Work places with the most COVID cases


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The work places with the most COVID cases are slaughter houses and the White House.

It appears that slaughter houses and the White House are work places that provide the least protections from COVID-19 resulting in many of their employees catching COVID-19.

The slaughter houses employ many illegal immigrants and the White House employs many without morals or ethics. Both groups can be seen as second class citizens by many but that is not fair.

Everyone deserves to be protected from COVID-19.
The work places with the most COVID cases are slaughter houses and the White House.

It appears that slaughter houses and the White House are work places that provide the least protections from COVID-19 resulting in many of their employees catching COVID-19.

The slaughter houses employ many illegal immigrants and the White House employs many without morals or ethics. Both groups can be seen as second class citizens by many but that is not fair.

Everyone deserves to be protected from COVID-19.

Probably not by percentages.. Right NOW -- the biggest workplace for a CV19 bubble is the NFL...
The work places with the most COVID cases are slaughter houses and the White House.

It appears that slaughter houses and the White House are work places that provide the least protections from COVID-19 resulting in many of their employees catching COVID-19.

The slaughter houses employ many illegal immigrants and the White House employs many without morals or ethics. Both groups can be seen as second class citizens by many but that is not fair.

Everyone deserves to be protected from COVID-19.
Everyone deserves to be protected from preposterously unhinged twaddle like this.
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
I wear a mask when the business I enter has a sign on the door that says "You must wear a mask to enter". Otherwise I don't. I could care less what anyone thinks about me. That's how real Americans think.
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
If wearing a mask is only to protect you, do what you want. But if you do not wear a mask you may kill grandpa and grandma. A child may get COVID and have effects the rest of their life.
When your freedom stomps on others right to live, it is no longer freedom it is dumbass irresponsibility.
You are such a selfcentered chickenass you probably wear a seat belt to protect yourself but you make a statement of freedom by not wearing a mask that can kill others. IDIOT
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
I wear a mask when the business I enter has a sign on the door that says "You must wear a mask to enter". Otherwise I don't. I could care less what anyone thinks about me. That's how real Americans think.
You cannot be that much of a dumbass. What about you infecting others. What about children, what about old people.
They wear a mask but if you do not, and have the virus, you can infect the children and old people. You people cannot be this stupid and this insecure.
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
If wearing a mask is only to protect you, do what you want. But if you do not wear a mask you may kill grandpa and grandma. A child may get COVID and have effects the rest of their life.
When your freedom stomps on others right to live, it is no longer freedom it is dumbass irresponsibility.
You are such a selfcentered chickenass you probably wear a seat belt to protect yourself but you make a statement of freedom by not wearing a mask that can kill others. IDIOT
You are the idiot. You have allowed yourself to be whipped into a frenzy over a fucking COLD VIRUS. You make assumptions that are completely wrong about me so you can make yourself angrier. You and the rest of the Liberal pissy pants brigade are pathetic. OF COURSE I am careful not to come in contact with vulnerable people. I help the widow next door with her mail and her trash and I NEVER get closer than 20 feet to her.
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
If wearing a mask is only to protect you, do what you want. But if you do not wear a mask you may kill grandpa and grandma. A child may get COVID and have effects the rest of their life.
When your freedom stomps on others right to live, it is no longer freedom it is dumbass irresponsibility.
You are such a selfcentered chickenass you probably wear a seat belt to protect yourself but you make a statement of freedom by not wearing a mask that can kill others. IDIOT
Look, if I were a fat, unhealthy, old slob or a scared pussy I simply wouldn’t go out in public...and I certainly wouldn’t want others whom aren’t old fat scared pussy slobs to change their way of life for me. Come on man,sack up.
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
If wearing a mask is only to protect you, do what you want. But if you do not wear a mask you may kill grandpa and grandma. A child may get COVID and have effects the rest of their life.
When your freedom stomps on others right to live, it is no longer freedom it is dumbass irresponsibility.
You are such a selfcentered chickenass you probably wear a seat belt to protect yourself but you make a statement of freedom by not wearing a mask that can kill others. IDIOT
You are the idiot. You have allowed yourself to be whipped into a frenzy over a fucking COLD VIRUS. You make assumptions that are completely wrong about me so you can make yourself angrier. You and the rest of the Liberal pissy pants brigade are pathetic. OF COURSE I am careful not to come in contact with vulnerable people. I help the widow next door with her mail and her trash and I NEVER get closer than 20 feet to her.
