CDZ Women should embrace both owning and carrying guns as acts of personal empowerment.

It's always the same with the radical right: prey on our fears. Except we ain't buying it.

I'm pretty sure the radical left does the same thing. If I had a daughter I'd advise her to carry a small gun in her purse and have it ready to use if needed. It ain't about personal empowerment so much as personal safety. You can get a small .380 semi auto pistol with 7 shots that is really light to carry and shoot if you have to. And one other thing, about personal empowerment, don't be thinking just cuz you got a gun doesn't mean you can or should go places that are unsafe. Which BTW is good advice for males too.
Why do the cops always tell us that the vast majority of guns carried for defense end up being taken from the victim and used on them? WHY do cops always say that? My guess is, because it's true. It's what they see when they mop up afterward.

Speaking of preying on our fears....

Is this speculation or do you have a link with any data?
I'm really surprised you haven't heard this before. It's been said for years.

Seriously, I highly doubt what you're saying. I got a couple of police chiefs saying something different:

The desire to protect one's home and family "has lot to do with" why handgun sales are skyrocketing, said Rick Bruner, a firearms instructor at the store, Silver Bullet Firearms Indoor Range and Training Center in Wyoming.

"When someone is breaking into your house at 4 a.m., you can call the police," Bruner said. "But at best, it's going to take eight minutes for the police to get there. Think of all the things that can happen" before police arrive.
Michigan gun owners often cite self-protection as a reason to own a firearm. But sometimes the law can turn on them, and it's the gun owner who ends up with a criminal charge.

That sentiment is backed by Detroit Police Chief James Craig, who oversees a city with 19 percent of the state's population and two-third of Michigan's gun homicides. Detroit's violent crime rate -- homicide, rape, armed robbery and aggravated assaults -- is five times that of the state average.

An armed citizen may be the only person around to shoot back in the seconds it takes for a gunman to release carnage, Craig said.

"That's when I take a position about what impact a law-abiding, responsible, trained citizen could have on mitigating an effect. It could." Craig said.

Saginaw Police Chief Bob Ruth said he believes there's a deterrent effect when criminals worry their victims might be armed.

"One of these days, these people keep robbing people, they're going to run into a person legally carrying a gun and we won't need to go to court. They'll end it," Ruth said.

You say the vast majority of guns carried for defense end up being taken from the victim and used on them. I really don't think that's true. Is that what you really meant to say? Show me a police person who says that. It could happen, but I'm thinking instead that most of the time the bad guy is going to run like hell once he sees that gun, and quite often the bad guy gets shot rather than the victim.

If you don't want a gun around the house, that's up to you. But I would do 3 things:

1. Put signs up around your house that says "This house protected by ADT Security".

2. Put up a big bright security light that is hooked up to a sound or motion detector. Be the smartest money you ever spent.

3. Get a dog, maybe 2 of 'em. When they start barking call the cops as soon as you think somebody is out there.
It's always the same with the radical right: prey on our fears. Except we ain't buying it.

I'm pretty sure the radical left does the same thing. If I had a daughter I'd advise her to carry a small gun in her purse and have it ready to use if needed. It ain't about personal empowerment so much as personal safety. You can get a small .380 semi auto pistol with 7 shots that is really light to carry and shoot if you have to. And one other thing, about personal empowerment, don't be thinking just cuz you got a gun doesn't mean you can or should go places that are unsafe. Which BTW is good advice for males too.
Why do the cops always tell us that the vast majority of guns carried for defense end up being taken from the victim and used on them? WHY do cops always say that? My guess is, because it's true. It's what they see when they mop up afterward.

They don' fact, actual research that has asked the police if they believe concealed carry is helpful shows they think it is.....they say nothing of what you say they say, in fact, they say the opposite....

What you keep hearing is chiefs of police, who work for politicians parroting the view of those politicians....not what actual cops say....

Here....actual police officers....15,000 of them surveyed show you don't know what you are talking about...

Police Gun Control Survey: Are legally-armed citizens the best solution to gun violence?

