World Leaders DECLARE: "America is back !!" Now we Can Take On China.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.

Your asinine phrase "they don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them" speaks volumes about who and what you are.

Well, this isn't 1945 anymore. So don't you think it is about time that the EU pays its fair share of mutual defense? Germany is one big shirker and has been for some time, But I guess you approve of several NATO nations shirking their duty and forcing America to pick up the slack.

Meanwhile, several EU nations are becoming more and more dependent on Russian energy; aided and abetted by Traitor Joe©™.

No one was hiding, that is a dumb as it gets. Trump was strengthening the alliances in the Pacific and moving India closer to us.

No one was hiding. That is pure shit-posting.
What a bunch of BS. Your post is full of none sense. Trump tore up the TPP that was meant to be a bulwark against Chinese influence. He tore it up and replaced it with nothing. Chinese influence grew rapidly under Trump. Do you ever not lie?
No president in history was tougher on China than President Trump. Now you can spew your leftist BS all you want, but that's the fact of the matter. Resident Biden and his shyster, crack smoking, whore fucking, POS low life bastard, N word spewing son are both OWNED by China. China has dished out BILLIONS to the Biden, QUID PRO QUO crime family, and everyone knows it, even the globalist leftist overseas that China also has in their pockets.

Get a clue, and stop lying.
Its not about being tough.
It is about being effective, correct, and producing results.

Trump fucked up China, just like he fucked up covid.

Trump's trade war hurt America a lot, crushed our farmers (we had to give them $Billions in tax money), and hurt the US economy, slowing growth and investment. Trump never had 3% growth annually because of his trade war.

here are the cold hard facts, Trumps economy was barely better than obama's:

View attachment 500548
Clearly you can't read a fucking graph.
The only economic downturn under Trump was during the Kung Flu pandemic.
Trump's GDP was pretty much the same as Obama's
The Trump economy was only barely better than Obama's. This graph demonstrates that perfectly...

Enjoy the Biden Booommm, the new roaring 20s
The "Trump Economy" was only at 2.4% GDP when the virus hit, bond yields had crashed by 60%, we had been dealing with an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed had to step in during 2019 to save short term credit markets with $1.5T, the deficit & debt had been exploded to goose everything, and Trump convinced the rubes it was The Greatest Economy Ever. Astonishing, the power of his words with them.

That was an early warning signal for how effective the Big Lie would be.
Tell an idiot Trumper exactly what they want to hear and they will believe it, no matter how insane or stupid.

These dumb fucks believed Pizza-Gate, the most insane illogical fake scandal ever.
While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.

Your asinine phrase "they don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them" speaks volumes about who and what you are.

Well, this isn't 1945 anymore. So don't you think it is about time that the EU pays its fair share of mutual defense? Germany is one big shirker and has been for some time, But I guess you approve of several NATO nations shirking their duty and forcing America to pick up the slack.

Meanwhile, several EU nations are becoming more and more dependent on Russian energy; aided and abetted by Traitor Joe©™.

No one was hiding, that is a dumb as it gets. Trump was strengthening the alliances in the Pacific and moving India closer to us.

No one was hiding. That is pure shit-posting.
What a bunch of BS. Your post is full of none sense. Trump tore up the TPP that was meant to be a bulwark against Chinese influence. He tore it up and replaced it with nothing. Chinese influence grew rapidly under Trump. Do you ever not lie?
No president in history was tougher on China than President Trump. Now you can spew your leftist BS all you want, but that's the fact of the matter. Resident Biden and his shyster, crack smoking, whore fucking, POS low life bastard, N word spewing son are both OWNED by China. China has dished out BILLIONS to the Biden, QUID PRO QUO crime family, and everyone knows it, even the globalist leftist overseas that China also has in their pockets.

Get a clue, and stop lying.
Its not about being tough.
It is about being effective, correct, and producing results.

Trump fucked up China, just like he fucked up covid.

