Women should dress modestly or expect to 'entice a rapist...'

I can only speak for myself....

You have to know where to "draw the line" - depending on the type of guy you run across, a normal/rational guy will back off - someone that just wants power/control won't.....

Dealing with a "random rape" - there is no telling....

In a situation where you are leading someone on, if you lead the wrong kind of guy or person on, or give cues that you are receptive to their attentions, you need to be prepared for a variety of responses.

There are some that won't handle rejection well, especially if they feel you were giving them a message to the contrary.....

And that has absolutely nothing to do with how you are dressed.

I know how I dress will effect how people think about me (right or wrong)
Whether I CARE or not is another story......

Do you have a sign that says kill me? Why should anything you do or any way you dress be an invite to be attacked or killed?
Why then should a woman's behavior be an invite to rape?
I don't think sexy clothes causes men to rape women.
I DO think sexy clothes will increase the likelihood of male attention, and thus, increase odds of possible unwanted attention - you would really have to look at a study/statistics to see, but, I think it's more a matter of the position you put yourself in (area, character of people etc.)

There is no way you can prevent being raped unless you are in solitary confinement - but I think there are things you can do to DECREASE your odds......

So you're saying the woman invited the rape.
No, what people are trying to explain to you is that it does not matter WHAT THE HECK you are wearing. You will STILL get raped if there is a rapist in the room who decides he wants to rape you. It could be your hair color, your perfume, that you remind him of someone, etc., etc., etc.

So, women should no longer wear sexy clothes because we should fear that this would cause us to be raped??? That's ridiculous.

Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
Until you can prove otherwise you will be forced to listen to that same record. Can you prove the broken record is wrong?
My only point was there are no excuses for rape. ever! I included some who might be considered easy targets. A 14 yr old attention seeking duck face on tumblr, a woman who is a walking train wreck, a woman who walks alone at night, a stripper never deserves rape...or any kind of abuse for that matter.

That being said...females are responsible for what they do. It used to be men held all the cards so to speak...I can do what I want...blame the female.
thats flipped. thank goodness...but now its Im a proud biotch..you cant git me.

Im sure some of these date rape cases were probably a 2 way street. It doesnt ever justify the end crime...but still.
On social media I saw someone once post a pic of herself wearing a t shirt and then proudly announced she was wearing no underwear ( to about 2000 people.) Some guy hit on her in private, she went on to expose the whole convo and embarrassed the hell out of him. Then lol she went on a diatribe about slut shaming and womens rights.
Im sorry people like that need counseling, not a platform for social justice.:laugh:

How is it a "2-way street?" About your social media example, maybe the guy was a creep? Maybe he was married or something. Anyhow, I really don't see how that relates to the topic, unless you are insinuating that some women DESERVE to be raped?
They have to know at some level. It's fascinating to observe, but you can't communicate with people who refuse to be honest.

I said this in post 333: "There is rape -- which, as I understand it, is essentially as it is portrayed by those here who are against what Hynde said -- and then there is the relatively long list of bad stuff that can happen when a guy gets too drunk and excited and horny -- some of which, by the way, could be construed as rape by some."

These people are choosing to remain locked in this binary argument: There is only one kind of rape, there is only one kind of rapist, rape only happens for one reason, there is only one environment in which an act can be interpreted as rape, rape only has one meaning every time. They leave no room for gray area or interpretation, which is precisely what would be needed in the real world if a young lady brought a rape charge. They are being absolutely absolutist. It's like trying to discuss taxes with a Tea Partier.

It amazes me, how similar the two ends are. I don't know how to deal with absolutists.

They have to know better, they're doing this on purpose, they're not being honest. Par for the course for the PC Police.

No, what people are trying to explain to you is that it does not matter WHAT THE HECK you are wearing. You will STILL get raped if there is a rapist in the room who decides he wants to rape you. It could be your hair color, your perfume, that you remind him of someone, etc., etc., etc.

So, women should no longer wear sexy clothes because we should fear that this would cause us to be raped??? That's ridiculous.

Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.

