CDZ Women should embrace both owning and carrying guns as acts of personal empowerment.


But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Because candycorn is well aware that if you scream, vomit and/or piss yourself to stop a rapist ... You aren't a pussy like those gun owners.


Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.
Ummmm....... women

Ummm, thanks for mansplaining to me how I feel perfectly safe and in no need of a method of self-defense.
Thanks for spouting feminist propaganda. Are you the whole of womanhood.....

"Feminist propaganda" is all in favor of arming for self-defense? What feminist group are YOU talking to?

And while I am not, and never have claimed to be, "the whole of womanhood", I am a hell of a lot more of womanhood than YOU are.
Really,,,have you been watching any of the protests......offered to get my wife a pistol for her office, she does taxes and works there have been some lib gals here admit to owning a weapon but you dont see any lib organized female support for 2A or open carry....

Oh, okay. I cite my experience, and I get "are you the whole of womanhood?" And then you cite your wife, and THAT proves something?

Let me ask you something: has your wife ever been the victim of a violent crime? Because I have. If your wife doesn't want a gun, then that's certainly her choice to make. But do NOT condescend to me about MY safety based on what your wife thinks and feels and believes, and FOR SURE don't condescend to me based on what YOU think women in general think, or should think.

Maybe I can help answering this condescending issue. People think that they can control women. Interesting that women play along with that. Controlling an attacker with a gun that you are pointing at him is a special skill. Can women enjoy the sporting value of hand guns and rifles? I think it is fun to go to the range with girls. Target practice is an empowering feeling. What is your opinion?
Ummm, thanks for mansplaining to me how I feel perfectly safe and in no need of a method of self-defense.
Thanks for spouting feminist propaganda. Are you the whole of womanhood.....

"Feminist propaganda" is all in favor of arming for self-defense? What feminist group are YOU talking to?

And while I am not, and never have claimed to be, "the whole of womanhood", I am a hell of a lot more of womanhood than YOU are.
Really,,,have you been watching any of the protests......offered to get my wife a pistol for her office, she does taxes and works there have been some lib gals here admit to owning a weapon but you dont see any lib organized female support for 2A or open carry....

Oh, okay. I cite my experience, and I get "are you the whole of womanhood?" And then you cite your wife, and THAT proves something?

Let me ask you something: has your wife ever been the victim of a violent crime? Because I have. If your wife doesn't want a gun, then that's certainly her choice to make. But do NOT condescend to me about MY safety based on what your wife thinks and feels and believes, and FOR SURE don't condescend to me based on what YOU think women in general think, or should think.

Maybe I can help answering this condescending issue. People think that they can control women. Interesting that women play along with that. Controlling an attacker with a gun that you are pointing at him is a special skill. Can women enjoy the sporting value of hand guns and rifles? I think it is fun to go to the range with girls. Target practice is an empowering feeling. What is your opinion?

I have always enjoyed target practice, probably because I have a natural skill for aim. For entertainment value, I prefer archery. Either way, it's always fun to encounter men who want to patronize me and assume I don't know which end of the weapon to point. Come to that, my natural aim also makes me quite good at pool, and it's never a good night out without letting some ass napkin explain ALL about what I'm doing wrong and how I "should" be playing, and then running the rest of the table on him.

As you can imagine, I don't have a lot of tolerance for men who want to treat my femaleness as though it were a birth defect.
Thanks for spouting feminist propaganda. Are you the whole of womanhood.....

"Feminist propaganda" is all in favor of arming for self-defense? What feminist group are YOU talking to?

And while I am not, and never have claimed to be, "the whole of womanhood", I am a hell of a lot more of womanhood than YOU are.
Really,,,have you been watching any of the protests......offered to get my wife a pistol for her office, she does taxes and works there have been some lib gals here admit to owning a weapon but you dont see any lib organized female support for 2A or open carry....

Oh, okay. I cite my experience, and I get "are you the whole of womanhood?" And then you cite your wife, and THAT proves something?

Let me ask you something: has your wife ever been the victim of a violent crime? Because I have. If your wife doesn't want a gun, then that's certainly her choice to make. But do NOT condescend to me about MY safety based on what your wife thinks and feels and believes, and FOR SURE don't condescend to me based on what YOU think women in general think, or should think.

Maybe I can help answering this condescending issue. People think that they can control women. Interesting that women play along with that. Controlling an attacker with a gun that you are pointing at him is a special skill. Can women enjoy the sporting value of hand guns and rifles? I think it is fun to go to the range with girls. Target practice is an empowering feeling. What is your opinion?

