Woman with Down Syndrome runs NYC marathon...democrats are sad she exists.

Sad you'd project your hate on such a special occasion ... Down Syndrome has many severe physical manifestations ... especially muscle tone ... I say thank you to her caretakers ... and thank you to her for trying so damn hard to succeeding ... perhaps I gave up to soon staying up at night plotting the takeover of the world ...
The democrat party would see this woman dissappear........

Hmmm......, similar to Nazi's in the 1930's...
Lovely that she competed. :)

Sad that you had to crap all over her accomplishment because you're a miserable bag of liquid shit. :)

Im not the one who doesnt think she should be alive....that is you leftists. Own it.
What a foolish OP.
Are you denying the similarity between Nazi's of 1939 and today's Leftist Democrats euthanizing autistic and Down's syndrome children?
The fact that Democrats push late term abortions is in fact child euthanasia.

Where are we in the US euthanizing autistic and Down's syndrome children? I agree that hard right conservatives would do that to such children of parents of color.
Where are we in the US euthanizing autistic and Down's syndrome children? I agree that hard right conservatives would do that to such children of parents of color.

Nope....the only racist party in this country is the democrat party....the party of actual racism, slavery, jim crow, lynching, church bombing....and most recently the brown shirts of the democrat party burning, looting and murdering people in primarily black neighborhoods for a year....
The democrat party would see this woman dissappear........

Good point. They go out of their way to make news about these kind of things when, if they had their way, these people wouldn't exist. They want to be totally inclusive except for trying to make sure we don't have to be inclusive in the first place by just murdering all imperfect fetuses.
I cited a fact based source who calls out racists from the conservative side, 2aguy. Know any. And I know you believe in the Kalergi Plan.
I cited a fact based source who calls out racists from the conservative side, 2aguy. Know any. And I know you believe in the Kalergi Plan.

You don't have any fact based sources......when you use the Southern Poverty Law Center as a source, you are using a left wing, anti-semitic, racist source....

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