Word going around that Lyin' Ted Cruz is endorising Trump

Why do this? Trump insulted his wife and not endorsing him was the most admirable thing cheatin', lyin' Ted did during this election season

"After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump," he wrote in a Facebook post.

Cruz said he endorsed both because of his primary pledge to support the party nominee, as well as his concerns about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Cruz: I'm voting for Trump
The wing-nuts will give a lot of reasons, but there is only one, Cruz caved to the threat from Rancid Pubis.

RNC chairman: Former candidates who don't back Trump may not be allowed to run again http://hill.cm/w5pmLvK


4:36 PM - 18 Sep 2016
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I commend him on this. And I don't like him or trump. But he signed a pledge of hackery. Period.
Kasich needs to do the same thing. Be a fucking man.

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