

American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
At physical, documented points in time and space on Planet Earth, in places that smelled of people and sweat, the hands of various humans put marks on paper that would one day coalesce in to the Ancient Texts we know today as The Torah, The New Testament, The Koran and others.

Whether you believe that the imaginations that sorted and organized those words were somehow inspired by God or not, the hands that recorded those words as a gift to the future were very human, and the effects of those words on human history cannot be denied. Profound indeed is the history that continues to be guided by those words that were first laid down by ancient human hands.

William T. Cavanaugh - Harvard Divinity School said:
Does Religion Cause Violence?

How could one, for example, separate religion from politics in Islam, when Muslims themselves make no such separation? In the second place, it may be the case that the Crusader has misappropriated the true message of Christ, but one cannot therefore excuse Christianity of all responsibility. Christianity is not primarily a set of doctrines, but a lived historical experience embodied and shaped by the empirically observable actions of Christians. So I have no intention of excusing Christianity or Islam or any other faith system from careful analysis. Given certain conditions, Christianity, Islam, and other faiths can and do contribute to violence.

Words on paper that changed our world for both good and for evil......


If the 21st Century results could be shown to them, do you think that the authors whose hands are implicated in these Ancient Stories would regret committing to paper the words that ended up so violently and profoundly altering the future in which their descendants continue to live and bleed?

What did YOU write today? Did you consider the future? Should you? :dunno:

And The Word was God.

Most of the violence and death in the 21st century came from the words of Karl Marx. The violence that occured is exactly what those ancient writers foretold was going to happen if God was rejected.
the words written then as much as the words written down now are for one reason and one reason only:


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That explains why the best and most free societies the world has ever known have been Christian ones.
Most of the violence and death in the 21st century came from the words of Karl Marx. The violence that occured is exactly what those ancient writers foretold was going to happen if God was rejected.

Do you think Karl would regret the role that his words played in human history? Would he be 'human' if he didn't?

"The pen is more powerful than the sword"

Power to influence the good / Power to influence the evil.

Regret. :dunno: Pride.​

If we could see the future of our words, would we choose them more carefully? :eusa_eh:
Most of the violence and death in the 21st century came from the words of Karl Marx. The violence that occured is exactly what those ancient writers foretold was going to happen if God was rejected.

Do you think Karl would regret the role that his words played in human history? Would he be 'human' if he didn't?

"The pen is more powerful than the sword"

Power to influence the good / Power to influence the evil.

Regret. :dunno: Pride.​

If we could see the future of our words, would we choose them more carefully? :eusa_eh:

then humanity would be mute. All words can be twisted into anything you want... good or bad.

Dr Seuss..... green eggs and ham, pretty tame right? It could are insulting vegetarians and muslims around the world.

however... religious text is quite different. It does not CARE about anything other then control..... now, then, or in the future.
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the words written then as much as the words written down now are for one reason and one reason only:


For that very reason, I wonder about the original authors, whose imaginations, stories and words have had so much influence in human history.... Responsibility not withstanding, any regrets? :dunno:

And Avatar4321 is right... this imagined regret need not be limited to the authors of texts that became 'sacred'... a LOT of words on paper, both ancient and modern, have changed our world.
Most of the violence and death in the 21st century came from the words of Karl Marx. The violence that occured is exactly what those ancient writers foretold was going to happen if God was rejected.

Do you think Karl would regret the role that his words played in human history? Would he be 'human' if he didn't?

"The pen is more powerful than the sword"

Power to influence the good / Power to influence the evil.

Regret. :dunno: Pride.​

If we could see the future of our words, would we choose them more carefully? :eusa_eh:

then humanity would be mute. All words can be twisted into anything you want... good or bad.

Dr Seuss..... green eggs and ham, pretty tame right? It could are insulting vegetarians and muslims around the world.

however... religious text is quite different. It does not CARE about anything other then control..... now, then, or in the future.

So some responsibility lay at the feet of the Monkeys who read these words of power, and the sheeple who simply believe what they're told about them deserve what they get?


Take the key to your star ship and fly Monkeys, fly!
Do you think Karl would regret the role that his words played in human history? Would he be 'human' if he didn't?

Power to influence the good / Power to influence the evil.