And when it comes to finding ways to reduce gun violence and large scale shootings, most cops say a federal ban on so-called “assault weapons” isn’t the answer.

More than 91 percent of respondents say it would either have no effect or a negative effect in reducing violent crime. This is an overwhelming response by those whose job it is to actually deal with this issue on the front lines.

Instead, it is interesting to note that many respondents consider armed citizens as a potential asset in reducing the carnage from a mass murder situation; proactive choices dominate over gun and magazine restrictions and bans.

More than 91 percent of respondents support the concealed carry of firearms by civilians who have not been convicted of a felony and/or not been deemed psychologically/medically incapable.

A full 86 percent feel that casualties would have been reduced or avoided in recent tragedies like Newtown and Aurora if a legally-armed citizen was present (casualties reduced: 80 percent; avoided altogether: 60 percent).
Okay, Guy, but that isn't the only study in town.
More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

Yeah.....more crap anti gun research......they don't tell you that the homes where people are killed.....are homes with histories of crime, violence drug addiction, alcoholism........that, not the gun, is the issue.....

This is the problem with the public health sector trying to do anti gun propaganda.....they don't even try to do actual research.

UPDATED: Letter in Scientific American and rebuttal by original author - Crime Prevention Research Center

The Objection

John R. Lott, Jr., PhD, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center in Swarthmore, Pa., writes:

Melinda Wenner Moyer’s article “Journey to Gunland” (October 2017) is very biased and ignores virtually all of the literature on right-to-carry laws and gun ownership since 1998. About two thirds of the peer-reviewed, published literature shows concealed carry laws help reduce crime. I even provided Moyer with those published papers, but she doesn’t provide a single reference to or quote from them. Moyer appears completely unaware any of my research after 1998, making no mention of the 2nd and 3rd editions of More Guns, Less Crime (University of Chicago Press, 2000, 2010).

Moyer cites the National Research Council (NRC), but fails to accurately describe its findings. The council was more supportive of right-to-carry laws than it was of any other gun law. As is typical of NRC reports, the 2005 “Firearms and Violence” by the council refrained from endorsing any of the over 100 different gun regulations it studied.

However, there was one unexpected dissent by preeminent criminologist James Q. Wilson. Dissents in NRC reports are extremely rare. In the 10 years prior to the NRC report there were only two dissents out of 236 reports. Wilson, who had always supported gun control, had been on four previous panels but never had written a dissent. Finally, however, he pointed out the NRC’s own regressions consistently show right-to-carry laws reduce murder rates.

Moyer quotes physician Garen Wintemute: “Few studies…suggest that liberalizing access to concealed firearms has, on balance, beneficial effects.” But Moyer ignores 24 peer-reviewed publications just showing that crime in the U.S. drops after people are allowed to carry concealed handguns.

She references a recent unpublished paper by John Donohue, Abhay Aneja and Kyle Weber, but, unlike other studies, they don’t measure the number of permits issued, account for any other gun-control laws or deal with well-known statistical errors (such as truncation problems from a lot of zero values in the crime rates). The study also relies almost exclusively on trends in Hawaii to predict violent crime rates in Idaho, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska and Utah.

Take one example of Moyer’s sloppiness or bias in her article. Moyer has a long discussion of Arthur Kellermann’s work on the risks of guns in the home, and notes that Kellermann studied “444 people who had been killed between 1987 and 1992 at home.” But Moyer fails to note that, in fact, in only eight of these 444 homicide cases was the murder weapon a gun that had been kept in the home (The New England Journal of Medicine, February 3, 1994, p. 368). If Moyer had even read the 1998 edition of More Guns, Less Crime, she would have learned this and that Kellermann’s work misses the even more important problem of not accounting for causality — that some people might own guns because they are already more endangered than someone who didn’t feel the need to own a gun to begin with.
Guns are not the only answer. Think of how many crimes against women would be prevented if all girls were taught martial arts. This would severely cut down on domestic violence as well as street violence. One of the most prepared woman I have ever known is less than 5' tall and has a black belt. She can put anyone on his ass, even someone over 6'.