Maybe she is just hot after all it is summer

You see sex in a picture? Shame

Oh, you know, if a woman is exposing some skin, it must mean she wants sex. :lol: Sarcasm of course.
No, what people are trying to explain to you is that it does not matter WHAT THE HECK you are wearing. You will STILL get raped if there is a rapist in the room who decides he wants to rape you. It could be your hair color, your perfume, that you remind him of someone, etc., etc., etc.

So, women should no longer wear sexy clothes because we should fear that this would cause us to be raped??? That's ridiculous.

Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.





I don't think sexy clothes causes men to rape women.
I DO think sexy clothes will increase the likelihood of male attention, and thus, increase odds of possible unwanted attention - you would really have to look at a study/statistics to see, but, I think it's more a matter of the position you put yourself in (area, character of people etc.)

There is no way you can prevent being raped unless you are in solitary confinement - but I think there are things you can do to DECREASE your odds......

Sweden and south africa have higher reports of rape than the US. Is it because of what they wear?

The High Rape-Scale in Saudi Arabia

Explain how so many rapes occur in Saudi Arabia where women have to be covered from head to foot in loose black burkas.

Is it something they wear that invites to be raped?
No, what people are trying to explain to you is that it does not matter WHAT THE HECK you are wearing. You will STILL get raped if there is a rapist in the room who decides he wants to rape you. It could be your hair color, your perfume, that you remind him of someone, etc., etc., etc.

So, women should no longer wear sexy clothes because we should fear that this would cause us to be raped??? That's ridiculous.

Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

What do you think it is when a man forces himself on a woman who does not want him? That IS about power. It doesn't diminish the act in any way, so I don't really understand your argument. Even if it was about sexual gratification, he is still using his superior strength to overpower the woman and TAKE what he wants, so the "power" element is still very much a factor.
I don't think sexy clothes causes men to rape women.
I DO think sexy clothes will increase the likelihood of male attention, and thus, increase odds of possible unwanted attention - you would really have to look at a study/statistics to see, but, I think it's more a matter of the position you put yourself in (area, character of people etc.)

There is no way you can prevent being raped unless you are in solitary confinement - but I think there are things you can do to DECREASE your odds......

Sweden and south africa have higher reports of rape than the US. Is it because of what they wear?

The High Rape-Scale in Saudi Arabia

Explain how so many rapes occur in Saudi Arabia where women have to be covered from head to foot in loose black burkas.

Is it something they wear that invites to be raped?

Re-look at my 1st sentence above... Thanks.
I found this to be interesting.... I think everyone in this thread would find it to be also....

Why do rapists rape? For power or sex? Let’s ask a rapist!

1. Muchoki, S.M. and S. Wandibba, An Interplay of Individual Motivations and Sociocultural Factors Predisposing Men to Acts of Rape in Kenya. International Journal of Sexual Health, 2009.

Interesting read, and sure doesn't fit the usual feminist claims.
I don't think sexy clothes causes men to rape women.
I DO think sexy clothes will increase the likelihood of male attention, and thus, increase odds of possible unwanted attention - you would really have to look at a study/statistics to see, but, I think it's more a matter of the position you put yourself in (area, character of people etc.)

There is no way you can prevent being raped unless you are in solitary confinement - but I think there are things you can do to DECREASE your odds......

Sweden and south africa have higher reports of rape than the US. Is it because of what they wear?

The High Rape-Scale in Saudi Arabia

Explain how so many rapes occur in Saudi Arabia where women have to be covered from head to foot in loose black burkas.

Is it something they wear that invites to be raped?

Re-look at my 1st sentence above... Thanks.

You don't have to wear sexy clothes to get unwanted male attention. Obviously. :D
The crime is NEVER the responsibility of the victim. If I got lost in my Cadillac (I don't really have a Caddy, BTW - lol), in a bad neighborhood and was carjacked, is that MY fault? No, it is not. Rape is the ONLY crime where the victim is expected to share responsibility. It's disgusting.
No, what people are trying to explain to you is that it does not matter WHAT THE HECK you are wearing. You will STILL get raped if there is a rapist in the room who decides he wants to rape you. It could be your hair color, your perfume, that you remind him of someone, etc., etc., etc.