Trump's trade war hurt America a lot, crushed our farmers (we had to give them $Billions in tax money), and hurt the US economy, slowing growth and investment. Trump never had 3% growth annually because of his trade war.

here are the cold hard facts, Trumps economy was barely better than obama's:

View attachment 500548
Clearly you can't read a fucking graph.
The only economic downturn under Trump was during the Kung Flu pandemic.
Trump's GDP was pretty much the same as Obama's
The Trump economy was only barely better than Obama's. This graph demonstrates that perfectly...

Enjoy the Biden Booommm, the new roaring 20s
Trump's economy was way better than Ovomit's. I seem to remember them doing handsprings when there was only 800,000 new filings for unemployment under Obama....but when Trump had 180,000 they said it was the worst economy since the Great Depression...that they were only entry-level jobs.

Right now Biden's economy is only a few months old and he's already boosted the cost of living 30%....raised energy costs nearly 100%....and increased construction costs 400%. We're about to hit runaway inflation and the prick still wants to spend more money to bring illegals here calling it infrastructure. Infrastructure is roads and bridges......not payouts to Honduras and Guatemala....and reparations to black people $300/child.
While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.

Your asinine phrase "they don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them" speaks volumes about who and what you are.

Well, this isn't 1945 anymore. So don't you think it is about time that the EU pays its fair share of mutual defense? Germany is one big shirker and has been for some time, But I guess you approve of several NATO nations shirking their duty and forcing America to pick up the slack.

Meanwhile, several EU nations are becoming more and more dependent on Russian energy; aided and abetted by Traitor Joe©™.

No one was hiding, that is a dumb as it gets. Trump was strengthening the alliances in the Pacific and moving India closer to us.

No one was hiding. That is pure shit-posting.
What a bunch of BS. Your post is full of none sense. Trump tore up the TPP that was meant to be a bulwark against Chinese influence. He tore it up and replaced it with nothing. Chinese influence grew rapidly under Trump. Do you ever not lie?
No president in history was tougher on China than President Trump. Now you can spew your leftist BS all you want, but that's the fact of the matter. Resident Biden and his shyster, crack smoking, whore fucking, POS low life bastard, N word spewing son are both OWNED by China. China has dished out BILLIONS to the Biden, QUID PRO QUO crime family, and everyone knows it, even the globalist leftist overseas that China also has in their pockets.

Get a clue, and stop lying.
Its not about being tough.
It is about being effective, correct, and producing results.

Trump fucked up China, just like he fucked up covid.

Trump's trade war hurt America a lot, crushed our farmers (we had to give them $Billions in tax money), and hurt the US economy, slowing growth and investment. Trump never had 3% growth annually because of his trade war.

here are the cold hard facts, Trumps economy was barely better than obama's:

View attachment 500548
Clearly you can't read a fucking graph.
The only economic downturn under Trump was during the Kung Flu pandemic.
Trump's GDP was pretty much the same as Obama's
The Trump economy was only barely better than Obama's. This graph demonstrates that perfectly...

Enjoy the Biden Booommm, the new roaring 20s
The "Trump Economy" was only at 2.4% GDP when the virus hit, bond yields had crashed by 60%, we had been dealing with an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed had to step in during 2019 to save short term credit markets with $1.5T, the deficit & debt had been exploded to goose everything, and Trump convinced the rubes it was The Greatest Economy Ever. Astonishing, the power of his words with them.

That was an early warning signal for how effective the Big Lie would be.
Tell an idiot Trumper exactly what they want to hear and they will believe it, no matter how insane or stupid.

These dumb fucks believed Pizza-Gate, the most insane illogical fake scandal ever.
Yep....the media puts out a bunch of fake news stories and you seem to think that we are stupid for believing any of them. Meanwhile you bought Russian Collusion.....that there is no evidence of election fraud.....and that Jan 6th was an insurrection that supposedly Trump caused and proves there are White KKK members running around the country shooting innocent blacks who are just peacefully protesting by breaking into Foot Locker because they're starving.

