WOMEN BAILING ON THE GOP-'I hung on until I couldn't'. Kavanaugh put me over the top!

It said everything. Its your problem alone that it makes you uncomfortable to hear it.

Naw, man, we have a law that makes really, a lot of sense... It's to protect children, not the hurt feelings of a cuckold. So he was inadequate as man in every aspect, whether it be in the bedroom or standing up for his responsibilities as a father.

Mother fucker got what he deserved, huh? Hail The State. Just wait Mother Fucker. You’ll get your turn.

Well, actually, I did. I served in the military for which the state rewarded me handsomely and I still get my props to this day. You see, this is what happens when you take on your responsibilities as a man rather than trying to weasel out of them.

We really wouldn't need a state if people did the right thing. The right thing is, you stand up, be a man and take care of your dying child.
Too bad you support the father not doing so. And people like you couldn’t survive without a state, willing to do violence on your incapable behalf.
Too bad you support the father not doing so. And people like you couldn’t survive without a state, willing to do violence on your incapable behalf.

Oh, here's the thing... when you have losers like your friend, we are all for a state getting their hands dirty so we don't have to.

He was this kid's father. He put his name on the birth certificate. Then he tried to weasel out of his responsibilities.
Too bad you support the father not doing so. And people like you couldn’t survive without a state, willing to do violence on your incapable behalf.

Oh, here's the thing... when you have losers like your friend, we are all for a state getting their hands dirty so we don't have to.

He was this kid's father. He put his name on the birth certificate. Then he tried to weasel out of his responsibilities.
At least you admit your cowardice.
At least you admit your cowardice.

Meh, no, I admit I like living in a civilized society.

I suspect if your friend's neighbors knew he was letting his sick child die, they'd have probably tarred and feathered him, but this is a civilized society...
I feel sure there are hundreds of thousands. But MOST won't write an editorial and submit it under their name to a MAJOR newspaper. And most won't change their party affiliation but won't vote for REPUBLICANS. (Remember, if these women are from ORANGE COUNTY, it bleeds red).

"The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now- Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: ‘I hung on until I couldn’t’

20 OCT 2018 AT 15:07 ET

In two letters to the editor of the Los Angeles Times, longtime Republican-voting women explained why Donald Trump has led them to leave the party.

Eileen E. Padberg, a registered Republican of 53 years, wrote that although she considers herself “an active feminist,” she stuck with the GOP because she believed it was “the party of individual rights and liberties, personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, a strong national defense and fiscal responsibility.”

“I hung on to my party registration although I didn’t always vote a straight GOP ticket,” she wrote. “I hung on until I couldn’t.”

Padberg noted that her Republican credentials “would hold up to anyone” — she founders her college’s Young Republicans club, has been a delegate and an attendee at multiple Republican National Conventions and “was the regional political director for George H.W. Bush’s campaign for president.”

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the GOP’s support for the now-Supreme Court justice that put her “over the edge.”

“When I heard the words coming from the Republican leadership and the president, that fine thread holding me to the GOP finally broke,” Padberg wrote. “I couldn’t believe the disrespect for women I was hearing.”

Padberg acknowledged that she’s not alone, that “surely there are thousands of women across America who gave up on the Republican Party.”

Longtime GOP female voters reveal what Trump did to make them finally bail on the party: 'I hung on until I couldn't'

Those referenced were likely drunken sluts like Ford.
At least you admit your cowardice.

Meh, no, I admit I like living in a civilized society.

I suspect if your friend's neighbors knew he was letting his sick child die, they'd have probably tarred and feathered him, but this is a civilized society...

A civilized society doesn't support doing to Kavanaugh what the Democrats tried to do by using a drunken slut to push their political agenda and prove their motivation is nothing more than hate for Trump.
At least you admit your cowardice.

Meh, no, I admit I like living in a civilized society.

I suspect if your friend's neighbors knew he was letting his sick child die, they'd have probably tarred and feathered him, but this is a civilized society...
You keep contradicting yourself. No could have saved the child for one. Secondly, you support the child’s father Getting away with not having to pay. Further you denigrate the victim of the fraud, because that is what is required to support the states erroneous decision. As for your pretending to care for the child’s well being...? Play that charade with someone else kiddo. If the child was your concern, the first thing you would have asked was if the actual father was in a better financial position to contribute to the child’s care. You didn’t ask. Because the truth is you don’t care about children. You care about supporting the state. Not surprising coming from one who was raised cradle to grave by the state.
At least you admit your cowardice.

Meh, no, I admit I like living in a civilized society.

I suspect if your friend's neighbors knew he was letting his sick child die, they'd have probably tarred and feathered him, but this is a civilized society...
Yes... in this “civilized society” we force one man, to pay for another’s child.
Reminds me of the stoning punishment for rape victims. Gotta love some civilized reasoned behavior...
A civilized society doesn't support doing to Kavanaugh what the Democrats tried to do by using a drunken slut to push their political agenda and prove their motivation is nothing more than hate for Trump.

Really? Frankly, Kavanaugh kind of proved everyone right when he got up there and acted like an angry drunk.
Yes... in this “civilized society” we force one man, to pay for another’s child.
Reminds me of the stoning punishment for rape victims. Gotta love some civilized reasoned behavior...