Sure, even if he has a gun

Ever heard the saying “he brought a knife to a gun fight”

A gun might be useful against an armed assailant. But many who attack women are not armed. They may be acquaintances, boyfriends, husbands who are not armed with anything but a nasty temper. Guns may be a useful tool to have in a home invasion, but don't pretend that guns are the entire answer. Educate all girls and women in martial arts. A simple flip might be enough to keep Mr. Over-Amorous or Raging Nasty Boy away. There were a couple of times that I'd wished that I knew how to do it. Women must be taught how to fight, in general, and not discouraged by anyone from doing it. Our society has always trained girls from their earliest years to be wimps and act only as terrified prey. Time to change this sickness.

Have you ever trained in a martial art......?

A man is physically stronger and more aggressive than a woman and even a trained woman is going to have a difficult time and that is if she is a professional fighter.....then, throw in a knife, hammer or other weapon and she is completely outclassed......a gun is the only weapon that makes a woman of any size a match for a male of any size.....

Guns are the best defense against rape......the second best is a knife.
I'm pretty sure the radical left does the same thing. If I had a daughter I'd advise her to carry a small gun in her purse and have it ready to use if needed. It ain't about personal empowerment so much as personal safety. You can get a small .380 semi auto pistol with 7 shots that is really light to carry and shoot if you have to. And one other thing, about personal empowerment, don't be thinking just cuz you got a gun doesn't mean you can or should go places that are unsafe. Which BTW is good advice for males too.
Why do the cops always tell us that the vast majority of guns carried for defense end up being taken from the victim and used on them? WHY do cops always say that? My guess is, because it's true. It's what they see when they mop up afterward.

Speaking of preying on our fears....

Is this speculation or do you have a link with any data?
I'm really surprised you haven't heard this before. It's been said for years.

I worked for a Sheriffs office and have two really good LEO friends. They’ve never indicated it.
I suppose you could ask them. Our local leo's don't have much experience with gun crime, thank God. So I don't know what they would say here. It certainly wouldn't be a good idea for a woman like me with no training or experience to go out and get a handgun for protection.

That is why you take the classes and get the training....and you don't have to be a Navy SEAL to use a gun for self defense......and no cop has experience at shooting someone until the first time they do it.....and that could be decades after they leave the academy...when they are barely going to the range once a year to qualify, if that.
Guns are not the only answer. Think of how many crimes against women would be prevented if all girls were taught martial arts. This would severely cut down on domestic violence as well as street violence. One of the most prepared woman I have ever known is less than 5' tall and has a black belt. She can put anyone on his ass, even someone over 6'.

Sure, even if he has a gun

Ever heard the saying “he brought a knife to a gun fight”

A gun might be useful against an armed assailant. But many who attack women are not armed. They may be acquaintances, boyfriends, husbands who are not armed with anything but a nasty temper. Guns may be a useful tool to have in a home invasion, but don't pretend that guns are the entire answer. Educate all girls and women in martial arts. A simple flip might be enough to keep Mr. Over-Amorous or Raging Nasty Boy away. There were a couple of times that I'd wished that I knew how to do it. Women must be taught how to fight, in general, and not discouraged by anyone from doing it. Our society has always trained girls from their earliest years to be wimps and act only as terrified prey. Time to change this sickness.

Have you ever trained in a martial art....

A man is physically stronger and more aggressive than a woman and even a trained woman is going to have a difficult time and that is if she is a professional fighter.....then, throw in a knife, hammer or other weapon and she is completely outclassed......a gun is the only weapon that makes a woman of any size a match for a male of any size.....

Guns are the best defense against rape......the second best is a knife.