What a bunch of melon-heads. Somebody needs to slap the stupid out of you nimrods.
Yes, our "ally", Germany, which has become ever more dependent on Russian energy and is in bed with the CCP over 5G.

Yeah, and American Marxists think our allies are happy now, well, no wonder.
Marxists my butt, brainwashed functional moron lol... No dictatorship of any kind unlike under GOP nut jobs who want martial law against imaginary forces...
Who can forget Trump at NATO showing the world “America is First”.. now look at Biden.
*no wonder the world leaders like him so much.. he’s fine with “America LAST”!
(May, 2017 v June 2021)

Eric Bolling
While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.

Your asinine phrase "they don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them" speaks volumes about who and what you are.

Well, this isn't 1945 anymore. So don't you think it is about time that the EU pays its fair share of mutual defense? Germany is one big shirker and has been for some time, But I guess you approve of several NATO nations shirking their duty and forcing America to pick up the slack.

Meanwhile, several EU nations are becoming more and more dependent on Russian energy; aided and abetted by Traitor Joe©™.

No one was hiding, that is a dumb as it gets. Trump was strengthening the alliances in the Pacific and moving India closer to us.

No one was hiding. That is pure shit-posting.
What a bunch of BS. Your post is full of none sense. Trump tore up the TPP that was meant to be a bulwark against Chinese influence. He tore it up and replaced it with nothing. Chinese influence grew rapidly under Trump. Do you ever not lie?
No president in history was tougher on China than President Trump. Now you can spew your leftist BS all you want, but that's the fact of the matter. Resident Biden and his shyster, crack smoking, whore fucking, POS low life bastard, N word spewing son are both OWNED by China. China has dished out BILLIONS to the Biden, QUID PRO QUO crime family, and everyone knows it, even the globalist leftist overseas that China also has in their pockets.

Get a clue, and stop lying.
Its not about being tough.
It is about being effective, correct, and producing results.

Trump fucked up China, just like he fucked up covid.

Trump's trade war hurt America a lot, crushed our farmers (we had to give them $Billions in tax money), and hurt the US economy, slowing growth and investment. Trump never had 3% growth annually because of his trade war.

here are the cold hard facts, Trumps economy was barely better than obama's:

View attachment 500548
Clearly you can't read a fucking graph.
The only economic downturn under Trump was during the Kung Flu pandemic.
Trump's GDP was pretty much the same as Obama's
The Trump economy was only barely better than Obama's. This graph demonstrates that perfectly...

Enjoy the Biden Booommm, the new roaring 20s
The "Trump Economy" was only at 2.4% GDP when the virus hit, bond yields had crashed by 60%, we had been dealing with an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed had to step in during 2019 to save short term credit markets with $1.5T, the deficit & debt had been exploded to goose everything, and Trump convinced the rubes it was The Greatest Economy Ever. Astonishing, the power of his words with them.

That was an early warning signal for how effective the Big Lie would be.
Tell an idiot Trumper exactly what they want to hear and they will believe it, no matter how insane or stupid.

These dumb fucks believed Pizza-Gate, the most insane illogical fake scandal ever.
Yep....the media puts out a bunch of fake news stories and you seem to think that we are stupid for believing any of them. Meanwhile you bought Russian Collusion.....that there is no evidence of election fraud.....and that Jan 6th was an insurrection that supposedly Trump caused and proves there are White KKK members running around the country shooting innocent blacks who are just peacefully protesting by breaking into Foot Locker because they're starving.

What a bunch of melon-heads. Somebody needs to slap the stupid out of you nimrods.
Trump did cause the interaction doh and then I have no idea what you're talking about. You were doing so well there for a second lol
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.
Trump had zero success with China, Biden will do much better, just like with Covid and the economy.