I have always enjoyed target practice, probably because I have a natural skill for aim. For entertainment value, I prefer archery. Either way, it's always fun to encounter men who want to patronize me and assume I don't know which end of the weapon to point. Come to that, my natural aim also makes me quite good at pool, and it's never a good night out without letting some ass napkin explain ALL about what I'm doing wrong and how I "should" be playing, and then running the rest of the table on him.

As you can imagine, I don't have a lot of tolerance for men who want to treat my femaleness as though it were a birth defect.

Okay but you did raise the question of "which end of the weapon to point". You know we guys are permanently glued to one end of a weapon that always points to famales. Do you know what level of dilemmas this can cause? A considerable point.
Good for you.....but someone offering polite help and you act like that? It is your Right in Maryland to own and also carry a was also the Right of Black Americans to sit at those lunch counters when the democrats refused to let them under Jim have the Right, they have taken it from you...

Nobody has taken anything from me, but you are trying hard. Orders, control moves, put downs. Back off!! A pile of "you do what I tell you, woman," is hardly polite. I'm guessing you don't have any women in your life. I liked your question, I answered your question, I don't need a lot of instruction from you or any other man about how to live.

Jeepers creepers, men, you know?? A lot of them, there is something just wrong with them.

Jeepers creepers? May I recommend Boys vs Girls? That's an old movie too but ... . Oh sorry I should say you woman do what I say and watch Boys vs Girls. :)

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Because candycorn is well aware that if you scream, vomit and/or piss yourself to stop a rapist ... You aren't a pussy like those gun owners.


Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.

You can theorize anything you like. The reality is in the middle: they decided to kill themselves, irrespective of the gun. The gun was just a tool, and if it hadn't been there, they'd have used something else which was.
"Feminist propaganda" is all in favor of arming for self-defense? What feminist group are YOU talking to?

And while I am not, and never have claimed to be, "the whole of womanhood", I am a hell of a lot more of womanhood than YOU are.
Really,,,have you been watching any of the protests......offered to get my wife a pistol for her office, she does taxes and works there have been some lib gals here admit to owning a weapon but you dont see any lib organized female support for 2A or open carry....

Oh, okay. I cite my experience, and I get "are you the whole of womanhood?" And then you cite your wife, and THAT proves something?

Let me ask you something: has your wife ever been the victim of a violent crime? Because I have. If your wife doesn't want a gun, then that's certainly her choice to make. But do NOT condescend to me about MY safety based on what your wife thinks and feels and believes, and FOR SURE don't condescend to me based on what YOU think women in general think, or should think.

Maybe I can help answering this condescending issue. People think that they can control women. Interesting that women play along with that. Controlling an attacker with a gun that you are pointing at him is a special skill. Can women enjoy the sporting value of hand guns and rifles? I think it is fun to go to the range with girls. Target practice is an empowering feeling. What is your opinion?

I have always enjoyed target practice, probably because I have a natural skill for aim. For entertainment value, I prefer archery. Either way, it's always fun to encounter men who want to patronize me and assume I don't know which end of the weapon to point. Come to that, my natural aim also makes me quite good at pool, and it's never a good night out without letting some ass napkin explain ALL about what I'm doing wrong and how I "should" be playing, and then running the rest of the table on him.

As you can imagine, I don't have a lot of tolerance for men who want to treat my femaleness as though it were a birth defect.

Okay but you did raise the question of "which end of the weapon to point". You know we guys are permanently glued to one end of a weapon that always points to famales. Do you know what level of dilemmas this can cause? A considerable point.

I always assumed the weight of the penis pulls on the brain stem, and that's why men act dumb. :D

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Because candycorn is well aware that if you scream, vomit and/or piss yourself to stop a rapist ... You aren't a pussy like those gun owners.


Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.

You can theorize anything you like. The reality is in the middle: they decided to kill themselves, irrespective of the gun. The gun was just a tool, and if it hadn't been there, they'd have used something else which was.

Ah you reminded me: the spoon made me fat. If I buy a gun, will that kill me?
Really,,,have you been watching any of the protests......offered to get my wife a pistol for her office, she does taxes and works there have been some lib gals here admit to owning a weapon but you dont see any lib organized female support for 2A or open carry....

Oh, okay. I cite my experience, and I get "are you the whole of womanhood?" And then you cite your wife, and THAT proves something?