We're not arguing and yes, I have had some martial arts training.. But not young enough. Martial arts should be required training for all girls. Get rid of the cancer in our culture that trains girls not to fight back. "Stay sweet," "be a victim." Many people want to arm women with guns, but don't want to examine this failure in our culture. Women can fight with guns, same as men can. Remember that the best sniper the Russians had in WWII was a woman, women from Ethiopia and Eritrea went to the battlefield with guns. Kurdish women have been boots on the ground fighting ISIS for how many years?

There is much more to this. If a woman is faced with Weinstein, or an angry or rapist acquaintance, boyfriend, husband, any sort of bully, I ask you does it take a gun to stop him? Or will a simple making his nuts and his ass hurt do the job without killing him?

I can remember four times when I was a young woman and some male pinned me against a wall when there was absolutely nothing between us emotionally. I didn't kill them. You seem to be arguing that I should have been armed and shot them. Should they have been dead all of these years?
Guns are not the only answer. Think of how many crimes against women would be prevented if all girls were taught martial arts. This would severely cut down on domestic violence as well as street violence. One of the most prepared woman I have ever known is less than 5' tall and has a black belt. She can put anyone on his ass, even someone over 6'.

Sure, even if he has a gun

Ever heard the saying “he brought a knife to a gun fight”

A gun might be useful against an armed assailant. But many who attack women are not armed. They may be acquaintances, boyfriends, husbands who are not armed with anything but a nasty temper. Guns may be a useful tool to have in a home invasion, but don't pretend that guns are the entire answer. Educate all girls and women in martial arts. A simple flip might be enough to keep Mr. Over-Amorous or Raging Nasty Boy away. There were a couple of times that I'd wished that I knew how to do it. Women must be taught how to fight, in general, and not discouraged by anyone from doing it. Our society has always trained girls from their earliest years to be wimps and act only as terrified prey. Time to change this sickness.

Have you ever trained in a martial art....

A man is physically stronger and more aggressive than a woman and even a trained woman is going to have a difficult time and that is if she is a professional fighter.....then, throw in a knife, hammer or other weapon and she is completely outclassed......a gun is the only weapon that makes a woman of any size a match for a male of any size.....

Guns are the best defense against rape......the second best is a knife.

We're not arguing and yes, I have had some martial arts training.. But not young enough. Martial arts should be required training for all girls. Get rid of the cancer in our culture that trains girls not to fight back. "Stay sweet," "be a victim." Many people want to arm women with guns, but don't want to examine this failure in our culture. Women can fight with guns, same as men can. Remember that the best sniper the Russians had in WWII was a woman, women from Ethiopia and Eritrea went to the battlefield with guns. Kurdish women have been boots on the ground fighting ISIS for how many years?

There is much more to this. If a woman is faced with Weinstein, or an angry or rapist acquaintance, boyfriend, husband, any sort of bully, I ask you does it take a gun to stop him? Or will a simple making his nuts and his ass hurt do the job without killing him?

I can remember four times when I was a young woman and some male pinned me against a wall when there was absolutely nothing between us emotionally. I didn't kill them. You seem to be arguing that I should have been armed and shot them. Should they have been dead all of these years?

No...I am arguing that the best tool to stop a rape is a gun....and presenting a gun with the intent on using it to stop a forcible felony stops all but the dumbest criminals......out of 1,500,000 self defense uses of a gun each year in this country, only 230 or do criminals are too stupid to stop their attack, and get shot and killed because of it.
Guns are not the only answer. Think of how many crimes against women would be prevented if all girls were taught martial arts. This would severely cut down on domestic violence as well as street violence. One of the most prepared woman I have ever known is less than 5' tall and has a black belt. She can put anyone on his ass, even someone over 6'.

Sure, even if he has a gun

Ever heard the saying “he brought a knife to a gun fight”

A gun might be useful against an armed assailant. But many who attack women are not armed. They may be acquaintances, boyfriends, husbands who are not armed with anything but a nasty temper. Guns may be a useful tool to have in a home invasion, but don't pretend that guns are the entire answer. Educate all girls and women in martial arts. A simple flip might be enough to keep Mr. Over-Amorous or Raging Nasty Boy away. There were a couple of times that I'd wished that I knew how to do it. Women must be taught how to fight, in general, and not discouraged by anyone from doing it. Our society has always trained girls from their earliest years to be wimps and act only as terrified prey. Time to change this sickness.