"AMERICA IS BACK" to being the worlds sugar daddy and expecting nothing from them. Of course the world loves the old Democrat ways
Who can forget Trump at NATO showing the world “America is First”.. now look at Biden.
*no wonder the world leaders like him so much.. he’s fine with “America LAST”!
(May, 2017 v June 2021)

Eric BollingView attachment 500589
Those aren't the only choices, brainwashed functional moron. Trump was an a****** who scared the hell out of the entire world except for Russian and China.... Such a loser and ignoramus he actually believed Fox News and worse and his own tweets.....
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....

The fact is trump was the worst person ever to be POTUS.
The problem with leftists is they pretend their opinions are facts...then they get all huffy when you disagree with them.

Tough shit.

The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....

The fact is trump was the worst person ever to be POTUS.
ok....but if the deals made at the G7 bankrupts everyone....thats ok,because its better than that what you believe too?....
If Trump came out on record as saying stepping on Legos is bad, these morons would buy a set and stomp all over them.
You mean like when you retards started injecting bleach ?!?!?!?

That was brilliant.

We're rounding the curve !!

fuckin retards
Still bitterly clinging to that lie, I see.

You're a great Democrat. You'll believe anything you're told to believe.
You and others are true believers of donald trump. trump is a liar, corrupt and incompetent. To support trump is to reject 230 or so years of democracy in America; of course you and your kind believe democracy is mob rule, and yet the only real mob/sedition occurred on January 6th, 2021 - another day of infamy.
Yep.....Jan 6th was worse than the day Kennedy was assassinated.....worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor.....worse than 911......worse than the atomic bomb destroying Hiroshima.......worse than the Rape of Nanking when the Japanese attacked the Capital of China and massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children. Yep......January 6th was a day that will be remembered as the worst day in the history of the world.

The Ten Worst Disasters in human history are as follows:

  1. Jan 6th (The worst event in human history)
  2. The Black Plague
  3. The Attack On Pearl Harbor
  4. The Sinking Of The Titanic
  5. Sept 11th 1991
  6. WWII
  7. WWI
  8. The Bombing Of Hiroshima
  9. Rwanda Genocide
  10. The Kennedy Assassination
Last edited:
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.
Trump had zero success with China, Biden will do much better, just like with Covid and the economy.

You mean the raping of America can now continue.

Like Biden’s new “global corporate tax” …which gives China an exception.
So pass some tax hikes on the greedy idiot GOP rich and end giveaway to the rich. No Democrat wants to raise taxes on the middle class and the working class they already pay too much.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.
Trump had zero success with China, Biden will do much better, just like with Covid and the economy.

i. e. they like a pushover who pays for everybody else, e. g. NATO, WHO, UN, an etcetera.

View attachment 500529
Total b*******. Like everything else you know

Your best hissy fit yet cupcake. Need tissues?
No argument at all as usual... Just memes propaganda and stupid insults...
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....

The fact is trump was the worst person ever to be POTUS.
The problem with leftists is they pretend their opinions are facts...then they get all huffy when you disagree with them.

Tough shit.

The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....

The fact is trump was the worst person ever to be POTUS.
ok....but if the deals made at the G7 bankrupts everyone....thats ok,because its better than that what you believe too?....
If Trump came out on record as saying stepping on Legos is bad, these morons would buy a set and stomp all over them.
You mean like when you retards started injecting bleach ?!?!?!?

That was brilliant.

We're rounding the curve !!

fuckin retards
Still bitterly clinging to that lie, I see.

You're a great Democrat. You'll believe anything you're told to believe.
You and others are true believers of donald trump. trump is a liar, corrupt and incompetent. To support trump is to reject 230 or so years of democracy in America; of course you and your kind believe democracy is mob rule, and yet the only real mob/sedition occurred on January 6th, 2021 - another day of infamy.
Yep.....Jan 6th was worse than the day Kennedy was assassinated.....worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor.....worse than 911......worse than the atomic bomb destroying Hiroshima.......worse than the Rape of Nanking when the Japanese attacked the Capital of China and massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children. Yep......January 6th was a day that will be remembered as the worst day in the history of the world.

