Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

You don't think so but you sure don't know so. The worst stampede in recent history in my part of the country was by white people and over a hundred people were killed when exits were jammed by people knocking others down and climbing on top of them only to be climbed on top of themselves till no one could get through.


It was a raging fire. They weren't trying to buy cheap plasma TVs.
I don't see much of it around where I live. People mostly put the carts in the corrals. I've seen teens, men, women stopping to help an older person lift the groceries into their trunk, even though we all know they were asked at checkout if they'd like assistance. I've seen plenty of evidence that manners are not gone at all. I think like so many other things, we let the few bad apples be projected onto society in general.

Where do you live and what's the population? I've seen these changes as we became a big city over a rural area. I've seen these changes as more and more immigrants have moved into our city.
Pauli, if you lost a nut rather than just suffered superficial burns, would you be singing the same tune? In falsetto, maybe?
I was wondering the same thing. What if it had been a man that spilled his overly hot coffee and been emasculated?
Yep, and Walmart was acting like a greedy bastard willing to endanger people to make a buck.
but isn't the customers who were also acting like greedy bastards who trampled the worker to death? No one told them they have to have no regard for anyone else when they are getting that good deal on the television or whatever it was.
I am not taking Walmart's side in this but really people do this shit every year and then when something bad happens they act surprised. And as for Walmart, most people know how corrupted they are and still shop there, they know how they treat their workers and people still support them by shopping there.
I don't see much of it around where I live. People mostly put the carts in the corrals. I've seen teens, men, women stopping to help an older person lift the groceries into their trunk, even though we all know they were asked at checkout if they'd like assistance. I've seen plenty of evidence that manners are not gone at all. I think like so many other things, we let the few bad apples be projected onto society in general.
I see the same thing in my neighborhood. I even have neighbors wirh cars offer to drop off my groceries at home for me because they know I bring my groceries home on a bicycle. Did I mention my neighborhood demographic is predominantly low income minorities?
The truth is that these people didn't grow up with the same manners as Americans of European decent. Call it a racist thing, but I don't think you'd get the same behavior with a crowd of white Americans.
Yep, it's racist and not remotely true. Google around a bit and you'll find that white Americans are no strangers to trampling people to death.

This one took about 5 seconds to find:

On December 3, 1979 outside the Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio eleven people were killed and dozens were injured in a crush of people trying to get into the arena. Fans were waiting outside for a Who concert scheduled to take place that night.

Thousands of fans (with first-come, first-served festival seating tickets) rished towards the locked doors when they mistook the band's sound check for the concert having started. People were trampled and crushed before the doors were unlocked. The Who went on to play that night, unaware of the tragedy outside.

After the tragedy Cincinnati put a ban on festival or general admission seating. That ban was only lifted once for a 2002 Bruce Springsteen concert and then on August 4, 2004 the ban was lifted totally by city councel, concerned that performers were skipping Cincinnati because they could not have general admission seating.

To prevent any problems, new rules limit the number of tickets (based on square footage of the concert location) and all the doors to the festival seating area will have to be opened two hours before the concert. Ushers and security personnel must be in place before the doors are opened, and a written evacuation plan is required.
and on another note I want to add this! If you go shopping on black friday don't bitch about there being long lines and don't try to call a retail store and expect your call to be answered in a timely manner. And when this happens do not freak out on someone in customer service, they don't have control over the person who is going to answer your question over the phone or control over scheduling people to check you out!!!!!!
but isn't the customers who were also acting like greedy bastards who trampled the worker to death? No one told them they have to have no regard for anyone else when they are getting that good deal on the television or whatever it was.
I am not taking Walmart's side in this but really people do this shit every year and then when something bad happens they act surprised. And as for Walmart, most people know how corrupted they are and still shop there, they know how they treat their workers and people still support them by shopping there.
The fault is on both sides. However, Walmart created a situation that was unsafe for its patrons and its employees so they shouldn't be let off the hook.
Where do you live and what's the population? I've seen these changes as we became a big city over a rural area. I've seen these changes as more and more immigrants have moved into our city.

About 30 minutes outside Chicago, directly west:

60187 Demographics & Wheaton Neighborhood Real Estate of 60187 in Wheaton, Illinois

Community Statistics of 60187
population male 32,629
population female 31,603
median age 37.52
college graduate 42%
white collar 82%
blue collar 18%
no. of households 21,576
no. of family households 15,302
average family size 3.45
median household income $94,771
average household income $125,203
total crime index 9
average January low temperature 14.2 F
average July High Temperature 86.8 F
Rain Fall - Annual 37.94"
air pollution index 116
Yep, it's racist and not remotely true. Google around a bit and you'll find that white Americans are no strangers to trampling people to death.

This one took about 5 seconds to find:
and they probably do it more then any other ethnic group in this country!!!!!! For who do think came up with mosh pits!:lol:
You don't think so but you sure don't know so. The worst stampede in recent history in my part of the country was by white people and over a hundred people were killed when exits were jammed by people knocking others down and climbing on top of them only to be climbed on top of themselves till no one could get through.