I am sure you use your freedom when flying by not wearing a seat belt and don't put your tray table up when told. You are a real American who demand your freedom. How about speed limits and stop lights. Are you going to let the government tell you how to drive. Real Americans value their freedom over letting the government or anyone else tell you what to do. What a guy
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
If wearing a mask is only to protect you, do what you want. But if you do not wear a mask you may kill grandpa and grandma. A child may get COVID and have effects the rest of their life.
When your freedom stomps on others right to live, it is no longer freedom it is dumbass irresponsibility.
You are such a selfcentered chickenass you probably wear a seat belt to protect yourself but you make a statement of freedom by not wearing a mask that can kill others. IDIOT
Look, if I were a fat, unhealthy, old slob or a scared pussy I simply wouldn’t go out in public...and I certainly wouldn’t want others whom aren’t old fat scared pussy slobs to change their way of life for me. Come on man,sack up.
That sounds reasonable, if you are a Trump supporter.
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
If wearing a mask is only to protect you, do what you want. But if you do not wear a mask you may kill grandpa and grandma. A child may get COVID and have effects the rest of their life.
When your freedom stomps on others right to live, it is no longer freedom it is dumbass irresponsibility.
You are such a selfcentered chickenass you probably wear a seat belt to protect yourself but you make a statement of freedom by not wearing a mask that can kill others. IDIOT
You are the idiot. You have allowed yourself to be whipped into a frenzy over a fucking COLD VIRUS. You make assumptions that are completely wrong about me so you can make yourself angrier. You and the rest of the Liberal pissy pants brigade are pathetic. OF COURSE I am careful not to come in contact with vulnerable people. I help the widow next door with her mail and her trash and I NEVER get closer than 20 feet to her.
I am sure you use your freedom when flying by not wearing a seat belt and don't put your tray table up when told. You are a real American who demand your freedom. How about speed limits and stop lights. Are you going to let the government tell you how to drive. Real Americans value their freedom over letting the government or anyone else tell you what to do. What a guy
And Elmer's wrong assumptions just keep piling up. Why do you NEED Trump supporters to fit into some neat little box? Are you really that narrow minded?
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
If wearing a mask is only to protect you, do what you want. But if you do not wear a mask you may kill grandpa and grandma. A child may get COVID and have effects the rest of their life.
When your freedom stomps on others right to live, it is no longer freedom it is dumbass irresponsibility.
You are such a selfcentered chickenass you probably wear a seat belt to protect yourself but you make a statement of freedom by not wearing a mask that can kill others. IDIOT
You are the idiot. You have allowed yourself to be whipped into a frenzy over a fucking COLD VIRUS. You make assumptions that are completely wrong about me so you can make yourself angrier. You and the rest of the Liberal pissy pants brigade are pathetic. OF COURSE I am careful not to come in contact with vulnerable people. I help the widow next door with her mail and her trash and I NEVER get closer than 20 feet to her.
I am sure you use your freedom when flying by not wearing a seat belt and don't put your tray table up when told. You are a real American who demand your freedom. How about speed limits and stop lights. Are you going to let the government tell you how to drive. Real Americans value their freedom over letting the government or anyone else tell you what to do. What a guy
And Elmer's wrong assumptions just keep piling up. Why do you NEED Trump supporters to fit into some neat little box? Are you really that narrow minded?
You are the one who said about masks; "Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD."
That shows you fit in a neat little Trump minion box.
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
Real Americans dont fly Confederate traitor flags.
So you ok going around speading virus and killing people.
Btw dumb ass many people died they were young and healthy.
If wearing a mask is only to protect you, do what you want. But if you do not wear a mask you may kill grandpa and grandma. A child may get COVID and have effects the rest of their life.
When your freedom stomps on others right to live, it is no longer freedom it is dumbass irresponsibility.
You are such a selfcentered chickenass you probably wear a seat belt to protect yourself but you make a statement of freedom by not wearing a mask that can kill others. IDIOT

^ The brainwashing is deep with this one.
If you are vulnerable and weak, you need to protect yourself. Otherwise don't live in fear of catching a cold.
You are so insecure, you feel if you wear a mask, people may realize what a pantyassed whuss you are
Good real Americans like the freedom to choose, they like and expect freedom...Why that seems so weird to you is...WEIRD.
Real Americans dont fly Confederate traitor flags.
So you ok going around speading virus and killing people.
Btw dumb ass many people died they were young and healthy.

Btw dumb ass many people died they were young and healthy.

^^ This is a lie

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