The Ten Worst Disasters in human history are as follows:

  1. Jan 6th (The worst event in human history)
  2. The Black Plague
  3. The Attack On Pearl Harbor
  4. The Sinking Of The Titanic
  5. Sept 11th 1991
  6. WWII
  7. WWI
  8. The Bombing Of Hiroshima
  9. Rwanda Genocide
  10. The Kennedy Assassination
Are all of your arguments this ridiculous? You betcha!
While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.

Your asinine phrase "they don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them" speaks volumes about who and what you are.

Well, this isn't 1945 anymore. So don't you think it is about time that the EU pays its fair share of mutual defense? Germany is one big shirker and has been for some time, But I guess you approve of several NATO nations shirking their duty and forcing America to pick up the slack.

Meanwhile, several EU nations are becoming more and more dependent on Russian energy; aided and abetted by Traitor Joe©™.

No one was hiding, that is a dumb as it gets. Trump was strengthening the alliances in the Pacific and moving India closer to us.

No one was hiding. That is pure shit-posting.
What a bunch of BS. Your post is full of none sense. Trump tore up the TPP that was meant to be a bulwark against Chinese influence. He tore it up and replaced it with nothing. Chinese influence grew rapidly under Trump. Do you ever not lie?
No president in history was tougher on China than President Trump. Now you can spew your leftist BS all you want, but that's the fact of the matter. Resident Biden and his shyster, crack smoking, whore fucking, POS low life bastard, N word spewing son are both OWNED by China. China has dished out BILLIONS to the Biden, QUID PRO QUO crime family, and everyone knows it, even the globalist leftist overseas that China also has in their pockets.

Get a clue, and stop lying.
Its not about being tough.
It is about being effective, correct, and producing results.

Trump fucked up China, just like he fucked up covid.

Trump's trade war hurt America a lot, crushed our farmers (we had to give them $Billions in tax money), and hurt the US economy, slowing growth and investment. Trump never had 3% growth annually because of his trade war.

here are the cold hard facts, Trumps economy was barely better than obama's:

View attachment 500548
Clearly you can't read a fucking graph.
The only economic downturn under Trump was during the Kung Flu pandemic.
Trump's GDP was pretty much the same as Obama's
The Trump economy was only barely better than Obama's. This graph demonstrates that perfectly...

Enjoy the Biden Booommm, the new roaring 20s
The "Trump Economy" was only at 2.4% GDP when the virus hit, bond yields had crashed by 60%, we had been dealing with an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed had to step in during 2019 to save short term credit markets with $1.5T, the deficit & debt had been exploded to goose everything, and Trump convinced the rubes it was The Greatest Economy Ever. Astonishing, the power of his words with them.

That was an early warning signal for how effective the Big Lie would be.
Tell an idiot Trumper exactly what they want to hear and they will believe it, no matter how insane or stupid.

These dumb fucks believed Pizza-Gate, the most insane illogical fake scandal ever.
Yep....the media puts out a bunch of fake news stories and you seem to think that we are stupid for believing any of them. Meanwhile you bought Russian Collusion.....that there is no evidence of election fraud.....and that Jan 6th was an insurrection that supposedly Trump caused and proves there are White KKK members running around the country shooting innocent blacks who are just peacefully protesting by breaking into Foot Locker because they're starving.

What a bunch of melon-heads. Somebody needs to slap the stupid out of you nimrods.
Trump did cause the interaction doh and then I have no idea what you're talking about. You were doing so well there for a second lol
All Trump did was give a speech.
Peers to me somebody else did something bad.
Reading the text you can pretty much tell that you folks are reading alot into what he said.
But the strange thing is......everything that wasn't in the speech WAS in the coverage of MSNBC and CNN which seems to have given everyone the false impression that Trump instigated a riot. Clearly that's not the case. After all....MSNBC news anchors started spreading the rumors that an insurrection was going on even before it supposedly started.