Have you ever trained in a martial art....

A man is physically stronger and more aggressive than a woman and even a trained woman is going to have a difficult time and that is if she is a professional fighter.....then, throw in a knife, hammer or other weapon and she is completely outclassed......a gun is the only weapon that makes a woman of any size a match for a male of any size.....

Guns are the best defense against rape......the second best is a knife.

We're not arguing and yes, I have had some martial arts training.. But not young enough. Martial arts should be required training for all girls. Get rid of the cancer in our culture that trains girls not to fight back. "Stay sweet," "be a victim." Many people want to arm women with guns, but don't want to examine this failure in our culture. Women can fight with guns, same as men can. Remember that the best sniper the Russians had in WWII was a woman, women from Ethiopia and Eritrea went to the battlefield with guns. Kurdish women have been boots on the ground fighting ISIS for how many years?

There is much more to this. If a woman is faced with Weinstein, or an angry or rapist acquaintance, boyfriend, husband, any sort of bully, I ask you does it take a gun to stop him? Or will a simple making his nuts and his ass hurt do the job without killing him?

I can remember four times when I was a young woman and some male pinned me against a wall when there was absolutely nothing between us emotionally. I didn't kill them. You seem to be arguing that I should have been armed and shot them. Should they have been dead all of these years?

No...I am arguing that the best tool to stop a rape is a gun....and presenting a gun with the intent on using it to stop a forcible felony stops all but the dumbest criminals......out of 1,500,000 self defense uses of a gun each year in this country, only 230 or do criminals are too stupid to stop their attack, and get shot and killed because of it.

So you are with me that martial-arts training is a good idea to stop other attacks on us? Really, should I have shot those guys?
Sure, even if he has a gun

Ever heard the saying “he brought a knife to a gun fight”

A gun might be useful against an armed assailant. But many who attack women are not armed. They may be acquaintances, boyfriends, husbands who are not armed with anything but a nasty temper. Guns may be a useful tool to have in a home invasion, but don't pretend that guns are the entire answer. Educate all girls and women in martial arts. A simple flip might be enough to keep Mr. Over-Amorous or Raging Nasty Boy away. There were a couple of times that I'd wished that I knew how to do it. Women must be taught how to fight, in general, and not discouraged by anyone from doing it. Our society has always trained girls from their earliest years to be wimps and act only as terrified prey. Time to change this sickness.

Have you ever trained in a martial art....

A man is physically stronger and more aggressive than a woman and even a trained woman is going to have a difficult time and that is if she is a professional fighter.....then, throw in a knife, hammer or other weapon and she is completely outclassed......a gun is the only weapon that makes a woman of any size a match for a male of any size.....

Guns are the best defense against rape......the second best is a knife.

We're not arguing and yes, I have had some martial arts training.. But not young enough. Martial arts should be required training for all girls. Get rid of the cancer in our culture that trains girls not to fight back. "Stay sweet," "be a victim." Many people want to arm women with guns, but don't want to examine this failure in our culture. Women can fight with guns, same as men can. Remember that the best sniper the Russians had in WWII was a woman, women from Ethiopia and Eritrea went to the battlefield with guns. Kurdish women have been boots on the ground fighting ISIS for how many years?

There is much more to this. If a woman is faced with Weinstein, or an angry or rapist acquaintance, boyfriend, husband, any sort of bully, I ask you does it take a gun to stop him? Or will a simple making his nuts and his ass hurt do the job without killing him?

I can remember four times when I was a young woman and some male pinned me against a wall when there was absolutely nothing between us emotionally. I didn't kill them. You seem to be arguing that I should have been armed and shot them. Should they have been dead all of these years?

No...I am arguing that the best tool to stop a rape is a gun....and presenting a gun with the intent on using it to stop a forcible felony stops all but the dumbest criminals......out of 1,500,000 self defense uses of a gun each year in this country, only 230 or do criminals are too stupid to stop their attack, and get shot and killed because of it.