Let me ask you something: has your wife ever been the victim of a violent crime? Because I have. If your wife doesn't want a gun, then that's certainly her choice to make. But do NOT condescend to me about MY safety based on what your wife thinks and feels and believes, and FOR SURE don't condescend to me based on what YOU think women in general think, or should think.

Maybe I can help answering this condescending issue. People think that they can control women. Interesting that women play along with that. Controlling an attacker with a gun that you are pointing at him is a special skill. Can women enjoy the sporting value of hand guns and rifles? I think it is fun to go to the range with girls. Target practice is an empowering feeling. What is your opinion?

I have always enjoyed target practice, probably because I have a natural skill for aim. For entertainment value, I prefer archery. Either way, it's always fun to encounter men who want to patronize me and assume I don't know which end of the weapon to point. Come to that, my natural aim also makes me quite good at pool, and it's never a good night out without letting some ass napkin explain ALL about what I'm doing wrong and how I "should" be playing, and then running the rest of the table on him.

As you can imagine, I don't have a lot of tolerance for men who want to treat my femaleness as though it were a birth defect.

Okay but you did raise the question of "which end of the weapon to point". You know we guys are permanently glued to one end of a weapon that always points to famales. Do you know what level of dilemmas this can cause? A considerable point.

I always assumed the weight of the penis pulls on the brain stem, and that's why men act dumb. :D

I love this physical model. Yes, the entire situation is pretty hard on us and our entire lives. Hard and heavy. And you women just make it even harder on us. Now what shall we do?

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Because candycorn is well aware that if you scream, vomit and/or piss yourself to stop a rapist ... You aren't a pussy like those gun owners.


Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.

You can theorize anything you like. The reality is in the middle: they decided to kill themselves, irrespective of the gun. The gun was just a tool, and if it hadn't been there, they'd have used something else which was.

You are theorizing as well. Again, the facts are not your friend if you think a gun is going to keep you safe.
Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.

No you weren't ... :21:

Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.

No you weren't ... :21:


Sure I was...the only conclusion that one can draw is that you're more likely to kill or injure yourself if you have a gun in the house; thus you're not safer with a gun. Facts are not your friend.
Statistics indicate otherwise. You're far more likely to be the victim of gun violence if you have a gun in the house. Something I found surprising was that over once a day, someone accidentally shoots and kills themselves with a gun (and this is a "record low"???). Add that to the 20,000 +/- suicides via firearms daily.... You're better off without one.

Accidental gun deaths hit record low, even amid recent boom in firearms sales

You know why you're "more likely to be a victim of gun violence" if you have a gun in your house? Because statistically, you're more likely to live in a high-crime neighborhood if you have a gun in your house, because that's WHY you have a gun in your house.

And yes, less than 1% of all accidental deaths (did you miss that part of your article?) is both a record low, and quite good. More people die from accidentally drowning.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

Don't even get me started on the notion of "prevent suicide by taking guns". As if the guns are talking people into killing themselves.

More than one accidental death per day by gunshot (presumably by the gun owners or a close friend with a weapon) is not "quite good". To put that in perspective, we have more accidental killings per year than other developed nations have in total. As far as the neighborhood thing; I thought the "good guy with a gun" would take care of the crime in the neighborhood. Are gun owners just pussies or what?

Guess we gotta ban cars huh CC. helluva lot more accidental deaths with them.

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Sure. Let’s get started.

You first
Statistics indicate otherwise. You're far more likely to be the victim of gun violence if you have a gun in the house. Something I found surprising was that over once a day, someone accidentally shoots and kills themselves with a gun (and this is a "record low"???). Add that to the 20,000 +/- suicides via firearms daily.... You're better off without one.

Accidental gun deaths hit record low, even amid recent boom in firearms sales

You know why you're "more likely to be a victim of gun violence" if you have a gun in your house? Because statistically, you're more likely to live in a high-crime neighborhood if you have a gun in your house, because that's WHY you have a gun in your house.

And yes, less than 1% of all accidental deaths (did you miss that part of your article?) is both a record low, and quite good. More people die from accidentally drowning.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

Don't even get me started on the notion of "prevent suicide by taking guns". As if the guns are talking people into killing themselves.

More than one accidental death per day by gunshot (presumably by the gun owners or a close friend with a weapon) is not "quite good". To put that in perspective, we have more accidental killings per year than other developed nations have in total. As far as the neighborhood thing; I thought the "good guy with a gun" would take care of the crime in the neighborhood. Are gun owners just pussies or what?