So, women should no longer wear sexy clothes because we should fear that this would cause us to be raped??? That's ridiculous.

Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.
How do you define rape?
I found this to be interesting.... I think everyone in this thread would find it to be also....

Why do rapists rape? For power or sex? Let’s ask a rapist!

1. Muchoki, S.M. and S. Wandibba, An Interplay of Individual Motivations and Sociocultural Factors Predisposing Men to Acts of Rape in Kenya. International Journal of Sexual Health, 2009.
I'm confused as to what made the the author not recognize that all those reasons are about power and control over women no matter what the rapist wants to call it? People will make up every rationale to explain their behavior away and very few have the insight to look at their behavior for what it is. Normal people dont just say "I want to have sex so the next person I see will be forced to have sex with me" and it not be about power and control.

That's something that can be argued to the "nth" degree.
I think ultimately it IS about "having your way". Men are more aggressive, and, we all know alcohol can case you to do things you wouldn't ordinarily do.... so there are so many variations and variables.

In MOST cases, I agree with you. It's about anger, control, frustration or just a unnatural "lust"...

I think MOST men will not rape someone just because they are horny.
There has to be a "something else" going on in their brain, and, likely a mental illness of some sort.

Most men won't rape when they're aroused because they are able to control themselves, the ones that can't control themselves are then likely to act out their thoughts and desires. Maybe that is a mental illness not being able to control ones self.
Much in the same way a hoarder can't throw things away, a fat person continues to eat, a smoker continues to smoke.
The crime is NEVER the responsibility of the victim. If I got lost in my Cadillac (I don't really have a Caddy, BTW - lol), in a bad neighborhood and was carjacked, is that MY fault? No, it is not. Rape is the ONLY crime where the victim is expected to share responsibility. It's disgusting.

Once it's occurred, it is the rapists fault. Your actions before hand however could place you in a higher risk category for the rape to occur.
The crime is NEVER the responsibility of the victim. If I got lost in my Cadillac (I don't really have a Caddy, BTW - lol), in a bad neighborhood and was carjacked, is that MY fault? No, it is not. Rape is the ONLY crime where the victim is expected to share responsibility. It's disgusting.

Once it's occurred, it is the rapists fault. Your actions before hand however could place you in a higher risk category for the rape to occur.
How do you determine what actions place you in a higher risk category? Is that risk category broken down somewhere or are we just guessing based on what you would do?
Ok, there's a rapist in the room. You're wearing a very short skirt and sheer blouse that exposes a very sexy bra. You act flirty and are drinking.
There's another woman in the room with very conservative attire and is speaking and acting in a very conservative and modest fashion.

Both leave the room and go their separate ways.

Who is the rapist more likely to follow ?

A rapist would sometimes probably AVOID the loud-mouthed drunk girl who is making a scene. The quiet demure shy woman might be the bigger turn on for HIM. Rape is USUALLY a crime of opportunity. They really are NOT that choosy in most instances. They are seeking out a VICTIM.

The provocatively dressed woman will get more attention from someone seeking sexual gratification.
Rape is not about sexual gratification. Its about power.

Here we go again, the standard feminist narrative that all rape has the same root cause. You guys are closed minded, and a broken record.

What do you think it is when a man forces himself on a woman who does not want him? That IS about power. It doesn't diminish the act in any way, so I don't really understand your argument. Even if it was about sexual gratification, he is still using his superior strength to overpower the woman and TAKE what he wants, so the "power" element is still very much a factor.

The crime is NEVER the responsibility of the victim. If I got lost in my Cadillac (I don't really have a Caddy, BTW - lol), in a bad neighborhood and was carjacked, is that MY fault? No, it is not. Rape is the ONLY crime where the victim is expected to share responsibility. It's disgusting.

Once it's occurred, it is the rapists fault. Your actions before hand however could place you in a higher risk category for the rape to occur.

No! Just because you have a nice car, does that mean you should expect to be carjacked? What about women who have very large breasts and cannot hide them with clothing? Your correlation between clothing putting a person at a "higher risk" is just not adding up.

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