Women should dress modestly or expect to 'entice a rapist...'

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Their brains aren't fully formed.

That's also true.
The best advice is to be smart, be aware of your surroundings, don't go to strange places alone, always have your phone handy, if you feel uneasy it is probably a good idea to leave ASAP, don't go off alone with strangers.
And carry a gun. That way you can just shoot anyone that finds you attractive. :lol:
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women.

You didn't 'explain' anything. You made up a story that you couldn't back with evidence and didn't make the slightest sense. Women age 18 to 24 make up about 3% of the population but 21% of rape victims. Women over 50 make up 12.5% of the population but make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Meaning that a woman who is 18 to 21 is 25 times more likely to be raped than a woman over 50.

And women 18 to 21 aren't '25 times more available' than women over 50. Your entire argument is nonsense, backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nor can you explain why only ONE motivation can effect behavior. Why can't a rapist be into power.....and large breasted women? There's absolutely no reason that it can't both. Or more than just those two. A myriad of reasons could motivate any given rapist. And effect his behavior.

But you pretend that it can only be one motivation that influences behavior, ever. That's nonsense. There's no such mandate. There's absolutely no reason a rapist couldn't be motivated by more than one thing. You merely imagine a factually baseless cartoon character born of your imagination and assumption......and then demand that reality conform to it.

Um, no. As women 18 to 21 being 25 times more likely to be rape victims demonstrates, you playing pretend that sexual attraction plays no role in a rapist choosing his victim doesn't mean a thing. And protects no one.

And how many children are raped? It has to do with opportunity and vulnerability of the victim.
No! Just because you have a nice car, does that mean you should expect to be carjacked? What about women who have very large breasts and cannot hide them with clothing? Your correlation between clothing putting a person at a "higher risk" is just not adding up.

Ever been in Chicago south side or Detroit west side?
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women.

You didn't 'explain' anything. You made up a story that you couldn't back with evidence and didn't make the slightest sense. Women age 18 to 24 make up about 3% of the population but 21% of rape victims. Women over 50 make up 12.5% of the population but make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Meaning that a woman who is 18 to 21 is 25 times more likely to be raped than a woman over 50.

And women 18 to 21 aren't '25 times more available' than women over 50. Your entire argument is nonsense, backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nor can you explain why only ONE motivation can effect behavior. Why can't a rapist be into power.....and large breasted women? There's absolutely no reason that it can't both. Or more than just those two. A myriad of reasons could motivate any given rapist. And effect his behavior.

But you pretend that it can only be one motivation that influences behavior, ever. That's nonsense. There's no such mandate. There's absolutely no reason a rapist couldn't be motivated by more than one thing. You merely imagine a factually baseless cartoon character born of your imagination and assumption......and then demand that reality conform to it.

Um, no. As women 18 to 21 being 25 times more likely to be rape victims demonstrates, you playing pretend that sexual attraction plays no role in a rapist choosing his victim doesn't mean a thing. And protects no one.

Even if it does, that doesn't really mean anything. Like I said, some men find FEET attractive. A lot of rapists are probably more apt to go after the most VULNERABLE person, not the most attractive one.
Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women.

You didn't 'explain' anything. You made up a story that you couldn't back with evidence and didn't make the slightest sense. Women age 18 to 24 make up about 3% of the population but 21% of rape victims. Women over 50 make up 12.5% of the population but make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Meaning that a woman who is 18 to 21 is 25 times more likely to be raped than a woman over 50.

And women 18 to 21 aren't '25 times more available' than women over 50. Your entire argument is nonsense, backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nor can you explain why only ONE motivation can effect behavior. Why can't a rapist be into power.....and large breasted women? There's absolutely no reason that it can't both. Or more than just those two. A myriad of reasons could motivate any given rapist. And effect his behavior.

But you pretend that it can only be one motivation that influences behavior, ever. That's nonsense. There's no such mandate. There's absolutely no reason a rapist couldn't be motivated by more than one thing. You merely imagine a factually baseless cartoon character born of your imagination and assumption......and then demand that reality conform to it.

