Wonderful News! Europe Was The Birthplace Of Mankind, Not Africa Scientist Find

This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

Well, now things are starting to make a bit more sense.


Thank the Lord I did not evolve from that. Thank God. I don't need to drink as much now.
Imagine a world where everyone had brown skin. Tens of thousands of years ago, that was the case, say scientists at Penn State University. So, how did white people get here?

Evidently, when humans began leaving Africa 20,000 to 50,000 years ago, a skin-whitening mutation appeared randomly in a sole individual. That mutation proved advantageous as humans moved into Europe. Why? Because it upped the amount of vitamin D the migrants had.

"Sun intensity is great enough in equatorial regions that the vitamin can still be made in dark-skinned people despite the ultraviolet shielding effects of melanin," explained Rick Weiss of the Washington Post. "In the north, where sunlight is less intense and cold weather demands that more clothing be worn, melanin's ultraviolet shielding became a liability, the thinking goes."

How a Genetic Mutation Led to the White "Race"
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

Well, now things are starting to make a bit more sense.


Thank the Lord I did not evolve from that. Thank God. I don't need to drink as much now.
That's a Dani...they live in INDONESIA.....like, an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CONTINENT....

You remain a fucking idiot...
And people wonder why many wise people do not automatically accept the results of every single *study* the so called *science* culture tries to pass off on us.
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

Well, now things are starting to make a bit more sense.


Thank the Lord I did not evolve from that. Thank God. I don't need to drink as much now.
come to grips with your ancestors being inbred mutant albinos
Scientists don't have a clue. Next thing you know they'll be claiming the poles are melting.
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

That source should put to rest the refusal of some on the Right to accept evolution.
Here's the study, you fucking retard:

Potential hominin affinities of Graecopithecus from the Late Miocene of Europe

The study was linked and referenced in the article. Of course you didn't challenge anything specifically because you are a brain dead dolt who not only lacks the capacity to read and understand what you are reading, you also have no clue how to intelligently discuss issues.

What is sad is you think this knee jerk stupidity is a sign of your intelligence. You think that because it stops all sensible discussion when you engage in it, and you think that is some sort of evidence of your superiority.

In reality, it's just that your commentary is stupid and people aren't interested in talking issues with a retard who doesn't know what he's doing, but still acts like he's brilliant. That's you. The really stupid person who thinks he's super duper smart.
So everybody has been looking in Africa, but it just isn't working because of the molar root structure that they have. They say in this study that there really isn't that much information, but what information they DO have is not necessarily pointing to Africa and in fact seems to point more to these other areas, where they DO have some lineage evidence, based on this molar root structure fossil record.

"The overwhelming effort to reconstruct hominin origins have been focused on the African continent. However, ancestral lineages remain largely unknown [16]. A crucial problem in identifying ancestral lineages is the prevalence of homoplasy and the relative lack of derived morphological features that reduces the phylogenetic resolution around lineage divergence [17, 18]. Root morphology might be a potential feature, which is less affected by homoplasy. Studies on fossil hominids, extant great apes and humans indicate that the premolar root number is not primarily linked to a functional adaptation, and is interpreted to represent a genetic polymorphism [19, 20]. Hence, homoplasy is only a minor consideration for the traits of premolar root numbers, which therefore may provide a useful phylogenetic signal. "

"In this study, we propose based on root morphology a new possible candidate for the hominin clade, Graecopithecus freybergi from Europe. Graecopithecus is known from a single mandible from Pyrgos Vassilissis Amalia (Athens, Greece) [38] and possibly from an isolated upper fourth premolar (P4) from Azmaka in Bulgaria [39] (Fig 1A and 1B). A new age model for the localities Pyrgos Vassilissis and Azmaka, as well as the investigations on the fauna of these localities [40] confirms that European hominids thrived in the early Messinian (Late Miocene, 7.25–6 Ma) and therefore existed in Europe ~ 1.5 Ma later than previously thought [39]. This, and recent discoveries from Çorakyerler (Turkey), and Maragheh (Iran) demonstrate the persistence of Miocene hominids into the Turolian (~8 Ma) in Europe, the eastern Mediterranean, and Western Asia [41, 42]."

Potential hominin affinities of Graecopithecus from the Late Miocene of Europe
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

That source should put to rest the refusal of some on the Right to accept evolution.
Why aren't apes still turning into people?

Or at least turning into black people...
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

That source should put to rest the refusal of some on the Right to accept evolution.
Why aren't apes still turning into people?

Or at least turning into black people...
You down with a fever, Girl?
Not to be sour grapes but one of the "Scientists" is a student..
I will wait.
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

That source should put to rest the refusal of some on the Right to accept evolution.
Why aren't apes still turning into people?

Or at least turning into black people...
You down with a fever, Girl?
Progressives are absolutely CERTAIN that black people are the descendants of apes. That's why they are so committed to the idea that Africa is the birthplace of mankind. They think blacks look like monkeys, so they create the *science* to prove it.

Of course it isn't proven. Blacks aren't a different species, and we are none of us descended from apes.
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

That source should put to rest the refusal of some on the Right to accept evolution.
Why aren't apes still turning into people?
You just can't help revealing your ignorance. Ask the scientists who helped with the OP article.
And people wonder why many wise people do not automatically accept the results of every single *study* the so called *science* culture tries to pass off on us.
Amen. Like the global warming/climate change/(fill in next new name) bullshit.
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

That source should put to rest the refusal of some on the Right to accept evolution.
Why aren't apes still turning into people?
You just can't help revealing your ignorance. Ask the scientists who helped with the OP article.
The answer is because it's bullshit, like most of all the liberals post.
This means Africa was just the home of failed species and evolutionary dead ends which survived there because of an easy existence in a warm climate.

That source should put to rest the refusal of some on the Right to accept evolution.
Why aren't apes still turning into people?

Or at least turning into black people...
You down with a fever, Girl?
Progressives are absolutely CERTAIN that black people are the descendants of apes. That's why they are so committed to the idea that Africa is the birthplace of mankind. They think blacks look like monkeys, so they create the *science* to prove it.

Of course it isn't proven. Blacks aren't a different species, and we are none of us descended from apes.
But you don't cotton to any of that "science" stuff, right?

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