Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

my dad got transferred out there when i was 12. it sucked.
then we moved back to boston when i was 13.
that sucked too.
it may have been age related.

Contrary to my parent's opinion of the Chicago suburbs, I thought thet were the coolest place on earth when I was 12. Mostly because I got to fly out there to visit my cousins all by myself.

Also, I grew up in DC. Couldn't have been worse than Hinsdale. I always longed to return to Boston and I did as soon as I turned 18.
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Indeed. Hinsdale and Oak Brook are way out of line.

Oak Brook had a McDonald's and a driving range when i lived in hinsdale and there was a ton of unincorporated land along ogden ave in between.

the guy at the driving range was cool, he used to give me golf lessons for free.
I can't imagine not liking Hinsdale or Boston. :lol: You're right, must have been age related! Did you go to Graue Mill? Loverly Salt Creek?:eek:

I loved going to Graue Mill when I visited. We bought corn meal and make old fashioned johnny cakes with it.
Oak Brook had a McDonald's and a driving range when i lived in hinsdale and there was a ton of unincorporated land along ogden ave in between.

the guy at the driving range was cool, he used to give me golf lessons for free.

They still do. One of my cousins was an executive for McD's, both his kids' wedding were at the Lodge. Beautiful!
I can't imagine not liking Hinsdale or Boston. :lol: You're right, must have been age related! Did you go to Graue Mill? Loverly Salt Creek?:eek:

Last time I was there I went to the Arboretum in a town nearby. My uncle is involved in everything. You've probably crossed paths. My aunt was in the Republican party, did fundraisers. But this year they both voted for Obama.
One of my spoiled moments were the years I took riding lessons at Butler Polo Grounds. I remember when the PGA pulled the Master's from them...
I loved going to Graue Mill when I visited. We bought corn meal and make old fashioned johnny cakes with it.

i kinda remember that place. mid 19th century grist mill as i recall.
we bought a pan that baked little cob shaped corn breads.

i wonder if you can get one of those at marlborough market?
i kinda remember that place. mid 19th century grist mill as i recall.
we bought a pan that baked little cob shaped corn breads.

i wonder if you can get one of those at marlborough market?

The mill was a site on the Underground Railroad during slavery. And the corn meal is still to die for!
Del nekked? :eek:

Did you go to school there? I went to Jefferson, IC, Sandburg, then York.

This was a Boston neighborhood. My parents and all aunts and uncles went to York. I got my middle name from H.Kenneth Story. I think he was a history teacher there.
I'll have to email my mum about the earlier schools and what streets they lived on.
Last time I was there I went to the Arboretum in a town nearby. My uncle is involved in everything. You've probably crossed paths. My aunt was in the Republican party, did fundraisers. But this year they both voted for Obama.

The Arboretum is my town.

How about Cantigny? Another great locale in DuPage.

Then there is Chicago....
i kinda remember that place. mid 19th century grist mill as i recall.
we bought a pan that baked little cob shaped corn breads.

i wonder if you can get one of those at marlborough market?

LOL! del, I'm sure we must have been on the same tour or something at Graue Mill. I remember a Lapidary Museum or some place where the gift shop sold polished rocks.
I can sort of agree with you there. There are a lot of rude people in America and it wasn't that way when I was growing up. I blame it on all the immigrants coming here en mass and not acclimating themselves to our way of life. We went through 3 years of heck, and to my shame, we had to go to the foodbank. I was surprised that there were so few Americans there. I was even more surprised at the rudeness and selfishness of the immigrants. They would take ALL the bread of a certain type, not leaving any for anyone else. Watermelons came in and they rushed the crate, surrounding it and passing off watermelons to their fellow immigrants, Americans didn't get ANY, granted there were only two or three of us, but we didn't get any. When crates of oranges came in, the only reason my family got any was because one of the people that works there, set aside some for us as she knew us personally.

I watched as one immigrant took two pastries and the guy behind the counter told her "one". She looked at him and said, "one?" he said "ONE". So she took one more and put it in her basket, they did nothing to stop her.

Yes, I blame the foodbank for a lot of this behavior as they let the immigrants get away with it, but me, I was taught to take turns, leave enough for others, etc.

My father in law goes to the foodbank on occasion. He was upset one time because there was an immigrant in front of him and there was an immigrant behind the counter. The immigrant behind the counter gave a steak to the immigrant in front of him, when he got there he said "I'll take one of those". They pretended not to know what he was talking about. He got no meat.

If you look at those pictures of the stampede at Walmart, you'll see most of those people have something in common and everyone is afraid to mention it for fear of being called "racist". The truth is that these people didn't grow up with the same manners as Americans of European decent. Call it a racist thing, but I don't think you'd get the same behavior with a crowd of white Americans. I do, however, believe you'd get the same behavior with a crowd of white Russians. <shoot, now I want a drink>

The crowd does hold some blame for the incident, but again, as this isn't the first time this has happened, Walmart holds a majority of the blame. Perhaps it's time to stop Black Friday sales all together? Or just make sure they can't offer supper buys on limited numbers of products. No more of this "only 30 per store" crap.

Thank God there were no watermelons on sale Friday or they would still be pulling bodies out of Walmart.
All I know, Mr xcitement, is that I never plan to go shopping or to a fire with you, because either way, you're gonna lose your head.

:lol: You are really a hoot. I hope you've been drinking because you sure don't make any sense. You come up with all these accusations that are based on nothing. Based on the information I have about you, I can only conclude that you wear a tinfoil hat and see black helicopters at night.
that's cool. i never would have remembered it if anguille hadn't mentioned it. i went there once, but i remember the corn meal.

The corn meal was excellent. My mother still brings it back when she visits.
:lol: You are really a hoot. I hope you've been drinking because you sure don't make any sense. You come up with all these accusations that are based on nothing. Based on the information I have about you, I can only conclude that you wear a tinfoil hat and see black helicopters at night.
No, I wear a kilt. Everyone in my town does. Then we have a big bonfire and roast cartoon birds wearing hats rolled in plasma and organic cornmeal

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