Um, no. As women 18 to 21 being 25 times more likely to be rape victims demonstrates, you playing pretend that sexual attraction plays no role in a rapist choosing his victim doesn't mean a thing. And protects no one.

And how many children are raped? It has to do with opportunity and vulnerability of the victim.
Not the way they are dressed? oh, my! Who would have thought that perps pick out victims they are confident they can victimize.
A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.
In fact, I think I remember a case from a few years back where a guy was going around, breaking into women's homes at night and licking their feet. I'm going to see if I can find a link. Lol. BRB.
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.

Yes they are though. Many elderly people have been the victims of sexual assault. However, young women are still going to be the most vulnerable category because they are out drinking and mingling with young men. All rape victims are NOT beautiful.

USATODAY.com - Sexual assaults haunt families of elderly victims
Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women.

You didn't 'explain' anything. You made up a story that you couldn't back with evidence and didn't make the slightest sense. Women age 18 to 24 make up about 3% of the population but 21% of rape victims. Women over 50 make up 12.5% of the population but make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Meaning that a woman who is 18 to 21 is 25 times more likely to be raped than a woman over 50.

And women 18 to 21 aren't '25 times more available' than women over 50. Your entire argument is nonsense, backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nor can you explain why only ONE motivation can effect behavior. Why can't a rapist be into power.....and large breasted women? There's absolutely no reason that it can't both. Or more than just those two. A myriad of reasons could motivate any given rapist. And effect his behavior.

But you pretend that it can only be one motivation that influences behavior, ever. That's nonsense. There's no such mandate. There's absolutely no reason a rapist couldn't be motivated by more than one thing. You merely imagine a factually baseless cartoon character born of your imagination and assumption......and then demand that reality conform to it.

Um, no. As women 18 to 21 being 25 times more likely to be rape victims demonstrates, you playing pretend that sexual attraction plays no role in a rapist choosing his victim doesn't mean a thing. And protects no one.

Even if it does, that doesn't really mean anything. Like I said, some men find FEET attractive. A lot of rapists are probably more apt to go after the most VULNERABLE person, not the most attractive one.

Some men are into feet. Most aren't. We'r speaking of probability and risk. That A man is attracted to feet doesn't mean that most are.

And vulnerability surely plays a role. But as rape victims being the youngest on average of victims of any major violent crime, its not the only role. If it were then old folks homes would be a rapist hunting ground.

Why is it so hard to accept that sexual attraction would be one of the motivating factors in how a rapist chooses his victims? And why couldn't a rapist have more than one motivation? Why must it be ONE and only one that effects behavior? It isn't for virtually any other human activity. Why must it be for rape?
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.

Persons 18-24 are also the most vulnerable for homicide, as well as other crimes.


Approximately a third (34%) of murder victims and almost half (49%) of the offenders were under age 25. For both victims and offenders, the rate per 100,000 peaked in the 18 to 24 year-old age group at 17.1 victims per 100,000 and 29.3 off enders per 100,000.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.

Yes they are though. Many elderly people have been the victims of sexual assault. However, young women are still going to be the most vulnerable category because they are out drinking and mingling with young men. All rape victims are NOT beautiful.

USATODAY.com - Sexual assaults haunt families of elderly victims

And the place where your argument breaks again and again is frequency. How often something occurs. You treat ANY occurance as being as like as any other. And that evidence simply doesn't support that.

Women 18 to 21 are 25 times more likely to be raped that women over 50. These aren't subtle numbers. And the rare instance of an 80 year old woman being raped doesn't mean that 18 to 21 year olds are somehow safer. They're still an order of magnitude more likely to be victimized.

Playing pretend protects no one. Imagining rapists to be cartoon characters protects no one.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women.

You didn't 'explain' anything. You made up a story that you couldn't back with evidence and didn't make the slightest sense. Women age 18 to 24 make up about 3% of the population but 21% of rape victims. Women over 50 make up 12.5% of the population but make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Meaning that a woman who is 18 to 21 is 25 times more likely to be raped than a woman over 50.