Regret. :dunno: Pride.​

If we could see the future of our words, would we choose them more carefully? :eusa_eh:

then humanity would be mute. All words can be twisted into anything you want... good or bad.

Dr Seuss..... green eggs and ham, pretty tame right? It could are insulting vegetarians and muslims around the world.

however... religious text is quite different. It does not CARE about anything other then control..... now, then, or in the future.

So some responsibility lay at the feet of the Monkeys who read these words of power, and the sheeple who simply believe what they're told about them deserve what they get?


Take the key to your star ship and fly Monkeys, fly!

i do not call them "words of power" ...though the religious writers and readers would call them that saying they are the "words of 'god'"

religious text is meant to twist minds and make them mailable to control and suggestion. You either fight against the indoctrination or you don't. I would not call Dr. susses words... words of power.

Other works, depending on the author and target audience.... as i said, they too all can be twisted, but are not always meant to twist.

And something to think about... education in and of itself... is also meant to from thoughts resulting in actions.
I would hope Marx is sitting on the other side of the veil regretful for his mistakes, but I dont have a Crystal ball.
I never know how much needs to be said or how much knowledge people have. A lot of people claim to have a good working historical understanding; and as such don't require a lot of extraneous explanation.
But I always tend to overestimate the understanding of people.

The magna carta is the document upon which free societies of the English speaking world were built...and it in turn follows the biblical pattern of government by covenant.
Thank you, KG... I know what the Magna Carta is, I was curious about your application in this context. Still am.

As far as your claim that most free societies have been Christian... first of all, how many societies remain a mystery because their records were destroyed when Western 'Civilization' conquered and absorbed them? I think that Hawaii, prior to the conquest, would have been a cool place and time to have been given the gift of Sentient Life. There are others that spring to mind, but you get the idea.

Second of all, until recently, unless you happened to arrive on this planet in white skin, 'freedom' has often just been a word in the Euro-Christian world, and prior to the French and American Revolutions, even most of the white folks were the property of their good Christian King.

Please elaborate by providing examples of some of these 'free' Christian societies that have been so prevalent. I'm drawing a blank. :dunno:
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Hard to know, they had no written language.

If you need to reach so far into time that there's really no saying what was going on, then I think you really don't have a point. Since the advent of Christianity, the safest and most free societies are those based on Christian principle.

Perhaps there was an isolated society some 5000 years ago on an Island somewhere where nobody fought and everyone lived in a socialist utopia. If so, we have no reliable record of it. I do believe Hawaiians married their siblings and practiced human sacrifice. We tend to take a romantic view of societies we know very little about. Let's confine ourselves to reality and real history, hmmm?
That explains why the best and most free societies the world has ever known have been Christian ones.


Please... elaborate.

Magna Carta.

That’s a legal document, not religious.

With the rule of law the West realized greater freedoms for its peoples in spite of Christianity, not because.

I never know how much needs to be said or how much knowledge people have. A lot of people claim to have a good working historical understanding; and as such don't require a lot of extraneous explanation.
But I always tend to overestimate the understanding of people.

The magna carta is the document upon which free societies of the English speaking world were built...and it in turn follows the biblical pattern of government by covenant.

The bolded is ironic.

As to the rest: nonsense.

The Magna Carta was a contract between the government and those governed, placing limits on what government may do. It’s the foundation of our Constitution.

And the First Amendment of our Constitution, among other things, forbids the conjoining of church and state, as those of the Founding Generation knew, many from personal experience, the evil that is religion when given secular authority.
Yes, I already said what it is.

It follows the biblical pattern of government by covenant, and affirms that the ruler rules by the grace of God. Likewise the document is purposed to honor God...and still serves as the framework for the administration of laws of the English speaking world today.
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they all seem to have misguided premonitions not withstanding the distinct fact the desert religions are similarly based on mankind's expulsion by the Creator from the Everlasting that their only choice is Remittance from their own discretion or by the Creators choice the certainty of their own extinction - they haplessly ignore.
Hard to know, they had no written language.

If you need to reach so far into time that there's really no saying what was going on, then I think you really don't have a point. Since the advent of Christianity, the safest and most free societies are those based on Christian principle.

Perhaps there's a list of these "safest and most free societies" that "are those based on Christian principle" that you'd be so kind as to share... I'm still drawing a blank :dunno:

Even a short list will help get the ball rolling.

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