Wonder why people distrust political stories in the media?

CNN just had a breaking news banner that said,

Can they be any more blatant with their bias? I think not.
What bias? He has been accused of child molestation AND Trump and the GOP announced yesterday they support him.
This is solely about blind support of your team and has NOTHING to do with the media.
ACCUSED is NOT guilty.

but they feed perception and forgo due process - OF WHICH liberals seem to dig if they don't like you anyway.

Accused is accused.

Do you say the same about Hillary?

Probably not.

I don't say it, no. Would you have a problem if someone did?
CNN just had a breaking news banner that said,

Can they be any more blatant with their bias? I think not.
What bias? He has been accused of child molestation AND Trump and the GOP announced yesterday they support him.
This is solely about blind support of your team and has NOTHING to do with the media.
ACCUSED is NOT guilty.

but they feed perception and forgo due process - OF WHICH liberals seem to dig if they don't like you anyway.
I'm guessing if I read your posts over the last two years I'll find a thousand times you claimed Hillary and Obama were guilty of a hundred things when in fact they were only "accused." Either you believe the same standards apply to everyone or you don't. The latter being un-American and Trumpy.

If you have a double standard your views are worthless.

that would be impossible and since you blow shit out of proportion why should i listen to what you say?

Gold Member
Member Since:
May 15, 2017
CNN just had a breaking news banner that said,

Can they be any more blatant with their bias? I think not.
What bias? He has been accused of child molestation AND Trump and the GOP announced yesterday they support him.
This is solely about blind support of your team and has NOTHING to do with the media.
ACCUSED is NOT guilty.

but they feed perception and forgo due process - OF WHICH liberals seem to dig if they don't like you anyway.
I'm guessing if I read your posts over the last two years I'll find a thousand times you claimed Hillary and Obama were guilty of a hundred things when in fact they were only "accused." Either you believe the same standards apply to everyone or you don't. The latter being un-American and Trumpy.

If you have a double standard your views are worthless.
Iceberg and I disagree on a lot of things, but I have found iceberg to be fairly objective most of the time. I only recall iceberg saying Hillary should be in jail once or twice, but is above average in holding politicians of both sides to the same high standards.
What part of that isn't true?
all of it

GOP and Trump are backing Roy Moore, so that part is true.

Now the question is if Roy Moore is guilty of sexually abusing minors, and it is his word against her and with Gloria Allred being involved tell me it is more political bullshit that the fringers will eat up!

Thing is Gloria stunts work in Kalifornia but not so well in Bama!

"Gloria Allred" is irrelevant. The headline says "accused" ---- whelp, he is accused. By I think five different women. Moreover the various bigwigs of the RP started to denounce Moore on the basis of those accusations before they lost their nerve. And Rump personally supported his opponent for the nomination.

So yes, the fact that both those entities have turned around 180 does qualify as news.

As to whether Moore is "guilty" or not is not even a relevant question. He's not being prosecuted for a crime, so the question is not about his 'guilt' but rather his character.

Two decades ago the same Republican Party and the Republican President denounced one of their own when he ran for Governor, except that time they didn't lose their nerve. His name was David Duke. At that time they decided they'd rather lose the election than have the party tainted with that kind of flawed character. This time not so much.
What part of that isn't true?
What part of my post said it was or wasn't true?

I'm focused on the complete & total bias.
That is an inflammtory headline ment for one thing & one thing only.
It's borderline liable imo

Do you mean "libel"?

In what way?

I agree it's meant for one thing and one thing only -- to 'sell papers'. Or in this time, page clicks.
What part of that isn't true?
What part of my post said it was or wasn't true?

I'm focused on the complete & total bias.
That is an inflammtory headline ment for one thing & one thing only.
It's borderline liable imo

It's not inflammatory, Trump and the GOP are now backing a candidate accused of child molestation. That's called news.
being accused is not news. only if and when it suits your purpose would it ever be considered as such. you are a perfect example of social warrior justice and that is pure bullshit and not based in anything but WAH I DIDN'T GET MY WAY!
I laughed my ass off this morning when I heard a Republican apologist say that accused child molester Roy Moore was the best person they could find in Alabama.

And lest we forget, a "judge" who got thrown off the bench --- twice --- because he couldn't follow the law over his own whims. That's at least as relevant, though it doesn't sell as many papers as sex does.

When it finally happens the state election will tell us nothing about Roy Moore; rather it will speak volumes about what the values are in Alabama.
What part of that isn't true?
What part of my post said it was or wasn't true?

I'm focused on the complete & total bias.
That is an inflammtory headline ment for one thing & one thing only.
It's borderline liable imo

It's not inflammatory, Trump and the GOP are now backing a candidate accused of child molestation. That's called news.
being accused is not news. only if and when it suits your purpose would it ever be considered as such. you are a perfect example of social warrior justice and that is pure bullshit and not based in anything but WAH I DIDN'T GET MY WAY!

A senate candidate being accused of child molestation and now endorsed by a major political party and the president isn't news?

Are you saying if Obama endorsed Jeffrey Epstein for the senate you wouldn't want it in the news?
I believe most of the accusers. But a host of actual offenses on the part of Roy Moore can be catastrophically undermined by one false accuser. A false accuser provides just enough wiggle room for a real sicko to get away.

To be honest, even most of the tales I have heard that I believe to be true don't strike me as anything so offensive as to bar a man from office. If a guy got a little handsy with a woman and scared her, that's not good, but it isn't doesn't rise to a jailable offense, in my opinion. It just makes him an asshole.

