Women Desire Alpha Males

Anyone who lives in North or South America, is an "American". Just like anyone who lives in Germany is a European.

Is there anything else you'd like to be wrong about today?

seems NASA cant get it straight either,,

Well, according the the CWA (Con-cerned Women of America)....if we allow gay marriage, the majority of women will divorce their husbands and marry each other. :heehee: So even a very con-servative women's group knows what's what when it comes to male/female relationships.
So gays are happier ?
At least it doesn't involve fecal matter. Whatsa matter can't Tango? Even this old Jarhead has a few steps, and moves. Chick's dig dancing. An old hunters axiom; be where the prey is. The girls that want attention are dancing. Let the hunt begin!!!

I am a beta male who has no partner. Obviously, I have very little dating and relationship advice to give. I do have some advice based on my reading of Social Media.

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