"By this time, the piercing shrill sound of the fire alarm had made everyone acutely aware of the impending danger, and although there were four possible exits, most people naturally headed for the front door through which they had entered. The ensuing stampede in the inferno led to a crush in the narrow hallway leading to that exit, quickly blocking it completely and resulting in numerous deaths and injuries among the patrons and staff, who numbered somewhat more than 462(the highest of three conflicting official capacity limits).[1] Of those in attendance, roughly one-quarter died, and half were injured, either from burns, smoke inhalation, or trampling. "

The Station nightclub fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Enron was run by white Americans of European descent. What is their excuse for hogging it all for themselves?

Do you know the difference between a stampede to get away from a fire and a stampede to get the latest deal at Walmart?

You're right, I don't know so. However, I can forgive people for panicking in a fire.

I wasn't trying to say whites are better. I got no excuse for Enron and I think those responsible should have been in jail long before Martha Stewart.

Perhaps, I shouldn't have noticed that all these people are black?
I wonder if Walmart executives are of white European descent?

Oh, yes...and I think Sam Walton would be ashamed of his kids. Don't think you'd find the walmart execs standing in a crowd outside a Walmart waiting for the latest deal either.
It was a raging fire. They weren't trying to buy cheap plasma TVs.

Yet lives were lost because people could not behave in a civilized manner. You would think that an emergency would be even more of an incentive to behave in a responsible manner, but apparently this was not so among these white Americans of European descent. one death versus 100. Looks like the possibility of death by a stampeding white Americans of European descent is greater than that of any other ethnic group.

After The Station disaster, little outcry was heard concerning the fact that the patron's behavior was part of the problem. But this Black Friday thing is all about blaming the blacks and the immigrants.

OMG. My parent's attended Wheaton High School. They left that part of the country on graduation because they didn't want to raise a family in what they considered to be the most anti intellectual and runner-up most racist part of America. No wonder your pursed lip holier than thou attitude grates on me so often.

Is that you, Aunt Germaine?
Yet lives were lost because people could not behave in a civilized manner. You would think that an emergency would be even more of an incentive to behave in a responsible manner, but apparently this was not so among these white Americans of European descent. one death versus 100. Looks like the possibility of death by a stampeding white Americans of European descent is greater than that of any other ethnic group.

After The Station disaster, little outcry was heard concerning the fact that the patron's behavior was part of the problem. But this Black Friday thing is all about blaming the blacks and the immigrants.

People usually panic when they are burning and can't breath from the smoke.

Median household income is $94,000 a year. I think that says a lot right there.

I don't know what the median income in our city is but I expect it's a lot closer to $40,000 and we live in a highcost area.

We have no less than 3 tent cities and I bet they aren't even considered in any of our statistics.

We have a lot of immigrants and my neighborhood is made up of all races and we have a great neighborhood. However, it's not the same all over our city. We have areas that are occupied by mainly Koreans. They have their own churches, their own stores, and they really look at you funny if you have the audacity to enter their store. We have Russians, a lot of them and they have their own communities, their own stores, heck they even steal bread from the foodbank to sell in their own restaurants.

Don't know about any Hispanic communities yet, they are new to our city (the last 5 or so years). I do know that Hispanics have told some of my friends to leave the city as they are taking over, but I haven't been to any Hispanic community yet. Then again, I don't go door to door like I used to.

I moved into this neighborhood 42 years ago. I was 9 years old and there were horses in our neighborhood. Now we are the sixth largest city in Washington and well on our way to being the 5th largest city. We have a city council that is more concerned with making us a big city than making us a livable city. They keep raising our utilities taxes because that doesn't have to go before the voters. We became a city because we found out 95% of the taxes collected here went to the county. You would think that with all that money remaining in the city that they wouldn't have to raise our taxes, that our taxes would go down. WRONG! Our city council is already as greedy as those in the big politics.
Do you know the difference between a stampede to get away from a fire and a stampede to get the latest deal at Walmart?

You're right, I don't know so. However, I can forgive people for panicking in a fire.

I wasn't trying to say whites are better. I got no excuse for Enron and I think those responsible should have been in jail long before Martha Stewart.

Perhaps, I shouldn't have noticed that all these people are black?

So it's okay to stampede and let others die behind you, maybe die yourself because of you let panic get hold of you in a situation where panic clearly means death. But if you're black or an immigrant and let panic or hysteria grab hold of you when you are at what you think is a big sale at a store and have no idea you are about to step on a fallen man, it's still not okay.

I think the key word for you is different than me.

Yet lives were lost because people could not behave in a civilized manner. You would think that an emergency would be even more of an incentive to behave in a responsible manner, but apparently this was not so among these white Americans of European descent. one death versus 100. Looks like the possibility of death by a stampeding white Americans of European descent is greater than that of any other ethnic group.

After The Station disaster, little outcry was heard concerning the fact that the patron's behavior was part of the problem. But this Black Friday thing is all about blaming the blacks and the immigrants.

Actually, I blame Walmart. They should have been prepared.

I also admit that our morals in our society are changing and that is due to a massive influx of immigrants from 3rd world nations as well as a reduced birthrate amongst European Americans.

Then again, the behavior of this crowd could have a lot more to do with economics rather than with race. Let's face it, most people of middle class or upper middle class aren't going to be standing outside walmart on black Friday risking their lives for a deal on a TV.
People usually panic when they are burning and can't breath from the smoke.

If you read the Wiki article, people in the hallway and exit doorways died from being trampled to death. They were not on fire and did not suffer from smoke asphyxiation.

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