Women should dress modestly or expect to 'entice a rapist...'

No, what people are trying to explain to you is that it does not matter WHAT THE HECK you are wearing. You will STILL get raped if there is a rapist in the room who decides he wants to rape you. It could be your hair color, your perfume, that you remind him of someone, etc., etc., etc.

So, women should no longer wear sexy clothes because we should fear that this would cause us to be raped??? That's ridiculous.

Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.
My only point was there are no excuses for rape. ever! I included some who might be considered easy targets. A 14 yr old attention seeking duck face on tumblr, a woman who is a walking train wreck, a woman who walks alone at night, a stripper never deserves rape...or any kind of abuse for that matter.

That being said...females are responsible for what they do. It used to be men held all the cards so to speak...I can do what I want...blame the female.
thats flipped. thank goodness...but now its Im a proud biotch..you cant git me.

Im sure some of these date rape cases were probably a 2 way street. It doesnt ever justify the end crime...but still.
On social media I saw someone once post a pic of herself wearing a t shirt and then proudly announced she was wearing no underwear ( to about 2000 people.) Some guy hit on her in private, she went on to expose the whole convo and embarrassed the hell out of him. Then lol she went on a diatribe about slut shaming and womens rights.
Im sorry people like that need counseling, not a platform for social justice.:laugh:

How is it a "2-way street?" About your social media example, maybe the guy was a creep? Maybe he was married or something. Anyhow, I really don't see how that relates to the topic, unless you are insinuating that some women DESERVE to be raped?

No...the text she showed was with a foreign type guy...she was making fun of his speaking skills. He was actually very polite. Her actions were pathetic. That was my point.
I was trying to add in behaviors that might lead up to real frustration in a dating scenario. Id never justified any type of rape.
Dont know about the married part. I havent been married in 6 years so I dont always inlude that. Ofcourse it would be wrong.
Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.

Fat and ugly women are raped too!!! Duh!
Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women. Hence they are targeted more frequently. When you throw in the fact that they are less inclined to report or know what to do about rape then that completely obliterates your argument. You shouldnt pretend I never told you that. If you want to dismiss it thats fine but you dont have to lie to make yourself feel better.
The crime is NEVER the responsibility of the victim. If I got lost in my Cadillac (I don't really have a Caddy, BTW - lol), in a bad neighborhood and was carjacked, is that MY fault? No, it is not. Rape is the ONLY crime where the victim is expected to share responsibility. It's disgusting.

Once it's occurred, it is the rapists fault. Your actions before hand however could place you in a higher risk category for the rape to occur.

No! Just because you have a nice car, does that mean you should expect to be carjacked? What about women who have very large breasts and cannot hide them with clothing? Your correlation between clothing putting a person at a "higher risk" is just not adding up.

I think if I drive a Yugo one day, then a Ferrari the next, I think the Ferrari will draw more attention and will be more desirous to someone who wants a car.
A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women. Hence they are targeted more frequently. When you throw in the fact that they are less inclined to report or know what to do about rape then that completely obliterates your argument. You shouldnt pretend I never told you that. If you want to dismiss it thats fine but you dont have to lie to make yourself feel better.

True, younger women who are still dating and not settled down are going to be the obvious targets. They are the ones going to the clubs and doing things.
A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.

Fat and ugly women are raped too!!! Duh!

And 80 year old women are raped too. But no where near as often as 18 to 21 year olds. With all women over 50 accounting for less than 3% of all rapes. While women 18 to 21 account for 1/5th of all rapes.

How do you account for this wild discrepancy?
The crime is NEVER the responsibility of the victim. If I got lost in my Cadillac (I don't really have a Caddy, BTW - lol), in a bad neighborhood and was carjacked, is that MY fault? No, it is not. Rape is the ONLY crime where the victim is expected to share responsibility. It's disgusting.

Once it's occurred, it is the rapists fault. Your actions before hand however could place you in a higher risk category for the rape to occur.

No! Just because you have a nice car, does that mean you should expect to be carjacked? What about women who have very large breasts and cannot hide them with clothing? Your correlation between clothing putting a person at a "higher risk" is just not adding up.

