Women Never Lie About Rape. Yeah, Sure! Anyone Want To Buy A Bridge?

Republican view of rape

Women usually lie
They can't get pregnant from legitimate rape
Women secretly enjoy it
Women "ask"got it
No means yes
Did anyone claim women never lie about rape?
You beat me to it.

The OP starts with the premise that someone has claimed that women never lie about rape. Ok, who has made such a claim? Name names.

Are you a recent visitor to Earth? Welcome, let me help acculturate you:

Jenkins is not the first to cite this will to believe. Wendy Kaminer (1993) reported that "it is a primary article of faith among many feminists that women don't lie about rape, ever; they lack the dishonesty gene" (p.67). Eight years earlier, in 1985, John O'Sullivan discovered a widespread defense of the belief that "no woman would fabricate a rape charge" (p.22). Feminists themselves admit as much. Law Professor Susan Estrich stated that "the whole effort at reforming rape laws has been an attack on the premise that women who bring complaints are suspect" (Newsweek, 1985, p.61). Some feminists believe that even defending that premise is a sex crime. Alan Dershowitz (1993) reports that he was accused of sexual harassment for discussing in class the possibility of false rape allegations.​

Believing the self-proclaimed victim of sexual misconduct has thus evolved from ideological conviction to legal doctrine and, in some jurisdictions, into law. California now requires that jurors be explicitly told that a rape conviction can be based on the accuser's testimony alone, without corroboration (Associated Press, 1992; Farrell, 1993). Canada is proposing that a man accused of rape must demonstrate that he received the willing consent of a sexual partner.​

These new rules rest on the assumption that women do not lie because they have no motive to lie. Consequently, as Jenkins (1993) states, the question of the "victim's credibility" has now become "crucial."​

The old rules rested on the assumption that women lied, they were dressed in a provocative way, that saying "no" was not necessarily an impediment to a good time, etc.

As with most things, the effort to combat one kind of falsehood leads to an equal but opposite falsehood. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Did anyone claim women never lie about rape?
You beat me to it.

The OP starts with the premise that someone has claimed that women never lie about rape. Ok, who has made such a claim? Name names.

Perhaps, as the women in the story will likely claim, those who falsely accuse others?

Another point the OP was trying to make is that the woman in this case had/has her identity shielded, while the falsely accused does not. It is an interesting point.

At this point...honestly, I hope he hunts her down and vivisects her. His life is over, might as well make it worthwhile.
Notice that this man's name in now in the public domain but the press still doesn't identify the woman who falsely accused him.

A man suspected of raping a woman at knife point after hours on the El Molino High School campus was to be released from jail Thursday after prosecutors said they found evidence that may clear him of the assault.

Sheriff’s officials initially said a masked David J. Kocalis, 24, of Guerneville sneaked up behind the woman Aug. 30, held a knife to her and raped her near the Forestville school’s tennis courts.

He was arrested the next day on charges carrying a possible life sentence after the woman identified a prominent tattoo, and the car he was driving was captured on videotape.

But prosecutor Brian Staebell said Thursday investigators have since uncovered evidence that may point to his innocence. A judge allowed Kocalis, who had been held on $1.2 million bail, to be released on his own recognizance.

His lawyer, Evan Zelig, said a review of cellphone records showed Kocalis and the 18-year-old woman knew each other. Earlier in the day, she sent him a text message inviting Kocalis for sex, Zelig said.

Their tryst began inside his borrowed Porsche SUV but moved to a spot near the tennis courts because the car’s alarm kept going off, Zelig said.

After it was over, Kocalis drove the woman home, the lawyer said. She fabricated a story about being raped because she missed her curfew and Kocalis refused to lend her $20, Zelig said.

“It was determined her story was not credible whatsoever,” Zelig said outside court. “It was completely made up.”

Zelig said he brought the new information to sheriff’s investigators who analyzed both cellphones. They confirmed the messages as well as attempts by the woman to delete her own texts, Zelig said.

Staebell declined to discuss details other than to say a review was ongoing. Judge Robert LaForge ordered Kocalis to return to court Oct. 6 for further proceedings.
She was prepared to have this man rot in prison for life simply because he didn't loan her $20 and she attempted to erase evidence which revealed her lies.

We need laws which impose a sentence on false accusers that is commensurate with the sentence that would have been imposed on the falsely accused. This woman should spend her life in prison.
Fuck that woman a sociopath
Did anyone claim women never lie about rape?
You beat me to it.

The OP starts with the premise that someone has claimed that women never lie about rape. Ok, who has made such a claim? Name names.

