Women now eligible for combat duty . ..

Women now eligible for combat duty . ..
being old school that sucks for many reasons.
Now as far as the draft...yes it would go to reason that it would now include women too
Women now eligible for combat duty . ..
being old school that sucks for many reasons.
Now as far as the draft...yes it would go to reason that it would now include women too

On another board, someone commented that he hadn't thought of that angle. My response: "I wonder if Panetta thought of that angle before he removed the ban. It may come back to bite him."
I wonder how many exemptions Obama and his liberal pals will hand out on this one. You can bet your ass this won't apply to Sasha or Mahlia.
Women make up 14% of the military. Many good possibilities here.
As an old soldier from the old skool days, with a natural male-centric impression birthed in my own experiences, I bemoan the loss of the last exclusive male fraternity left.

HOWEVER...women have proven their mettle time and again, throughout this War on Terror. They've been there, done that, in just about every conceivable circumstance short of actually wearing the crossed rifles of the Infantry. They've accompanied rifle platoons on patrols and in firefights in a variety of roles, and have stood the challenge of direct combat with the enemy in a thousand unknown and unreported firefights. They've died in historic numbers and come home as crippled up as the most "manly" of war fighters, yet most have never wavered in their commitment or sought relief based upon their "weaker" sex. They've shouldered the same weapons, borne the same weight, took the same casualties and done their own fair share of the work. They have nothing more to prove to me.

All I can say at this point is...Hoo Ah! Welcome to Ft. Benning, home of the Infantry, ladies. You've earned your place.

God Bless you, each and every one.
Women aren't eligible for the draft because the law specifically excludes us. It would take an act of congress in order for women to be included.

Then it's not going to take long for the law to be changed, IMO.

Very possible.

It was reviewed in 94, and went to the SC in the 80's, but both times it went unchanged because of the block on women in combat.
Women are welcome for combat of duty if they are prepared to take the huge risks.

The US should learn from Israel experience where young women are actively fighting in certain areas. This areas are intelligence, security, surveillance and limited patrol where the dangers of being captured and hand to hand combat are less.

This does not denigrate women capabilities but it's just common sense in that the captured women could involve unnecessary brutality and ransom demands.
limited patrol where the dangers of being captured and hand to hand combat are less.

This does not denigrate women capabilities but it's just common sense in that the captured women could involve unnecessary brutality and ransom demands.

A female should be considered a soldier first and a female second if they wish to be involved in combat. Limited anything exposes personnel to risks that were not present when prior to women being in combat. Further, "some senior officers have privately voiced concerns that infantry and special forces units require major upper body strength and that difficult physical tests should not be relaxed for female recruits."
limited patrol where the dangers of being captured and hand to hand combat are less.

This does not denigrate women capabilities but it's just common sense in that the captured women could involve unnecessary brutality and ransom demands.

A female should be considered a soldier first and a female second if they wish to be involved in combat. Limited anything exposes personnel to risks that were not present when prior to women being in combat. Further, "some senior officers have privately voiced concerns that infantry and special forces units require major upper body strength and that difficult physical tests should not be relaxed for female recruits."

I agree that no tests should be laxed for females. If a position requires a certain amount of upper body strength, then that's what you need to have, period.
Enemies can kidnap, rape and ransom male soldiers just as easily as female ones.

That is true.

But in certain areas of the world women are at much greater risk of abuse than men.

Despite all the hype, it is hard to ignore the fact that if any great physical exertion is required such as close quarter fighting women are at a disadvantage... without inferring any less capabilities on their part. It's just a fact of life.
Enemies can kidnap, rape and ransom male soldiers just as easily as female ones.

That is true.

But in certain areas of the world women are at much greater risk of abuse than men.

Despite all the hype, it is hard to ignore the fact that if any great physical exertion is required such as close quarter fighting women are at a disadvantage... without inferring any less capabilities on their part. It's just a fact of life.

If the women are trained properly in these "close quarters" there is no disadvantage. Indeed, a smaller sized body would have the greater advantage in the fighting scenario you describe.
Above all, selection should be based on merit and capability other that if you are a woman or a man.

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