So you are with me that martial-arts training is a good idea to stop other attacks on us? Really, should I have shot those guys?

Martial arts training is a backup....but the best self defense tool is a other tool can top it for self defense. If you produce your gun and order them to back off and they continue their felony attack on you, yes, you should shoot them...
And how are you going to assess the mental health of every person in the country to know when to raid their homes and see if they have guns?
If family or l.e. can report, it is better than no one being able to do anything.
Are you afraid they will call you crazy, or what?

So just some anonymous phone call with no proof or medical evidence is good enough for you?
You ought to learn the facts about ERPO before you spout off any more about it. ERPO works. Were Cruz's "rights" more important than all the lives he took and changed forever?

So you're OK with a mere accusation being the standard by which your rights are removed?
I told you to learn what you were talking about. When are you going to?

The opinion of another is never a good reason to deny a person their rights.

PROOF is needed
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Some men never tire of telling "women" what to do and vice versa. Maturity. Consider your right to conceal and carry maturity.
Ask women who have been violently attacked by criminals and who then learn how to shoot and carry a gun if they feel safer or less safe. Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

Armed 'Women for Trump' graduation pic generates hate

A University of Tennessee senior posted her graduation pictureon Twitter that featured her wearing a "Women for Trump" T-shirt and a gun in her waistband.

Writing, "I don't take normal graduation photos," Brenna Spencer immediately felt the wrath of gun control advocates.


Ms. Spencer is carrying the gun legally and it is her Constitutional right to own one. To pretend that it's close to the end of the world that a picture with an attractive woman carrying a gun is posted on a popular social media platform only makes the critics look hysterical - which, of course, they are.

The fact that Ms. Spencer's picture went viral may encourage other young women to follow suit. If that happened, it would be worth all the criticism endured by this brave young woman.

TTAG Daily Digest: Senior Pride, Kaiser Wades Into 'Gun Violence and Strapped Older Texans - The Truth About Guns


Tennessee college student defends her gun-toting ‘graduation’ photo

That's a very attractive young lady and a decent photograph. I question if she wasn't as attractive if we'd have the photo. Personally I thank you and her for it being there.

Sam Colt made them equal regardless of who you think created women I suppose is the line of thought here.

Far as "should they embrace guns"? I see your logic.

What's the breakdown on gun rights by gender? Do more women than men support concealed carry? My guess is no and its a psychological or bio-psychological/socio-psychological thing based on some percentage hormones or how the female brain is different than the man brain and how we are raised.

But yeah, keep posting more pictures of attractive gals with guns.
If family or l.e. can report, it is better than no one being able to do anything.
Are you afraid they will call you crazy, or what?

So just some anonymous phone call with no proof or medical evidence is good enough for you?
You ought to learn the facts about ERPO before you spout off any more about it. ERPO works. Were Cruz's "rights" more important than all the lives he took and changed forever?

So you're OK with a mere accusation being the standard by which your rights are removed?
I told you to learn what you were talking about. When are you going to?

The opinion of another is never a good reason to deny a person their rights.

PROOF is needed

Seems to me that if a cop believes a person to be a potential danger to him/herself or others and has weapons and the cop convinces a judge/DA to issue a warrant to confiscate those weapons until a hearing is held within say 30 days and the individual is denied the right to purchase more weapons until the adjudication has been done is not all that unreasonable. It's only temporary, and the state would have to show sufficient evidence that indicates the person ought not to be bearing arms permanently. Now I can see some places where politics rears it's ugly head and self-righteous liberal progressives stat denying people their rights left and right, which is where appeals and lawsuits come into play, along with future elections. Taint good, but neither is people getting shot and killed by a nutcase that shouldn't be allowed to have a weapon.
Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

It is an interesting issue. I have thought about it, in case carrying guns becomes freely allowed. I guess I probably would, frankly, in my purse.
Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

It is an interesting issue. I have thought about it, in case carrying guns becomes freely allowed. I guess I probably would, frankly, in my purse.