Are you a recent visitor to Earth? Welcome, let me help acculturate you:

Jenkins is not the first to cite this will to believe. Wendy Kaminer (1993) reported that "it is a primary article of faith among many feminists that women don't lie about rape, ever; they lack the dishonesty gene" (p.67). Eight years earlier, in 1985, John O'Sullivan discovered a widespread defense of the belief that "no woman would fabricate a rape charge" (p.22). Feminists themselves admit as much. Law Professor Susan Estrich stated that "the whole effort at reforming rape laws has been an attack on the premise that women who bring complaints are suspect" (Newsweek, 1985, p.61). Some feminists believe that even defending that premise is a sex crime. Alan Dershowitz (1993) reports that he was accused of sexual harassment for discussing in class the possibility of false rape allegations.​

Believing the self-proclaimed victim of sexual misconduct has thus evolved from ideological conviction to legal doctrine and, in some jurisdictions, into law. California now requires that jurors be explicitly told that a rape conviction can be based on the accuser's testimony alone, without corroboration (Associated Press, 1992; Farrell, 1993). Canada is proposing that a man accused of rape must demonstrate that he received the willing consent of a sexual partner.​

These new rules rest on the assumption that women do not lie because they have no motive to lie. Consequently, as Jenkins (1993) states, the question of the "victim's credibility" has now become "crucial."​

The old rules rested on the assumption that women lied, they were dressed in a provocative way, that saying "no" was not necessarily an impediment to a good time, etc.

As with most things, the effort to combat one kind of falsehood leads to an equal but opposite falsehood. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
No, the truth never lies in the middle.

She was raped or she wasn't and he is a rapist or he isn't
Did anyone claim women never lie about rape?
You beat me to it.

The OP starts with the premise that someone has claimed that women never lie about rape. Ok, who has made such a claim? Name names.

Are you a recent visitor to Earth? Welcome, let me help acculturate you:

Jenkins is not the first to cite this will to believe. Wendy Kaminer (1993) reported that "it is a primary article of faith among many feminists that women don't lie about rape, ever; they lack the dishonesty gene" (p.67). Eight years earlier, in 1985, John O'Sullivan discovered a widespread defense of the belief that "no woman would fabricate a rape charge" (p.22). Feminists themselves admit as much. Law Professor Susan Estrich stated that "the whole effort at reforming rape laws has been an attack on the premise that women who bring complaints are suspect" (Newsweek, 1985, p.61). Some feminists believe that even defending that premise is a sex crime. Alan Dershowitz (1993) reports that he was accused of sexual harassment for discussing in class the possibility of false rape allegations.​

Believing the self-proclaimed victim of sexual misconduct has thus evolved from ideological conviction to legal doctrine and, in some jurisdictions, into law. California now requires that jurors be explicitly told that a rape conviction can be based on the accuser's testimony alone, without corroboration (Associated Press, 1992; Farrell, 1993). Canada is proposing that a man accused of rape must demonstrate that he received the willing consent of a sexual partner.​

These new rules rest on the assumption that women do not lie because they have no motive to lie. Consequently, as Jenkins (1993) states, the question of the "victim's credibility" has now become "crucial."​

The old rules rested on the assumption that women lied, they were dressed in a provocative way, that saying "no" was not necessarily an impediment to a good time, etc.

As with most things, the effort to combat one kind of falsehood leads to an equal but opposite falsehood. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
No, the truth never lies in the middle.

She was raped or she wasn't and he is a rapist or he isn't

Who are you asking?

Girl: He forced himself on me and wouldn't take no for an answer
Guy: She wanted it
Your view of women needs to be adjusted in order to tell the truth: Not every woman lies about being raped.
right on NOT every female lies about being raped, BUT..., many do, just for revenge of something petty after consensual sex. :up:

BTW.., how did you become a GOLD member with just a few weeks of membership ?????
Did anyone claim women never lie about rape?
You beat me to it.

The OP starts with the premise that someone has claimed that women never lie about rape. Ok, who has made such a claim? Name names.

Are you a recent visitor to Earth? Welcome, let me help acculturate you:

Jenkins is not the first to cite this will to believe. Wendy Kaminer (1993) reported that "it is a primary article of faith among many feminists that women don't lie about rape, ever; they lack the dishonesty gene" (p.67). Eight years earlier, in 1985, John O'Sullivan discovered a widespread defense of the belief that "no woman would fabricate a rape charge" (p.22). Feminists themselves admit as much. Law Professor Susan Estrich stated that "the whole effort at reforming rape laws has been an attack on the premise that women who bring complaints are suspect" (Newsweek, 1985, p.61). Some feminists believe that even defending that premise is a sex crime. Alan Dershowitz (1993) reports that he was accused of sexual harassment for discussing in class the possibility of false rape allegations.​

Believing the self-proclaimed victim of sexual misconduct has thus evolved from ideological conviction to legal doctrine and, in some jurisdictions, into law. California now requires that jurors be explicitly told that a rape conviction can be based on the accuser's testimony alone, without corroboration (Associated Press, 1992; Farrell, 1993). Canada is proposing that a man accused of rape must demonstrate that he received the willing consent of a sexual partner.​

These new rules rest on the assumption that women do not lie because they have no motive to lie. Consequently, as Jenkins (1993) states, the question of the "victim's credibility" has now become "crucial."​

The old rules rested on the assumption that women lied, they were dressed in a provocative way, that saying "no" was not necessarily an impediment to a good time, etc.

As with most things, the effort to combat one kind of falsehood leads to an equal but opposite falsehood. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
No, the truth never lies in the middle.

She was raped or she wasn't and he is a rapist or he isn't

You misunderstood.

The one "truth", that rape accusations are suspect, there must have been something she did to provoke it, vs. the other "truth", that women absolutely never, ever, ever lie about rape.

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