CDZ Women should embrace both owning and carrying guns as acts of personal empowerment.

If the "womens movement" actually cares about empowering women, they should whole heartedly embrace owing and carrying guns......the only real way a woman can stand a chance against violent ( democrat) males....
Sure! Why then when my Republican Aunt & Uncle got into an argument, she pulled her pistol out of purse & shot him.

Are you saying she did, or that you think she would? And either way, what's your crazy family got to do with the rest of America?
No, thanks.

That's your choice and good for you but you have no business telling others they can't make the choice to carry
mmmm I have never asked that women not be able to carry a handgun. Pretty damned sure about that, as a matter of fact.

if she lived in NYC she would have to show cause to some NYPD dimwit.

That's what people like you want for the rest of the country.
What I want is for ALL prospective gun owners to be vetted by a background check system that contains complete and up to date information. I also want a system that allows LE to intervene and confiscate guns from someone who has become unstable.
And no military-style assault weapons like AR's.
I don't know what anyone else wants, but just so you know.

Perhaps you could explain to us SPECIFICALLY where you think the current background check system is flawed and incomplete, and how you wish to change that, and what it would accomplish.

Also, perhaps you could explain to us why you think law enforcement does not NOW have the ability to intervene when someone is unstable, and how you want to change that.

It would also be nice if you would tell us, in your own words, in what way the AR-15 is "military style".

No more of these vague, generic slogans. Specifics!
Ask women who have been violently attacked by criminals and who then learn how to shoot and carry a gun if they feel safer or less safe. Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

Armed 'Women for Trump' graduation pic generates hate

A University of Tennessee senior posted her graduation pictureon Twitter that featured her wearing a "Women for Trump" T-shirt and a gun in her waistband.

Writing, "I don't take normal graduation photos," Brenna Spencer immediately felt the wrath of gun control advocates.


Ms. Spencer is carrying the gun legally and it is her Constitutional right to own one. To pretend that it's close to the end of the world that a picture with an attractive woman carrying a gun is posted on a popular social media platform only makes the critics look hysterical - which, of course, they are.

The fact that Ms. Spencer's picture went viral may encourage other young women to follow suit. If that happened, it would be worth all the criticism endured by this brave young woman.

TTAG Daily Digest: Senior Pride, Kaiser Wades Into 'Gun Violence and Strapped Older Texans - The Truth About Guns


Tennessee college student defends her gun-toting ‘graduation’ photo

say mysoginist trumptards who don't think women should have birth control or choices about their own bodies.


I prefer people who don't want me to kill my children over people who don't want me to defend my life.

I guess it's a matter of one's priorities.
Ask women who have been violently attacked by criminals and who then learn how to shoot and carry a gun if they feel safer or less safe. Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

Armed 'Women for Trump' graduation pic generates hate

A University of Tennessee senior posted her graduation pictureon Twitter that featured her wearing a "Women for Trump" T-shirt and a gun in her waistband.

Writing, "I don't take normal graduation photos," Brenna Spencer immediately felt the wrath of gun control advocates.


Ms. Spencer is carrying the gun legally and it is her Constitutional right to own one. To pretend that it's close to the end of the world that a picture with an attractive woman carrying a gun is posted on a popular social media platform only makes the critics look hysterical - which, of course, they are.

The fact that Ms. Spencer's picture went viral may encourage other young women to follow suit. If that happened, it would be worth all the criticism endured by this brave young woman.

TTAG Daily Digest: Senior Pride, Kaiser Wades Into 'Gun Violence and Strapped Older Texans - The Truth About Guns


Tennessee college student defends her gun-toting ‘graduation’ photo

Women don’t have dick deficiencies, like most male gun nut jobs. So there is no need for something to satisfy average size penis envy

Thank you for wasting space with that utterly worthless, meaningless post.
If the "womens movement" actually cares about empowering women, they should whole heartedly embrace owing and carrying guns......the only real way a woman can stand a chance against violent ( democrat) males....
Sure! Why then when my Republican Aunt & Uncle got into an argument, she pulled her pistol out of purse & shot him.

That has exactly what to do with the subject?
Over 100,000 US citizens are shot every year & very, very few are criminals.

And your evidence is . . . ?
It's always the same with the radical right: prey on our fears. Except we ain't buying it.

I'm pretty sure the radical left does the same thing. If I had a daughter I'd advise her to carry a small gun in her purse and have it ready to use if needed. It ain't about personal empowerment so much as personal safety. You can get a small .380 semi auto pistol with 7 shots that is really light to carry and shoot if you have to. And one other thing, about personal empowerment, don't be thinking just cuz you got a gun doesn't mean you can or should go places that are unsafe. Which BTW is good advice for males too.
Why do the cops always tell us that the vast majority of guns carried for defense end up being taken from the victim and used on them? WHY do cops always say that? My guess is, because it's true. It's what they see when they mop up afterward.