And women 18 to 21 aren't '25 times more available' than women over 50. Your entire argument is nonsense, backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nor can you explain why only ONE motivation can effect behavior. Why can't a rapist be into power.....and large breasted women? There's absolutely no reason that it can't both. Or more than just those two. A myriad of reasons could motivate any given rapist. And effect his behavior.

But you pretend that it can only be one motivation that influences behavior, ever. That's nonsense. There's no such mandate. There's absolutely no reason a rapist couldn't be motivated by more than one thing. You merely imagine a factually baseless cartoon character born of your imagination and assumption......and then demand that reality conform to it.

Um, no. As women 18 to 21 being 25 times more likely to be rape victims demonstrates, you playing pretend that sexual attraction plays no role in a rapist choosing his victim doesn't mean a thing. And protects no one.

Even if it does, that doesn't really mean anything. Like I said, some men find FEET attractive. A lot of rapists are probably more apt to go after the most VULNERABLE person, not the most attractive one.

Some men are into feet. Most aren't. We'r speaking of probability and risk. That A man is attracted to feet doesn't mean that most are.

And vulnerability surely plays a role. But as rape victims being the youngest on average of victims of any major violent crime, its not the only role. If it were then old folks homes would be a rapist hunting ground.

Why is it so hard to accept that sexual attraction would be one of the motivating factors in how a rapist chooses his victims? And why couldn't a rapist have more than one motivation? Why must it be ONE and only one that effects behavior? It isn't for virtually any other human activity. Why must it be for rape?
Its evident you dont understand power is the motivating factor no matter what way the results of that factor may manifest itself. Its pretty simple. "I want to force you. You cant stop me." Thats power not sex.
Street whores have the highest vulnerability of rape, and they are NOT attractive. Also, there is no NEED to rape them, but yet, they are raped frequently, more so than other group. Why? Because they are vulnerable, not because they are attractive.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.

Persons 18-24 are also the most vulnerable for homicide, as well as other crimes.


Approximately a third (34%) of murder victims and almost half (49%) of the offenders were under age 25. For both victims and offenders, the rate per 100,000 peaked in the 18 to 24 year-old age group at 17.1 victims per 100,000 and 29.3 off enders per 100,000.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.

Persons 18-24 are also the most vulnerable for homicide, as well as other crimes.


Approximately a third (34%) of murder victims and almost half (49%) of the offenders were under age 25. For both victims and offenders, the rate per 100,000 peaked in the 18 to 24 year-old age group at 17.1 victims per 100,000 and 29.3 off enders per 100,000.

The average age of a murder victim is about 30. The average age of a rape victim is about 25. If 'vulnerability' were the only factor, then there would be little to no difference in these numbers.
Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.

Yes they are though. Many elderly people have been the victims of sexual assault. However, young women are still going to be the most vulnerable category because they are out drinking and mingling with young men. All rape victims are NOT beautiful.

USATODAY.com - Sexual assaults haunt families of elderly victims

And the place where your argument breaks again and again is frequency. How often something occurs. You treat ANY occurance as being as like as any other. And that evidence simply doesn't support that.

Women 18 to 21 are 25 times more likely to be raped that women over 50. These aren't subtle numbers. And the rare instance of an 80 year old woman being raped doesn't mean that 18 to 21 year olds are somehow safer. They're still an order of magnitude more likely to be victimized.

Playing pretend protects no one. Imagining rapists to be cartoon characters protects no one.

Bull. It doesn't "break down" at all. How many 50-year-old women do you see out clubbing? Now . . . how many 21-year-old women do you see out clubbing? There you go. It is consistent.
Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.

Persons 18-24 are also the most vulnerable for homicide, as well as other crimes.


Approximately a third (34%) of murder victims and almost half (49%) of the offenders were under age 25. For both victims and offenders, the rate per 100,000 peaked in the 18 to 24 year-old age group at 17.1 victims per 100,000 and 29.3 off enders per 100,000.
Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.

