Women have to PROVE they were raped

The child that may come from rape aside....

I am always puzzled as to why any woman would get pregnant if she is dependent on government for some or all of her financial needs? Any ideas why?

Im puzzled as to why you would think any woman would get pregnant just to use the government for help.
That's not how it typically works, but hey onward with the stupid!

Do you even realize what you typed?

Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

That's because EVERYONE in the Republican Party understands that women only get pregnant when they want to. It's the way their bodies work. Who else would know that better than graying old white men who believe the earth is less than 9 thousand years old and the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's Flood?

Another idiot that can't read.

Knee jerk reactions abound.

The assumption is that everyone is GOPer and that some of us give a damn about who gets pregnant.

I have never been a registered R and I only want to see the tax burden so many of us are weighted under lightened.
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But she can care for it because the social safety net will provide the resources.

And on what planet do you think you're going to get legislatures to pass laws that say that poor women cannot have abortions,

nor can they keep their baby?

Who is going to vote for that?

Because some women have children to get the extra check....dont even tell me you dont know about that

If you get pregnant have the kid, but just because you're irresponsible doesnt mean you get to kill the kid or get cash for having the baby. You're like eveyone else, have the kid and do with what you have....I can post stories and videos of women have multiple kids by multiple fathers....that's rediculous

No, the question was, who is going to vote for that? Where in this country is there a legislature that is going to say to women,

if you're poor and have a baby, we're going to take the baby away from you and make it a ward of the state, or adopt it out.

That is what you're claiming can happen. It will never happen.
Im not for that policy, but dont think it cant happen, it can. But I dont think the government shoul give you cash for kids, people have to learn to say no
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Then please explain why you think anyone thinks it is typical.

its an expression you fucking moron. Once again you need to focus on something meaningless to have any relevance at all.

It's an expression?

In other words, you are posting solely based on your inability to actually address the issues.

no? your boring me already with your made up....i seriously don't care.........im moving on..
Im puzzled as to why you would think any woman would get pregnant just to use the government for help.
That's not how it typically works, but hey onward with the stupid!

I am wondering how it "typically works" Plasma. Enlighten me if you will.
well either the woman wants to have a child or doesnt want to have one and yet fate ends up giving her one.

Again odds are against you that a woman is actively thinking hey ill get pregs and then go on the government dole. Sure you might find one stating such, there is always that one to go against conventional wisdom. You have that with any topic honestly.

again on with the stupid.
well either the woman wants to have a child or doesnt want to have one and yet fate ends up giving her one.

Again odds are against you that a woman is actively thinking hey ill get pregs and then go on the government dole. Sure you might find one stating such, there is always that one to go against conventional wisdom. You have that with any topic honestly.

again on with the stupid.

Wow..children come from fate alone? No pro-active choice like having sex without contraception being used might make babies being created a more likely event? No way to prevent a baby being created if I am not ready to have a child just yet?

Well, ladies and gents, shelf your BC because fate is gonna get ya all in the end.:eusa_whistle:
so yuou are okay if a woman says she was raped and she wasnt? is that okay to al the other victims because if it were revered, youd be screaming it.

so....you're ok with the alleged victim of a violent crime having to prove her situation is real? What if the perpetrator gets off on a technicality? What if the woman, in a state of emotional trauma does the one thing they tell those victims not to do, but often happens.....they take a shower and scrubs DNA evidence off of them? What if the alleged perpetrator is a boyfriend or husband?

Guess that's alright.
I believe that any MAN that rapes a woman should be executed. It must be a capital offence.

I fucking hate people that rape women.

ha, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le
How in the hell is a man going to conceive if the bitch refuses then?
so yuou are okay if a woman says she was raped and she wasnt? is that okay to al the other victims because if it were revered, youd be screaming it.

so....you're ok with the alleged victim of a violent crime having to prove her situation is real? What if the perpetrator gets off on a technicality? What if the woman, in a state of emotional trauma does the one thing they tell those victims not to do, but often happens.....they take a shower and scrubs DNA evidence off of them? What if the alleged perpetrator is a boyfriend or husband?

Guess that's alright.

I have no problem with a rape having to be proven.....what next people on disability will have to prove they are disabled...liberals always said rape should allow abortions, but now they upset people are calling their bluff

If you dont want people off on technicalities dont vote democrat

As for evidence, educate people and let them know to report asap. Rape needs to be reported and they do need to get evidence

Snd who cares if its a husband or boyfriend....if its rape its wrong
so yuou are okay if a woman says she was raped and she wasnt? is that okay to al the other victims because if it were revered, youd be screaming it.

so....you're ok with the alleged victim of a violent crime having to prove her situation is real? What if the perpetrator gets off on a technicality? What if the woman, in a state of emotional trauma does the one thing they tell those victims not to do, but often happens.....they take a shower and scrubs DNA evidence off of them? What if the alleged perpetrator is a boyfriend or husband?

Guess that's alright.

I have no problem with a rape having to be proven.....what next people on disability will have to prove they are disabled...liberals always said rape should allow abortions, but now they upset people are calling their bluff

If you dont want people off on technicalities dont vote democrat

As for evidence, educate people and let them know to report asap. Rape needs to be reported and they do need to get evidence

Snd who cares if its a husband or boyfriend....if its rape its wrong

It's harder to prove.....You don't get it.....if the perpetrator is found innocent....what does that mean for the woman? Guess she's fucked against her will.....again.
so yuou are okay if a woman says she was raped and she wasnt? is that okay to al the other victims because if it were revered, youd be screaming it.

Yeah, rape is sacrosanct to the Left. To most people it is a violent crime. To liberals it is like something sacred. You can't joke about it. You speak about it in hushed tones. And you can never, ever, question it. Once the word is uttered that is reality right there. No further questioning allowed.
Rape is the liberal religion.
No, its not.

Obama is. :D
so....you're ok with the alleged victim of a violent crime having to prove her situation is real? What if the perpetrator gets off on a technicality? What if the woman, in a state of emotional trauma does the one thing they tell those victims not to do, but often happens.....they take a shower and scrubs DNA evidence off of them? What if the alleged perpetrator is a boyfriend or husband?

Guess that's alright.

I have no problem with a rape having to be proven.....what next people on disability will have to prove they are disabled...liberals always said rape should allow abortions, but now they upset people are calling their bluff

If you dont want people off on technicalities dont vote democrat

As for evidence, educate people and let them know to report asap. Rape needs to be reported and they do need to get evidence

Snd who cares if its a husband or boyfriend....if its rape its wrong

It's harder to prove.....You don't get it.....if the perpetrator is found innocent....what does that mean for the woman? Guess she's fucked against her will.....again.

No, just because the guy got off doesnt mean she wasnt raped....it just means they didnt have enough evidence....but thats a seperate issue.
its not that hard to tell a rape victim from a fake unless your retard da in durham nc
well either the woman wants to have a child or doesnt want to have one and yet fate ends up giving her one.

Again odds are against you that a woman is actively thinking hey ill get pregs and then go on the government dole. Sure you might find one stating such, there is always that one to go against conventional wisdom. You have that with any topic honestly.

again on with the stupid.

Fate? She has absolutely nothing to do with it?
Islam dictates that rape is permissible, only if she shows off the shape of her body or is under the age of 9.
So if she is wearing tight jeans, then you can jump on it.

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