I think if I drive a Yugo one day, then a Ferrari the next, I think the Ferrari will draw more attention and will be more desirous to someone who wants a car.

Then you have your "serial rapists" who break into women's houses at night and things like that. Do you think they are really caring about the women look like?
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.

Fat and ugly women are raped too!!! Duh!

And 80 year old women are raped too. But no where near as often as 18 to 21 year olds. With all women over 50 accounting for less than 3% of all rapes. While women 18 to 21 account for 1/5th of all rapes.

How do you account for this wild discrepancy?

Those women aren't usually exposed to young men on a regular basis. Most older women are married and not going out trying to meet men.
You know, in my younger years, i spent my share of time in strip clubs, in parked cars with my dates, even a nude beach. The sight of a nude, or semi-nude woman never motivated me to even THINK of rape. I did think of getting laid, but raping someone never occurred to me in my entire life. Yet, there are men here who think that erotica could motivate men to rape. This way of thinking is so foreign to me that I am blown away by it. Quite frankly, it tells me a whole lot about the men who hold that position. I hope to god that none of you know my daughter.

If she holds the same views that you post here, then I would be running in the opposite direction of your daughter.

And to your assertion that some of us here are evil, you and others here haven't the intelligence apparently to read and comprehend simple logic.

None of us are saying a woman "invites" a rapist to attack her by her choice of attire, or her actions.

What I think most of us are simply saying is the actions and choices a woman makes could contribute to drawing attention from someone who may be unable, or who do not wish to control themselves.

I would have thought this would be common sense, but apparently to you and some others it's rocket science that's beyond your ability to understand.
The crime is NEVER the responsibility of the victim. If I got lost in my Cadillac (I don't really have a Caddy, BTW - lol), in a bad neighborhood and was carjacked, is that MY fault? No, it is not. Rape is the ONLY crime where the victim is expected to share responsibility. It's disgusting.

Once it's occurred, it is the rapists fault. Your actions before hand however could place you in a higher risk category for the rape to occur.

No! Just because you have a nice car, does that mean you should expect to be carjacked? What about women who have very large breasts and cannot hide them with clothing? Your correlation between clothing putting a person at a "higher risk" is just not adding up.

I think if I drive a Yugo one day, then a Ferrari the next, I think the Ferrari will draw more attention and will be more desirous to someone who wants a car.

Then you have your "serial rapists" who break into women's houses at night and things like that. Do you think they are really caring about the women look like?

In those cases probably not, and that's what I've been saying, one size does not fit all.
You know, in my younger years, i spent my share of time in strip clubs, in parked cars with my dates, even a nude beach. The sight of a nude, or semi-nude woman never motivated me to even THINK of rape. I did think of getting laid, but raping someone never occurred to me in my entire life. Yet, there are men here who think that erotica could motivate men to rape. This way of thinking is so foreign to me that I am blown away by it. Quite frankly, it tells me a whole lot about the men who hold that position. I hope to god that none of you know my daughter.

If she holds the same views that you post here, then I would be running in the opposite direction of your daughter.

And to your assertion that some of us here are evil, you and others here haven't the intelligence apparently to read and comprehend simple logic.

None of us are saying a woman "invites" a rapist to attack her by her choice of attire, or her actions.

What I think most of us are simply saying is the actions and choices a woman makes could contribute to drawing attention from someone who may be unable, or who do not wish to control themselves.

I would have thought this would be common sense, but apparently to you and some others it's rocket science that's beyond your ability to understand.

Well, I totally understand what you are saying, but I disagree. I think that anything could be a trigger for a rapist. So if you want to go that route, staying locked indoors would be your safest option to avoid rape. We should not live in fear and let fear rule our lives.
The best advice is to be smart, be aware of your surroundings, don't go to strange places alone, always have your phone handy, if you feel uneasy it is probably a good idea to leave ASAP, don't go off alone with strangers.
Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Hello? I do believe I "had something" regarding the age. Young women get raped more often because they are more vulnerable. More likely to take risks, more likely to have lower confidence, more likely to find themselves in situations where they are acting stupidly.

Their brains aren't fully formed.
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women.