Persons 18-24 are also the most vulnerable for homicide, as well as other crimes.


Approximately a third (34%) of murder victims and almost half (49%) of the offenders were under age 25. For both victims and offenders, the rate per 100,000 peaked in the 18 to 24 year-old age group at 17.1 victims per 100,000 and 29.3 off enders per 100,000.

The average age of a murder victim is about 30. The average age of a rape victim is about 25. If 'vulnerability' were the only factor, then there would be little to no difference in these numbers.

25 to 30 really is NOT that much of a difference. MOST homicide victims and perpetrators are young people, under 30.
Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women.

You didn't 'explain' anything. You made up a story that you couldn't back with evidence and didn't make the slightest sense. Women age 18 to 24 make up about 3% of the population but 21% of rape victims. Women over 50 make up 12.5% of the population but make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Meaning that a woman who is 18 to 21 is 25 times more likely to be raped than a woman over 50.

And women 18 to 21 aren't '25 times more available' than women over 50. Your entire argument is nonsense, backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nor can you explain why only ONE motivation can effect behavior. Why can't a rapist be into power.....and large breasted women? There's absolutely no reason that it can't both. Or more than just those two. A myriad of reasons could motivate any given rapist. And effect his behavior.

But you pretend that it can only be one motivation that influences behavior, ever. That's nonsense. There's no such mandate. There's absolutely no reason a rapist couldn't be motivated by more than one thing. You merely imagine a factually baseless cartoon character born of your imagination and assumption......and then demand that reality conform to it.

Um, no. As women 18 to 21 being 25 times more likely to be rape victims demonstrates, you playing pretend that sexual attraction plays no role in a rapist choosing his victim doesn't mean a thing. And protects no one.

Even if it does, that doesn't really mean anything. Like I said, some men find FEET attractive. A lot of rapists are probably more apt to go after the most VULNERABLE person, not the most attractive one.

Some men are into feet. Most aren't. We'r speaking of probability and risk. That A man is attracted to feet doesn't mean that most are.

And vulnerability surely plays a role. But as rape victims being the youngest on average of victims of any major violent crime, its not the only role. If it were then old folks homes would be a rapist hunting ground.

Why is it so hard to accept that sexual attraction would be one of the motivating factors in how a rapist chooses his victims? And why couldn't a rapist have more than one motivation? Why must it be ONE and only one that effects behavior? It isn't for virtually any other human activity. Why must it be for rape?
Its evident you dont understand power is the motivating factor no matter what way the results of that factor may manifest itself. Its pretty simple. "I want to force you. You cant stop me." Thats power not sex.

Its obvious you can't explain why a rapist can't be into power....and red heads. Why other motivations can't effect behavior. You assume that it can ONLY be power that influences behavior.....but you can't explain why. Or why it must be mutually exclusive.

You typing your assumptions. Assumptions backed by nothing. Not even an explanation. Let alone evidence to back it.

And I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence that women 18 to 21 are 25 times more 'available' than women over 50. Because they're 25 times more likely to be raped than women over 50.
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Older women are far more vulnerable. Hell, if vulnerability were your standard....old folks homes would be a rapist hell hole. But they aren't. Rape is extremely rare there, despite a bonanza of your assumption of causation.

And if were merely vulnerability and bad decision making, then why aren't young women equally represented in all other major forms of violent crime? Why is rape *specifically* have victims of the youngest age on average? Murder, assault, robbery, all skew much older.

But rape skews young. If 'vulnerability' were the basis, then all other forms of violent crime would skew as young. But they don't.

You can keep making up elaborate and baseless narratives backed by jack shit to explain away the mountains of evidence contradicting you. Or you can acknowledge the obvious:

that sexual attraction plays a role in how rapists pick their victims.
Bullshit. When's the last time you were in an old folks home? The vast majority of workers are FEMALE.

And I already showed you that ALL victims of violent crime skew young.

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