He put his name on the birth certificate... if the child hadn't gotten sick, he'd have never known he wasn't the sperm donor..
A civilized society doesn't support doing to Kavanaugh what the Democrats tried to do by using a drunken slut to push their political agenda and prove their motivation is nothing more than hate for Trump.

Really? Frankly, Kavanaugh kind of proved everyone right when he got up there and acted like an angry drunk.

He was accused of something the drunken slut doing the accusing didn't prove. It's that simple.

I bet you could even get some pussy from the slut Ford.
Yes... in this “civilized society” we force one man, to pay for another’s child.
Reminds me of the stoning punishment for rape victims. Gotta love some civilized reasoned behavior...

He put his name on the birth certificate... if the child hadn't gotten sick, he'd have never known he wasn't the sperm donor..

Whether or not it was his sperm is the only thing that matters. No sperm donor, no responsibility but that won't stop you bleeding hearts from demanding people be forced to support those that don't support their own.
He was accused of something the drunken slut doing the accusing didn't prove. It's that simple.

Actually, most people found her credible, but the GOP shoved through the nomination anyway.

Whether or not it was his sperm is the only thing that matters. No sperm donor, no responsibility.

actually, that's not what the law says...You should probably educate yourself.
He was accused of something the drunken slut doing the accusing didn't prove. It's that simple.

Actually, most people found her credible, but the GOP shoved through the nomination anyway.

Whether or not it was his sperm is the only thing that matters. No sperm donor, no responsibility.

actually, that's not what the law says...You should probably educate yourself.

No one with a brain found her credible. Your hate for Trump will allow you to believe anything won't it boy?

When it's determined someone isn't the sperm donor, remove the name and the problem is solved. That's the law, boy.

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No one with a brain found her credible. Your hate for Trump will allow you to believe anything won't it boy?

When it's determined someone isn't the sperm donor, remove the name and the problem is solved. That's the law, boy.

Actually, no, that isn't the law... the law assumes that any child born in a marriage is the product of that marriage.

In fact, this protects fathers. out of marriage sperm donors have no rights whatsoever.

Biological Father vs. Legal Father - The Mckinney Law Group

According to Section 382.013(2)(a) of the 2016 Florida Statutes, a husband’s name shall be entered as the father of the child on a birth certificate when a mother is married at the time of birth. The exception to this practice occurs if paternity has already been determined by a “court of competent jurisdiction”.

Additionally, children who are born “legitimate” in the context of being born into an intact marriage have a right under Florida law to maintain that status as both a factual and a legal matter if exercising that right is in their best interests.
No one with a brain found her credible. Your hate for Trump will allow you to believe anything won't it boy?

When it's determined someone isn't the sperm donor, remove the name and the problem is solved. That's the law, boy.

Actually, no, that isn't the law... the law assumes that any child born in a marriage is the product of that marriage.

In fact, this protects fathers. out of marriage sperm donors have no rights whatsoever.

Biological Father vs. Legal Father - The Mckinney Law Group

According to Section 382.013(2)(a) of the 2016 Florida Statutes, a husband’s name shall be entered as the father of the child on a birth certificate when a mother is married at the time of birth. The exception to this practice occurs if paternity has already been determined by a “court of competent jurisdiction”.

Additionally, children who are born “legitimate” in the context of being born into an intact marriage have a right under Florida law to maintain that status as both a factual and a legal matter if exercising that right is in their best interests.

When the assumption is shown to be wrong, whatever the motivation for finding out may be, the law doesn't mandate that the person not being the sperm donor be responsible for a child that isn't his.

I don't live in Florida, bitch.
Yes... in this “civilized society” we force one man, to pay for another’s child.
Reminds me of the stoning punishment for rape victims. Gotta love some civilized reasoned behavior...

He put his name on the birth certificate... if the child hadn't gotten sick, he'd have never known he wasn't the sperm donor..
Clearly you don’t understand genetics. So much for that state education. Additionally he didn’t put his name on the birth certificate. That isn’t how it works in real life. It was assumed by the state, and him “in good faith” that he was the father, and the mother of the child sealed the deal by allowing both to be defrauded.
... and she’d have gotten away with it, had it not been for those meddling doctors!!!
No one with a brain found her credible. Your hate for Trump will allow you to believe anything won't it boy?

When it's determined someone isn't the sperm donor, remove the name and the problem is solved. That's the law, boy.

Actually, no, that isn't the law... the law assumes that any child born in a marriage is the product of that marriage.

In fact, this protects fathers. out of marriage sperm donors have no rights whatsoever.

Biological Father vs. Legal Father - The Mckinney Law Group

According to Section 382.013(2)(a) of the 2016 Florida Statutes, a husband’s name shall be entered as the father of the child on a birth certificate when a mother is married at the time of birth. The exception to this practice occurs if paternity has already been determined by a “court of competent jurisdiction”.

Additionally, children who are born “legitimate” in the context of being born into an intact marriage have a right under Florida law to maintain that status as both a factual and a legal matter if exercising that right is in their best interests.
Precisely. He didn’t put his name on it willingly. He would have, because at the time he believed he was. Both he and the state were wrong. The adult and righteous thing to do, is to correct the mistakes, and hold the responsible parties to account. Thanks for proving my point.

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