Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

Yeah, I was thinking of the kid who committed suicide on MySpace. It was kind of the same thing except all those people were aware of what was happening and none bothered to be the one to take action to save him till he was too far gone.

In their defense, most of them thought it was an act.

I don't know how you can blame Wal-mart and not the people who actually killed this man. I agree with the first woman in this video.

I agree with the woman too, however, it was Walmart's responsibility to provide a safe shopping environment. You can't tell me they didn't know about crowds and how dangerous they can be.

If someone gets trampled in the stampede caused by the guy yelling "fire" who's to blame? The crowd or the idiot that yelled "fire" in the first place?
This is what comes of their "come ons" limited supplies of great deals. They are endangering people's lives and if Walmart et all can't supply enough security to ensure people's safety, they should lose their business licenses.

If you stand up in a crowded theater and yell "Fire" you go to jail. Why is this any different?

Because no one yelled "fire".
That's like charging the people who ran out of the theater en mass rather than the idiot that yelled "fire".

There will always be trouble makers in any crowd that will be difficult to handle. Regardless, this will cost Wal-Mart a few million and next year they'll probably require customers have some sort of ticket to stand in line or limit the number of people at the door.
Because no one yelled "fire".

Walmart with their limited sales items and massive advertising caused a riot. They are responsible. Perhaps now, some laws will be passed. Walmart should have been prepared for the crowds.

At our local Best Buy one year, we decided to stand in line one Black Friday because they had a great deal on a limited number of notebook computers. Best Buy came out before they opened and asked everyone what they were there for, they passed out tickets and we knew before the store even opened that we wouldn't get one of their "deals". No riots, nothing. Walmart could do that, but they wanted ALL those people in the store even if the items they wanted weren't available in the hopes that they would purchase something else. Walmart IS responsible for this man's death.
Walmart with their limited sales items and massive advertising caused a riot. They are responsible. Perhaps now, some laws will be passed. Walmart should have been prepared for the crowds.

At our local Best Buy one year, we decided to stand in line one Black Friday because they had a great deal on a limited number of notebook computers. Best Buy came out before they opened and asked everyone what they were there for, they passed out tickets and we knew before the store even opened that we wouldn't get one of their "deals". No riots, nothing. Walmart could do that, but they wanted ALL those people in the store even if the items they wanted weren't available in the hopes that they would purchase something else. Walmart IS responsible for this man's death.

Bullshit---Wallmart advertised an item that they were selling and the price of that item. There is NO WAY IN HELL they are responsible for how the crowd behaved. A crowd of idiots could have easily trampled the person in charge of handing out tickets too. The less we do to hold people responsible for their behavior, the more they will behave like starving animals.
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Bullshit---Wallmart advertised an item that they were selling and the price of that item. There is NO WAY IN HELL they are responsible for how the crowd behaved. A crowd of idiots could have easily trampled the person in charge of handing out tickets too. The less we do to hold people responsible for their behavior, the more they will behave like straving animals.[/QUOTE]


The only people responsible for acting that way, are those who did, no one else.

There are always circumstances surrounding everything, but, we as a society have gotten too damn excusable in many ways. Creating a new word for each thing we find as unacceptable behavior.

Since pretty much retiring I have been active in helping those who suffer from the disease of addiction, many of them Vet's. As each one has their story and life experiences, the healing begins by accepting ones self and responsibility for ones self. Those who don't, continue to fail. Same type of deal.
a face:


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Imagine if we used this kind of energy to accomplish our political desires in this country.

Until what we want out of our government becomes more important than a TV that's on sale, we're going to continually get fucked.

THIS is what's wrong with this country right now. Shit like THIS.
Walmart with their limited sales items and massive advertising caused a riot. They are responsible. Perhaps now, some laws will be passed. Walmart should have been prepared for the crowds.

At our local Best Buy one year, we decided to stand in line one Black Friday because they had a great deal on a limited number of notebook computers. Best Buy came out before they opened and asked everyone what they were there for, they passed out tickets and we knew before the store even opened that we wouldn't get one of their "deals". No riots, nothing. Walmart could do that, but they wanted ALL those people in the store even if the items they wanted weren't available in the hopes that they would purchase something else. Walmart IS responsible for this man's death.

The customers NEED to be responsible for their own actions. They are not children that need to be told how to behave. They chose to be their for the sale. If they weren't pushing and shoving and running, the employee would be alive. Needless to say Walmart still will be blamed and sued.
The customers NEED to be responsible for their own actions. They are not children that need to be told how to behave. They chose to be their for the sale. If they weren't pushing and shoving and running, the employee would be alive. Needless to say Walmart still will be blamed and sued.
And they do deserve part of the blame.
And they do deserve part of the blame.

I'm going to agree with you on this.

It's no secret that people get out of hand when stores open on Black Friday.

Why carelessly open the doors and facilitate the obvious outcome?
Someone, somewhere said that Best Buy handed out tickets for the most popular draws, seems a good system to me.

Marketing: Tell the customers to pick the 'one' they are here for, only one ticket per customer. Leaving it possible that those at 'end of line' have reason to come in.

At the same time, if I'm the 1200th customer wanting what the first 200 wanted, perhaps I head for my car, no longer part of the 2K throng.

If when the doors open, those with tickets know they can get at least one of their buys, no trample.

Still, when something draws over 1k people, there is a control problem, that requires armed authority figures, not rent a cops and not guys in blue vests. Not going to cut it.
The problen, is, is which were doing the shoving and which were shoved?
I heard on the radio today that the doors were pushed open 5 minutes before the store was due to open. So, I now think Walmart has less responsibility for inciting a riot as I thought before.
The problen, is, is which were doing the shoving and which were shoved?
I heard on the radio today that the doors were pushed open 5 minutes before the store was due to open. So, I now think Walmart has less responsibility for inciting a riot as I thought before.

Walmart knows damn well that shoppers don't give a shit when it comes to a sale on a limited item on Black Friday.

They have a responsibility to provide a safe shopping environment.

This being said, I certainly don't take any blame away from the shoppers.

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