Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

Something so simply as putting up barriers to keep people in line, and to slow don the rush to the doors would have prevented this disaster.

WALMARTS failed to take the steps necessary to prevent this tragedy.

they knew from past history that mobs form around the doors and that people push thus getting the crowd moving.

This is typical crowd behavior, so it isn't like this should be a surprise to anyone.

Including the people who show up, store employees or anyone shocked after hearing about the event. Hopefully we can jsut get numb to people getting trampled so we can talk about more important stuff.
Great--put me out in front of a Walmart next year--armed with a lot of ammo.

LOL ............... No kidding and you best be prepared to use that ammo because they don't care!

Let me share just one story and it is on a much smaller level, but, it speaks volumes to the problem I see with all of this.

Our children went through Catholic schools, so as parents we were required to donate time. Once while working bingo I watched as a man had a heart attack. As he fell off his chair onto the floor one person next to him and looked down at him, the other person, whom he came with, ignored him and everyone went on playing, until I walked over to see what was wrong with him. As we stopped the game to tend to him and call the squad, the concern for him might have last 2 minutes until they were yelling and chanting to get the game going again.

That is us. This is what we have become! I simply have little tolerance for people who wish to sugar coat it or try to cover it up / excuse it, by pushing the blame.

I have done special events for 25 years and I have been around it my entire life. It didn't use to be like this. Actions like the above would be the exception, not the rule. It gets worse every few years.
LOL ............... No kidding and you best be prepared to use that ammo because they don't care!

Let me share just one story and it is on a much smaller level, but, it speaks volumes to the problem I see with all of this.

Our children went through Catholic schools, so as parents we were required to donate time. Once while working bingo I watched as a man had a heart attack. As he fell off his chair onto the floor one person next to him and looked down at him, the other person, whom he came with, ignored him and everyone went on playing, until I walked over to see what was wrong with him. As we stopped the game to tend to him and call the squad, the concern for him might have last 2 minutes until they were yelling and chanting to get the game going again.

That is us. This is what we have become! I simply have little tolerance for people who wish to sugar coat it or try to cover it up / excuse it, by pushing the blame.

I have done special events for 25 years and I have been around it my entire life. It didn't use to be like this. Actions like the above would be the exception, not the rule. It gets worse every few years.

Be prepared for more. Then if measures are taken place to prevent such a thing from happening be prepared to people screaming that they are losing their "rights" and stores are over reacting.
cool---businesses can hire private armies to protect store patrons ( they could look for shop lifters too ).
I think just banning big sales outta do the trick.

Who's banning the sales? The government? Where does the government get the authority?
Something so simply as putting up barriers to keep people in line, and to slow down the rush to the doors would have prevented this disaster.

WALMART failed to take the minimum steps necessary to prevent this tragedy.

They knew from past history that mobs form around their doors on Black Friday, and that people in the back push to that door, thus getting the crowd moving in a way which once started, cannot stop.

This is typical crowd behavior, so it isn't like this tragedy should be a surprise to anyone.

I mentioned crowd control rails earlier in this thread and yes, it sure would have helped and might have prevented this. Between those rails and security, there would have been a good chance. However, I have seen what happens when people begin to jump those rails, along with the pushing and shoving. It gets just as ugly. I agree though, that would have been the best option, much like you have at a amusement park for the rides. We have used them many times in the past and it setup properly are the best option.

I'm certainly not surprised by this, but, I have to be honest about what causes it and it is the decline of personal responsibility and respect in our society.
I rest my case.

I don't care what Walmart does to protect their business, their property, or their customers, as long as it has nothing to do with government involvement.

We, as citizens and business owners, can figure it out on our own.
I don't care what Walmart does to protect their business, their property, or their customers, as long as it has nothing to do with government involvement.

We, as citizens and business owners, can figure it out on our own.

Ironically the government DOES have a say so on what Walmart does to protect their business and customers already.
Be prepared for more. Then if measures are taken place to prevent such a thing from happening be prepared to people screaming that they are losing their "rights" and stores are over reacting.

hahaha ............. Sadly your right!

Uniform lines, metal detectors for guns, oh yeah, I could hear the bitching now!

But you know what, if my dog acts up, I put a leash on him. Screw'em, put a leash on them!

hahaha ............. Sadly your right!

Uniform lines, metal detectors for guns, oh yeah, I could hear the bitching now!

But you know what, if my dog acts up, I put a leash on him. Screw'em, put a leash on them!

If they haven't learned how to act halfway decent, boot their asses out. I do it and it hasn't killed our business, in fact the decent people thank us. We run a business, not a play ground, not a place for domestic disputes and not a place for them to yell foul words out.

Cya, get your nasty ass on down the road and yeah, that is the first thing I hear, HEY I have RIGHTS! lol
I don't care what Walmart does to protect their business, their property, or their customers, as long as it has nothing to do with government involvement.

We, as citizens and business owners, can figure it out on our own.

I couldn't agree more.
well---you certainly can't protect your property with anything that might hurt a person who is trying to rob you--we've already been sued for that one.


That is sad. I have not had that problem. In fact one night late, after the business was closed and we came back from a event I had to discharge my weapon due to a potential threat and had no repercussions from it and the two who were trespassing were prosecuted.
And if Businesses DON'T provide due diligent protection ?

I think it opens them up to possible problems. Now for me, that doesn't excuse where the blame really falls, but, it is just the way our system and society is. I can think of many occasions where we prepared for large crowds and didn't get them, hence we wasted money, but, at least I covered my backside.

Make no mistake though, in my eyes, the fault falls with whoever causes the problem. Period.
I think it opens them up to possible problems. Now for me, that doesn't excuse where the blame really falls, but, it is just the way our system and society is. I can think of many occasions where we prepared for large crowds and didn't get them, hence we wasted money, but, at least I covered my backside.

Make no mistake though, in my eyes, the fault falls with whoever causes the problem. Period.

and there is some disagreement on what the problem actually is. IMHO it is fucked up people.
And if Businesses DON'T provide due diligent protection ?

We choose not to shop there, or we choose to put ourselves in danger. If one of us gets killed because we chose to shop there anyway, knowing the potential for a stampede, then oh well.

But that doesn't mean we can't discuss what Walmart could have done on their own to try and prevent it from happening. We don't need the government's help.
The business or business owner is often times in a no win situation. If you don't provide anything, you get the bad rap, if you do and something still happens, well then you didn't do enough! Or you should have done this or should have done that. Forget the part that some asshole was acting like a animal.

I mean come on, someone got a bunch of money because "THEY" spilt hot coffee on themselves.

So, buy a lot of insurance, plan the best you can and pray!

Sucks, doesn't it?
and there is some disagreement on what the problem actually is. IMHO it is fucked up people.[/QUOTE]

Yes, yes it is!

Clearly our business is much smaller than a Walmart, but, I don't take any chances, someone comes in acting like an idiot, I send them packing right away and tell them not to come back. Period. No questions asked, nothing to talk about. There are too many good people out there to serve and enjoy than to waste my time and risk my business with idiots.

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