You didn't 'explain' anything. You made up a story that you couldn't back with evidence and didn't make the slightest sense. Women age 18 to 24 make up about 3% of the population but 21% of rape victims. Women over 50 make up 12.5% of the population but make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Meaning that a woman who is 18 to 21 is 25 times more likely to be raped than a woman over 50.

And women 18 to 21 aren't '25 times more available' than women over 50. Your entire argument is nonsense, backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nor can you explain why only ONE motivation can effect behavior. Why can't a rapist be into power.....and large breasted women? There's absolutely no reason that it can't both. Or more than just those two. A myriad of reasons could motivate any given rapist. And effect his behavior.

But you pretend that it can only be one motivation that influences behavior, ever. That's nonsense. There's no such mandate. There's absolutely no reason a rapist couldn't be motivated by more than one thing. You merely imagine a factually baseless cartoon character born of your imagination and assumption......and then demand that reality conform to it.

Um, no. As women 18 to 21 being 25 times more likely to be rape victims demonstrates, you playing pretend that sexual attraction plays no role in a rapist choosing his victim doesn't mean a thing. And protects no one.
A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.
Entitlement is just another name for power over someone. So yeah, if you rape someone because you want sexual gratification there is no difference.
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.

Fat and ugly women are raped too!!! Duh!

And 80 year old women are raped too. But no where near as often as 18 to 21 year olds. With all women over 50 accounting for less than 3% of all rapes. While women 18 to 21 account for 1/5th of all rapes.

How do you account for this wild discrepancy?
Availability like I have pointed out for the 4th time.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?

Sexual penetration of a person against their will.

I don't think however that is what you really are asking.

If you're back to the claim again that rape is ALL about power over someone, then I'll just repeat what I've said over and over.

I think rape sometimes is about power over someone, as the root cause, and I think sometimes the motivating factor is from the desire of sexual gratification.

When you use POWER to overpower a person to take what you want, what would you call that? That is not "sexual gratification."
The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

Not just the same root cause. But that one and only one motivation can ever effect behavior, regardless of the circumstances, person, or context. Always and every time without exception.

A rapist can't be sexually attracted to any woman, can't have any preferences, can't prefer anything. His sole motivation that effects behavior is his desire for power. Why motivations have to be perfectly pristine and absolute has never been explained. Why couldn't a rapist have a thing for power....and red heads?

There has never been a compelling reason to explain it. Worse, if rapists were genuinely void of any sexual attraction to related women to an almost ludicrous degree. With 21% of all rape victims being between 18 and 21 years of age. Those 3 years represent a full 1/5th of all rapes. While women over 50 make up less than 3%. All of them.

When asked to explain this wild contradiction to their assumptions......they've got nothing.

In no other context would we so glibly accept such cartoon caricatures and absolutist thinking as valid. But when it comes to rape, some people just shut down parts of their brain and embrace the cartoon. As if by pretending that rapists can possess only one possible motivation.....that they're magically bound to the stereotype.

Um, no. They're not. And pretending otherwise doesn't protect any woman.
Thats a lie. I explained to you that younger women were more available than older women.

You didn't 'explain' anything. You made up a story that you couldn't back with evidence and didn't make the slightest sense. Women age 18 to 24 make up about 3% of the population but 21% of rape victims. Women over 50 make up 12.5% of the population but make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Meaning that a woman who is 18 to 21 is 25 times more likely to be raped than a woman over 50.

And women 18 to 21 aren't '25 times more available' than women over 50. Your entire argument is nonsense, backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nor can you explain why only ONE motivation can effect behavior. Why can't a rapist be into power.....and large breasted women? There's absolutely no reason that it can't both. Or more than just those two. A myriad of reasons could motivate any given rapist. And effect his behavior.

But you pretend that it can only be one motivation that influences behavior, ever. That's nonsense. There's no such mandate. There's absolutely no reason a rapist couldn't be motivated by more than one thing. You merely imagine a factually baseless cartoon character born of your imagination and assumption......and then demand that reality conform to it.

Um, no. As women 18 to 21 being 25 times more likely to be rape victims demonstrates, you playing pretend that sexual attraction plays no role in a rapist choosing his victim doesn't mean a thing. And protects no one.
So you lied and said no one addressed it but now you admit I did but you didnt like it?

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