Don't get me wrong. If it was my daughter that Moore had groped without her permission, I'd already be in the news for punching his teeth out. There are some things that should be taken care of man to man, not by the law.

But most importantly, I do believe the woman who says Moore molested her when she was 14. And that alone should bar Moore from dogcatcher, never mind US Senator.
What part of that isn't true?
What part of my post said it was or wasn't true?

I'm focused on the complete & total bias.
That is an inflammtory headline ment for one thing & one thing only.
It's borderline liable imo

It's not inflammatory, Trump and the GOP are now backing a candidate accused of child molestation. That's called news.

And it's further newsworthy in that Rump himself stands accused in the same way --- which begs the question of why he was opposing Roy Moore's nomination..... because he didn't want to be standing in the same spotlight he finds himself in right now.
CNN just had a breaking news banner that said,

Can they be any more blatant with their bias? I think not.
What bias? He has been accused of child molestation AND Trump and the GOP announced yesterday they support him.
This is solely about blind support of your team and has NOTHING to do with the media.
ACCUSED is NOT guilty.

but they feed perception and forgo due process - OF WHICH liberals seem to dig if they don't like you anyway.
I'm guessing if I read your posts over the last two years I'll find a thousand times you claimed Hillary and Obama were guilty of a hundred things when in fact they were only "accused." Either you believe the same standards apply to everyone or you don't. The latter being un-American and Trumpy.

If you have a double standard your views are worthless.

that would be impossible and since you blow shit out of proportion why should I listen to what you say?

Why indeed? If you choose to support a candidate who preaches moral superiority after finding out he is accused of pedophilia and was banned from a local mall for trolling teenagers, you deserve the label placed upon you.
Let's be clear. YOUR statement was that Trump and the GOP supporting an ACCUSED child molester is media bias when in fact those are simply statements of truth. He IS accused of pedophilia AND Trump and the GOP support him. Every comment you have made since is dissembling to justify YOUR initial bias.
Gold Member
Member Since:
May 15, 2017
Both parties have become so vile, so unprincipled, so obsessed with party before country, that it is time for each side to look at the pieces of shit who represent them and ask themselves, "Are these assholes the best people we can find to speak for us? Really? Is this who I want everyone to think I am?"
CNN just had a breaking news banner that said,

Can they be any more blatant with their bias? I think not.
What bias? He has been accused of child molestation AND Trump and the GOP announced yesterday they support him.
This is solely about blind support of your team and has NOTHING to do with the media.
ACCUSED is NOT guilty.

but they feed perception and forgo due process - OF WHICH liberals seem to dig if they don't like you anyway.
I'm guessing if I read your posts over the last two years I'll find a thousand times you claimed Hillary and Obama were guilty of a hundred things when in fact they were only "accused." Either you believe the same standards apply to everyone or you don't. The latter being un-American and Trumpy.

If you have a double standard your views are worthless.

that would be impossible and since you blow shit out of proportion why should I listen to what you say?

Why indeed? If you choose to support a candidate who preaches moral superiority after finding out he is accused of pedophilia and was banned from a local mall for trolling teenagers, you deserve the label placed upon you.
Let's be clear. YOUR statement was that Trump and the GOP supporting an ACCUSED child molester is media bias when in fact those are simply statements of truth. He IS accused of pedophilia AND Trump and the GOP support him. Every comment you have made since is dissembling to justify YOUR initial bias.
Gold Member
Member Since:
May 15, 2017
he is accused. that's it.

when he's found guilty by our due process of law come talk to me.

i'll just give up on you learning how to use a forum to quote properly.
Both parties have become so vile, so unprincipled, so obsessed with party before country, that it is time for each side to look at the pieces of shit who represent them and ask themselves, "Are these assholes the best people we can find to speak for us? Really? Is this who I want everyone to think I am?"
been saying since i got here it's our own damn fault we have *THIS* to choose from and as long as we keep the doing the actions that got us here, here is where we stay.
Both parties have become so vile, so unprincipled, so obsessed with party before country, that it is time for each side to look at the pieces of shit who represent them and ask themselves, "Are these assholes the best people we can find to speak for us? Really? Is this who I want everyone to think I am?"

Exactly, that's the question before Alabama. That they already sent a judge back to the bench after he was kicked off because he couldn't do his job, and then set him up for nomination for this gig, portends unwell. And speaks eloquently of the political atmosphere.
Both parties have become so vile, so unprincipled, so obsessed with party before country, that it is time for each side to look at the pieces of shit who represent them and ask themselves, "Are these assholes the best people we can find to speak for us? Really? Is this who I want everyone to think I am?"
been saying since i got here it's our own damn fault we have *THIS* to choose from and as long as we keep the doing the actions that got us here, here is where we stay.

And you still support Moore?
CNN just had a breaking news banner that said,

Can they be any more blatant with their bias? I think not.

Lies are not to be confused with bias. There is zero evidence that Moore is a child molestor, however there is plenty of evidence that CNN is fake news.

But the real reason why you made this thread is of course that, even you got taken by the ABC scam. Which admittedly was propaganda such that Pravda would be proud of it. I for one am done with the these "news". Before I visited their websites to at least quickly check what's happening, but no more, they are bullshit.
Moore was accused of child molestation without even a child he was alleged to have molested.

I have a friend who is 57. His wife is 29. To liberals, he "molested" her perhaps in the womb. And, yes, he has known her family long enough to have held her as a baby and watched her grow up.

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