Guess we gotta ban cars huh CC. helluva lot more accidental deaths with them.

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Sure. Let’s get started.

You first

So, you're good with requiring licenses for all gun owners, inspections of the guns themselves by qualified mechanics, liability insurance before use, registration of all guns etc...???? If so, I must say I'm surprised.
You know why you're "more likely to be a victim of gun violence" if you have a gun in your house? Because statistically, you're more likely to live in a high-crime neighborhood if you have a gun in your house, because that's WHY you have a gun in your house.

And yes, less than 1% of all accidental deaths (did you miss that part of your article?) is both a record low, and quite good. More people die from accidentally drowning.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

Don't even get me started on the notion of "prevent suicide by taking guns". As if the guns are talking people into killing themselves.

More than one accidental death per day by gunshot (presumably by the gun owners or a close friend with a weapon) is not "quite good". To put that in perspective, we have more accidental killings per year than other developed nations have in total. As far as the neighborhood thing; I thought the "good guy with a gun" would take care of the crime in the neighborhood. Are gun owners just pussies or what?

Guess we gotta ban cars huh CC. helluva lot more accidental deaths with them.

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Sure. Let’s get started.

You first

So, you're good with requiring licenses for all gun owners, inspections of the guns themselves by qualified mechanics, liability insurance before use, registration of all guns etc...???? If so, I must say I'm surprised.

Sure, in an equal manner as cars.

Go on
You know why you're "more likely to be a victim of gun violence" if you have a gun in your house? Because statistically, you're more likely to live in a high-crime neighborhood if you have a gun in your house, because that's WHY you have a gun in your house.

And yes, less than 1% of all accidental deaths (did you miss that part of your article?) is both a record low, and quite good. More people die from accidentally drowning.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

Don't even get me started on the notion of "prevent suicide by taking guns". As if the guns are talking people into killing themselves.

More than one accidental death per day by gunshot (presumably by the gun owners or a close friend with a weapon) is not "quite good". To put that in perspective, we have more accidental killings per year than other developed nations have in total. As far as the neighborhood thing; I thought the "good guy with a gun" would take care of the crime in the neighborhood. Are gun owners just pussies or what?

Guess we gotta ban cars huh CC. helluva lot more accidental deaths with them.

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Sure. Let’s get started.

You first

So, you're good with requiring licenses for all gun owners, inspections of the guns themselves by qualified mechanics, liability insurance before use, registration of all guns etc...???? If so, I must say I'm surprised.

Let me end CC delusion quickly

You don’t need license, registration or insurance to buy or drive or carry (trailer) a car.

You need those to drive on publicly roadways.

If we equate those to guns, then the only time you would need to register, license or insure a gun would be when using it at a publicly funded shooting range.

Ok, what’s the point CC?
Sure I was...the only conclusion that one can draw is that you're more likely to kill or injure yourself if you have a gun in the house; thus you're not safer with a gun. Facts are not your friend.

Nah ... You were editorializing and using statistics as support.

To suggest that your conclusions are accurate in regards to whether an individual is safer with a firearm in the house are faulty.
The statistics you refer to in no way identify different variables that would most certainly influence any result.

Furthermore ... The statistics do not calculate any benefit that may be gained from the firearm in the house.
If you would like to suggest that someone is safer facing and armed intruder without a firearms ... Well, that's your choice, not mine.

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Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Driving is a privilege, not a right ... That's even a question on the current driver's license exam in the state where I live ... :thup:

Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Driving is a privilege, not a right ... That's even a question on the current driver's license exam in the state where I live ... :thup:


Plus imagine how much more of a pain being at the DMV would be if the powers in charge didn't want people to get licenses.

A 3 hour hell marathon would turn into weeks of multiple visits, fees in the thousands of dollars, and multiple rejections because some DMV employee didn't feel that your really "needed" to drive a car.

also, going to a dealer would mean a 30 day waiting period before you got your car, after you paid for it.
Plus imagine how much more of a pain being at the DMV would be if the powers in charge didn't want people to get licenses.

A 3 hour hell marathon would turn into weeks of multiple visits, fees in the thousands of dollars, and multiple rejections because some DMV employee didn't feel that your really "needed" to drive a car.

also, going to a dealer would mean a 30 day waiting period before you got your car, after you paid for it.

The funny part ... Most middle-aged people driving around out there ... Couldn't pass the current written exam to gain a driver's license.


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