Which cops? Define "always". Don't even THINK about asserting some wild "fact" and expecting people to simply accept it and defend against it. PROOF!
if she lived in NYC she would have to show cause to some NYPD dimwit.

That's what people like you want for the rest of the country.
What I want is for ALL prospective gun owners to be vetted by a background check system that contains complete and up to date information. I also want a system that allows LE to intervene and confiscate guns from someone who has become unstable.
And no military-style assault weapons like AR's.
I don't know what anyone else wants, but just so you know.
And how are you going to assess the mental health of every person in the country to know when to raid their homes and see if they have guns?
If family or l.e. can report, it is better than no one being able to do anything.
Are you afraid they will call you crazy, or what?

So just some anonymous phone call with no proof or medical evidence is good enough for you?
You ought to learn the facts about ERPO before you spout off any more about it. ERPO works. Were Cruz's "rights" more important than all the lives he took and changed forever?

So what you're saying is that one of the gun control provisions on your list of "all I want is . . ." actually already exists?
It's always the same with the radical right: prey on our fears. Except we ain't buying it.

I'm pretty sure the radical left does the same thing. If I had a daughter I'd advise her to carry a small gun in her purse and have it ready to use if needed. It ain't about personal empowerment so much as personal safety. You can get a small .380 semi auto pistol with 7 shots that is really light to carry and shoot if you have to. And one other thing, about personal empowerment, don't be thinking just cuz you got a gun doesn't mean you can or should go places that are unsafe. Which BTW is good advice for males too.
Why do the cops always tell us that the vast majority of guns carried for defense end up being taken from the victim and used on them? WHY do cops always say that? My guess is, because it's true. It's what they see when they mop up afterward.

Speaking of preying on our fears....

Is this speculation or do you have a link with any data?
The National Crime Victimization Survey is the primary source of information on the nature and extent of criminal victimization in the United States. Some 90,000 households, comprising about 160,000 individuals, are surveyed twice a year.

Along with Sara Solnick, a professor of economics at the University of Vermont, I analyzed the data for the five-year period from 2007 to 2011, looking at more than 14,000 crimes in which there was some degree of personal contact between the victim and perpetrator — incidents in which a self-protective action by the victim was theoretically possible (for example, assaults and robberies).
Almost two-thirds of the people in the U.S. population live in homes without guns, and there is no evidence that the inhabitants of these homes are at greater risk of being robbed, injured or killed by criminals compared with citizens in homes with guns. Instead, the evidence is overwhelming that a gun in the home increases the likelihood not only that a household member will be shot accidentally, but also that someone in the home will die in a suicide or homicide.

Does owning a gun make you safer?

An op-ed piece? Really? "Oh, look, I can find someone on the Interwebz who has the same opinion I do! That makes it TRUE!"

I don't want to hear him tell me what he thinks he found. I want to see the study and the peer reviews thereof.
It's always the same with the radical right: prey on our fears. Except we ain't buying it.

I'm pretty sure the radical left does the same thing. If I had a daughter I'd advise her to carry a small gun in her purse and have it ready to use if needed. It ain't about personal empowerment so much as personal safety. You can get a small .380 semi auto pistol with 7 shots that is really light to carry and shoot if you have to. And one other thing, about personal empowerment, don't be thinking just cuz you got a gun doesn't mean you can or should go places that are unsafe. Which BTW is good advice for males too.
Why do the cops always tell us that the vast majority of guns carried for defense end up being taken from the victim and used on them? WHY do cops always say that? My guess is, because it's true. It's what they see when they mop up afterward.

They don' fact, actual research that has asked the police if they believe concealed carry is helpful shows they think it is.....they say nothing of what you say they say, in fact, they say the opposite....

What you keep hearing is chiefs of police, who work for politicians parroting the view of those politicians....not what actual cops say....

Here....actual police officers....15,000 of them surveyed show you don't know what you are talking about...

Police Gun Control Survey: Are legally-armed citizens the best solution to gun violence?

And when it comes to finding ways to reduce gun violence and large scale shootings, most cops say a federal ban on so-called “assault weapons” isn’t the answer.

More than 91 percent of respondents say it would either have no effect or a negative effect in reducing violent crime. This is an overwhelming response by those whose job it is to actually deal with this issue on the front lines.

Instead, it is interesting to note that many respondents consider armed citizens as a potential asset in reducing the carnage from a mass murder situation; proactive choices dominate over gun and magazine restrictions and bans.

More than 91 percent of respondents support the concealed carry of firearms by civilians who have not been convicted of a felony and/or not been deemed psychologically/medically incapable.

A full 86 percent feel that casualties would have been reduced or avoided in recent tragedies like Newtown and Aurora if a legally-armed citizen was present (casualties reduced: 80 percent; avoided altogether: 60 percent).
Okay, Guy, but that isn't the only study in town.
More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

*sigh* More op-eds.
Guns are not the only answer. Think of how many crimes against women would be prevented if all girls were taught martial arts. This would severely cut down on domestic violence as well as street violence. One of the most prepared woman I have ever known is less than 5' tall and has a black belt. She can put anyone on his ass, even someone over 6'.