I have to say, purse carry is not the best way to carry a gun. It is too easy to lose control of the firearm. If you do decide to exercise your Right as an American citizen, get as much training as you can afford, and do as much research as you safe, you will represent law abiding gun owners...
Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

It is an interesting issue. I have thought about it, in case carrying guns becomes freely allowed. I guess I probably would, frankly, in my purse.

I have to say, purse carry is not the best way to carry a gun. It is too easy to lose control of the firearm. If you do decide to exercise your Right as an American citizen, get as much training as you can afford, and do as much research as you safe, you will represent law abiding gun owners...

1. Purse carry may not be the best way for YOU to carry a gun, but I will be the one to decide things like that for myself, and I don't need any Mansplaining.

2. Don't give me advice! I'll do what I think best, as ever.

3. I'm not representing anyone, and it is hardly my right as an American citizen to carry a gun in Maryland, where it is illegal without a permit.

You started a thread on how women ought to carry guns against victimization, and when I reply that I might if it's legal, you give me instruction and control orders one right after the other?? Darn. You, I'm not planning to allow to victimize me. I think you should back off on the orders.
Ask women who have been violently attacked by criminals and who then learn how to shoot and carry a gun if they feel safer or less safe. Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

Armed 'Women for Trump' graduation pic generates hate

A University of Tennessee senior posted her graduation pictureon Twitter that featured her wearing a "Women for Trump" T-shirt and a gun in her waistband.

Writing, "I don't take normal graduation photos," Brenna Spencer immediately felt the wrath of gun control advocates.


Ms. Spencer is carrying the gun legally and it is her Constitutional right to own one. To pretend that it's close to the end of the world that a picture with an attractive woman carrying a gun is posted on a popular social media platform only makes the critics look hysterical - which, of course, they are.

The fact that Ms. Spencer's picture went viral may encourage other young women to follow suit. If that happened, it would be worth all the criticism endured by this brave young woman.

TTAG Daily Digest: Senior Pride, Kaiser Wades Into 'Gun Violence and Strapped Older Texans - The Truth About Guns


Tennessee college student defends her gun-toting ‘graduation’ photo

Guns are the great equalizer, far more than affirmative action, tear-stained marches, and pussy hats could ever be.
Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

It is an interesting issue. I have thought about it, in case carrying guns becomes freely allowed. I guess I probably would, frankly, in my purse.

I have to say, purse carry is not the best way to carry a gun. It is too easy to lose control of the firearm. If you do decide to exercise your Right as an American citizen, get as much training as you can afford, and do as much research as you safe, you will represent law abiding gun owners...

1. Purse carry may not be the best way for YOU to carry a gun, but I will be the one to decide things like that for myself, and I don't need any Mansplaining.

2. Don't give me advice! I'll do what I think best, as ever.

3. I'm not representing anyone, and it is hardly my right as an American citizen to carry a gun in Maryland, where it is illegal without a permit.

You started a thread on how women ought to carry guns against victimization, and when I reply that I might if it's legal, you give me instruction and control orders one right after the other?? Darn. You, I'm not planning to allow to victimize me. I think you should back off on the orders.

Good for you.....but someone offering polite help and you act like that? It is your Right in Maryland to own and also carry a was also the Right of Black Americans to sit at those lunch counters when the democrats refused to let them under Jim have the Right, they have taken it from you...
Just one more.........

Campus Rape Survivor: I Wish I'd Had A Gun To Defend Myself

“He had a knife, I had pepper spray,” Lopez-Rivas told News 4 JAX. “And even though I ran for blue lights that are scattered all around, [he was] faster, stronger, and I did not win. . . The way that I carry [my gun] now, I would have been able to prevent what happened to me.”

Sad how making the weakest of us more vulnerable seems to be a noble cause these days.

What do you think their motivation is?

Yes....please list these I find them I will post them too.

Don't forget my story. :)

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