Workers paid poverty wages go on strike at O'Hare!

Since when is $15 an hour a poverty wage?? To read what you wrote I thought these poor slobs were making minimum wage.

Hell. That's more than I make at my job right now.
Since when is $15 an hour a poverty wage?? To read what you wrote I thought these poor slobs were making minimum wage.

Hell. That's more than I make at my job right now.

Chicago is one place where fifteen an hour would buy you a cardboard box on the good side of town but you can rent a place on the bad side of town, but bring your own bulletproof vest...

Personally though they accepted the damn job and now cry about the wage they make?

Screw them and replace them.
Hell of an administration wasn't it? We have the worst race relations in forty years, Police Officers targeted for assassination, terrorist attacks every couple of months, a never ending war, a stagnant economy and now airline strikes at the end (thank God) of Obama's presidency.
Hell of an administration wasn't it? We have the worst race relations in forty years, Police Officers targeted for assassination, terrorist attacks every couple of months, a never ending war, a stagnant economy and now airline strikes at the end (thank God) of Obama's presidency.

.... they accepted the damn job and now cry about the wage they make?.
Didn't you tell me that America was about bettering yourself? Did you change your mind?

Are you trying to add something to what I wrote!?!

If you take the job at the pay rate offered then work your damn job and if you don't like the pay, hours or workload then go find another job or here is a wonderful idea and start your own damn business!?!

I know how dare I write something like that when it is easier to take a job and then go on strike when you don't get your way...

Replace them and let them find another job or start their own business!

Now if you are quoting Trump, well I voted for Johnson so kiss off!
....... If you take the job at the pay rate offered then work your damn job and if you don't like the pay, hours or workload then go find another job .....
So it's OK for the company to raise their prices but not OK for the employees to get a pay rise. With an attitude like that it is no wonder the US is deep in the brown stuff.
If you don't like what the job pays then don't take it
.... they accepted the damn job and now cry about the wage they make?.
Didn't you tell me that America was about bettering yourself? Did you change your mind?
how is going on strike bettering ones self?
if you want to make more money, then you have to better yourself with education or specific job training, you dont better yourself by staying unmarketable and just demanding more money.
America is about bettering ones self, these lowlifes should try to do just that. I bet it works better for higher wages than some silly ass strike.

It's fascinating to see Naziboy cheering for an SEIU-led strIke.

Politics sure does make for interesting bedfellows, doesn't it?
Here we go again...more low-lifes begging for more free shit....40 year old adults trying to turn childrens jobs in to careers.
Employers should just make speaking clear, educated english a mandatory requirement for wage hikes.
This would stop 99.976% of the bottom feeders in their tracks.

It's fascinating to see Naziboy cheering for an SEIU-led strIke.

Politics sure does make for interesting bedfellows, doesn't it?
Derp. Doesn't take much of an IQ above room temp to be a head honcho here eh!? LMAO...dumb as Rustic and other clowns who scream NAZI! and SOCIALIST! at everyone because they can't comprehend there are differing ideologies and viewpoints. If ANY of you would take the time to educate yourselves you would know I am very much in favor of unions and higher wages.

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