Riiiiiight. It makes a LOT more sense that I should spend years becoming a black belt in the hopes that I will eventually be able to take on and beat every 200+ lb. man who might wish me harm, than that I should get a gun and ACTUALLY be safe RIGHT NOW.
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Guns are not the only answer. Think of how many crimes against women would be prevented if all girls were taught martial arts. This would severely cut down on domestic violence as well as street violence. One of the most prepared woman I have ever known is less than 5' tall and has a black belt. She can put anyone on his ass, even someone over 6'.

Riiiiiight. It makes a LOT more sense that I should spend years becoming a black belt in the hopes that I will eventually be able to take on and beat every 200+ lb. man who might wish me harm, than that I should get a gun and ACTUALLY be safe RIGHT NOW.


Exactly...... a gun allows the smallest woman to be able to fight off a guy the size of Duane Johnson without one hour in a dojo...
I'm pretty sure the radical left does the same thing. If I had a daughter I'd advise her to carry a small gun in her purse and have it ready to use if needed. It ain't about personal empowerment so much as personal safety. You can get a small .380 semi auto pistol with 7 shots that is really light to carry and shoot if you have to. And one other thing, about personal empowerment, don't be thinking just cuz you got a gun doesn't mean you can or should go places that are unsafe. Which BTW is good advice for males too.
Why do the cops always tell us that the vast majority of guns carried for defense end up being taken from the victim and used on them? WHY do cops always say that? My guess is, because it's true. It's what they see when they mop up afterward.

Speaking of preying on our fears....

Is this speculation or do you have a link with any data?
I'm really surprised you haven't heard this before. It's been said for years.

I worked for a Sheriffs office and have two really good LEO friends. They’ve never indicated it.
I suppose you could ask them. Our local leo's don't have much experience with gun crime, thank God. So I don't know what they would say here. It certainly wouldn't be a good idea for a woman like me with no training or experience to go out and get a handgun for protection.

How hard do you think it is to learn to own and use a gun safely? It's not rocket magic.
No, thanks.

That's your choice and good for you but you have no business telling others they can't make the choice to carry
mmmm I have never asked that women not be able to carry a handgun. Pretty damned sure about that, as a matter of fact.

No you just don't want guns around at all
Not around my house, no. One of my coworkers keeps a handgun (pink) in her purse. I have no problem with that. In fact, it might come in handy someday if one of our students goes postal. If she could dig it out of her bag in time to do any good, that is.

I know a womanwho also carries in her bag. She carries around an enormous bottomless pit of a bag, it gets tossed around, thrown in the back of the car and so on and sure nuff - it went off. She was lucky but there's a hole in her car seat.

There are stories of women carrying a gun in their bra, a bra that's made to carry a gun. I seem to remember one of those got a woman shot. Not just women accidentally shooting themselves and others.

The whole gun fad/culture is just Darwin, looking for inductees for his Hall of Fame.
I want a little one-----with a "mother of pearl" handle. ----preferably in black------with some red in-lay
Guns are not the only answer. Think of how many crimes against women would be prevented if all girls were taught martial arts. This would severely cut down on domestic violence as well as street violence. One of the most prepared woman I have ever known is less than 5' tall and has a black belt. She can put anyone on his ass, even someone over 6'.

Riiiiiight. It makes a LOT more sense that I should spend years becoming a black belt in the hopes that I will eventually be able to take on and beat every 200+ lb. man who might wish me harm, than that I should get a gun and ACTUALLY be safe RIGHT NOW.


Exactly...... a gun allows the smallest woman to be able to fight off a guy the size of Duane Johnson without one hour in a dojo...

That's the idea. I mean, hey, the guy who attacked me did it with his bare hands. Didn't mean my life wasn't still endangered, 'cause he was STILL A MAN, and I wasn't.
I want a little one-----with a "mother of pearl" handle. ----preferably in black------with some red in-lay

The woman I described above had something like that. A little bitty derringer or the like. She thought it was just SO sexy and cute and sheesh. She's gonna take her own foot off but boy, she's got a sexy cute gun.

I want a little one-----with a "mother of pearl" handle. ----preferably in black------with some red in-lay

The woman I described above had something like that. A little bitty derringer or the like. She thought it was just SO sexy and cute and sheesh. She's gonna take her own foot off but boy, she's got a sexy cute gun.


“He had a knife, I had pepper spray,” Lopez-Rivas told News 4 JAX. “And even though I ran for blue lights that are scattered all around, [he was] faster, stronger, and I did not win. . . The way that I carry [my gun] now, I would have been able to prevent what happened to me.”

Campus Rape Survivor: I Wish I'd Had A Gun To Defend Myself

Tell it too her.

Be careful, she carries now

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