed lines.
This one hasn't moved past the "denial" stage.

What Americans don't understand is that when she is meeting with President Xi or Putin.
Trump was too scared to even look at Harris.

Harris was the alpha dog here. Harris made Trump her little bitch, in front of the whole world.

All world leaders could easily make Trump their little bitch, and did. That's why it's so important to vote in Harris.
So why then were the mods so flagrantly biased towards Trump? You know, giving him vastl;y more time to talk, shutting down Harris, letting Trump skate on almost all of his lies.

Your weepy sore-loser bitch-whining never makes any sense.

Grow up. Admit it. Trump lost so badly because he was a moron even before he went senile, and because Harris is so damned good.

On the plus side, at least you've moved past the "denial" stage of grieving, and accepted that Trump did lose.
This one hasn't moved past the "denial" stage.

Trump was too scared to even look at Harris.

Harris was the alpha dog here. Harris made Trump her little bitch, in front of the whole world.

All world leaders could easily make Trump their little bitch, and did. That's why it's so important to vote in Harris.
Trump cultists don't just like Trump is spite of Trump always being such a little bitch.

Trump cultist like Trump specifically because Trump is always such a little bitch.

Like attracts like, after all.
This one hasn't moved past the "denial" stage.

Trump was too scared to even look at Harris.

Harris was the alpha dog here. Harris made Trump her little bitch, in front of the whole world.

All world leaders could easily make Trump their little bitch, and did. That's why it's so important to vote in Harris.

She was sub-par. Just, "ok".

She was not good. She played the usually dishonesty cards and reliance on creepy ABC moderators.

Neither of them are impressive debaters and I said before this debate that this was how it was going to unfold and that Trump would lose. He didn't stick to his guns for the three debates so he reaps what he sows.

I would feel very comfortable debating either of them armed with far more specific facts and comparisons,.

None of this matters though. China is making moves and the new Axis of China, Iran, N Korea and Russia is going to be dealt with how exactly? By building windmills and price controls?

I've said my piece. Google the "Doomsday Clock". This is serious business. Trying to eat out of the hand of European nations who have gone far left and lost their military might and energy independence isn't going to ensure Americas success.

I guarantee you that more of Americas enemies than you can imagine want Trump to lose. I give China and their MSS maximum credit, they are light years ahead of the West. Meticulously dividing America and poisoning your citizens with zero accountability. NY and California might as well instill a "Mandarin as a second language" policy for future reference.
None of this matters though. China is making moves and the new Axis of China, Iran, N Korea and Russia is going to be dealt with how exactly? By building windmills and price controls?
By sending more weapons and support to Ukraine.

Why did you think that was a difficult question? Are you that deep into Trump's surrender-monkey philosophy?

None of those nations are a threat to a united USA and allies. That's why the Trump/Russia goal is to separate the USA from its allies.

Oh, I've heard horror stories about the Chinese menace my whole life. It's standard fare to terrify the rubes into obedience
By sending more weapons and support to Ukraine.

Why did you think that was a difficult question? Are you that deep into Trump's surrender-monkey philosophy?

None of those nations are a threat to a united USA and allies. That's why the Trump/Russia goal is to separate the USA from its allies.

Oh, I've heard horror stories about the Chinese menace my whole life. It's standard fare to terrify the rubes into obedience

I have no problem with arming Ukraine. I agree with doing so. In fact, I made an emotional plea on here in support of them, I will never turn my back, spiritually or otherwise for those protecting their citizens and/or their homeland.

That said, Europe HAS to give more. Furthermore, we need honesty from our intelligence services. I can't speak for them, but, I know that the global threats of war are real. I know that as strong as America is, and my nickname as a kid was "The American", "Johnny America" Captain (my name) America". I heard these as a kid as I always admired the American drive for winning in sports.

So, I have to be blunt about the state of the world today. America needs Europe to pull their weight. They can rely on Japan, they are a nation of honourable men who still have that samurai spirit of backing your words up. They can rely more on the Philppines with their new leadership. The number of reliable nations is not growing larger.

It is difficult to avoid Europes lagging military manufacturing capabilities, their changing demographics and weak leadership. You throw in the Dem Party in the WH, and in this instance, I can't lie that having a female in their isn't going to decrease the Axis efforts to expand. That's the reality of their systems, not mine. Condeleeza Rice would be grossly underestimated as she is a woman. That can increase the chance of war if we are living in such a time.

If this were 1992, Harris would be more palatable as we were in times of peace and Americas sole super power status, but today the world is increasingly dangerous. It won't be myself who has to face it, it will be the 20 something year old soldiers or the 20 to 70 something year old spies. Trying to gain inroads when your enemies have assets galore to stay a step ahead of you, is a near impossible task
Blame Trump and his team.

Why come out and give a list of three debate dates, including Fox News and then just let her off the hook?

He didn't have a good political engine in 2016 and he doesn't seemed to have learned 8 years later. If he just said "I will only do the debates if we do three" she would be relegated to zero air time as they wont do interviews and he could do multiple Town Halls.

Let's face it, he's a sucker for agreeing to this debate on ABC. Creepy Disney is known as a creepy company for a reason.

Totally agree. Trump gets arrogant with his 'any time any place' swagger, and it often bites him in the ass. The man is simply NOT a good candidate, NOT a good campaigner, NOT a good debater, and he and his team absolutely suck at it! Just like his fatal mistake with falling for the debate in JUNE with the fossil, he's fucked up again.

Despite all of this, he still could win. Like I say, it just shows you how many Americans there are that have been so unhappy with the Biden administration these past four years!

Officially a criminal.
On and on, and yet he could still win. She should be ahead by double-digits. She's not, and she won't be.

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