I can show you the coverage videos quite easily. THEY STARTED SPREADING THE LIE THAT TRUMP WAS RESPONSIBLE....EVEN BEFORE ANYONE KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! Wolf Blitzer was saying how dangerous the situation was while showing Trump supporters who where peacefully filing through a roped off area in the Capital. They even said Trump likes violence during this fucked up broadcast. 'Just terrifying' they were saying....while unarmed peaceful moms and pops were walking thru.....the horror.....the horror......the horror. These same fuckers said that the burning buildings behind them were due to mostly peaceful protesters. *face-palm*

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The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....

The fact is trump was the worst person ever to be POTUS.
The problem with leftists is they pretend their opinions are facts...then they get all huffy when you disagree with them.

Tough shit.

The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

Yes... they say "America is back"... but they qualify that with the addendum "....but for how long?"

The low-class ignorant arrogant incompetent Orange Baboon-God had to go... but the idiot Dems think that they have a mandate... when, in truth, they do not.,

The only reason they're back in power is because the Pubs screwed-the-pooch and because their Dear Leader was such a tweet-first-think-second global joke...

But I'm confident that the pansy-a$$ed Dems will screw things up as well, with their goddamned Woke agenda, and force folks into the GOP camp again sometime soon.

When that happens, the country may shift again towards a Rump-like agenda, without the Rump.
They might fuck it up, but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.

A coalition of the entire G7 is a much better and stronger plan than Trump's free wheeling incompetence that produced nothing.
but no matter what happens it will be better than trump.
geezus that guy fucked some of your heads up pretty bad.....

The fact is trump was the worst person ever to be POTUS.
ok....but if the deals made at the G7 bankrupts everyone....thats ok,because its better than that what you believe too?....
If Trump came out on record as saying stepping on Legos is bad, these morons would buy a set and stomp all over them.
You mean like when you retards started injecting bleach ?!?!?!?

That was brilliant.

We're rounding the curve !!

fuckin retards
Still bitterly clinging to that lie, I see.

You're a great Democrat. You'll believe anything you're told to believe.
You and others are true believers of donald trump. trump is a liar, corrupt and incompetent. To support trump is to reject 230 or so years of democracy in America; of course you and your kind believe democracy is mob rule, and yet the only real mob/sedition occurred on January 6th, 2021 - another day of infamy.
Yep.....Jan 6th was worse than the day Kennedy was assassinated.....worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor.....worse than 911......worse than the atomic bomb destroying Hiroshima.......worse than the Rape of Nanking when the Japanese attacked the Capital of China and massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children. Yep......January 6th was a day that will be remembered as the worst day in the history of the world.

The Ten Worst Disasters in human history are as follows:

  1. Jan 6th (The worst event in human history)
  2. The Black Plague
  3. The Attack On Pearl Harbor
  4. The Sinking Of The Titanic
  5. Sept 11th 1991
  6. WWII
  7. WWI
  8. The Bombing Of Hiroshima
  9. Rwanda Genocide
  10. The Kennedy Assassination
Are all of your arguments this ridiculous? You betcha!
Just the worst political violence in the capital in our history that's all. No problem lol. Everything you know is wrong, that's the goddamn problem. Rupert Murdoch is a international pariah and scumbag and then you have internet crazies and lying Republicans which is really amazing.
The United States is back as a cooperative leader of the free world under President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday, illustrating the relief felt by many key U.S. allies that the tumult of Donald Trump’s presidency is over.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who hailed Biden on Thursday as “a big breath of fresh air”.

Now we have a big coalition of world leading countries to take on China together.

This is going to work because all the countries in the world are going to work together to stop China, unlike Trump who accomplished nothing at all but a bunch of tariffs that crushed US farmers and raised the price of goods.

While we were hiding, European countries started looking at other options.

They don't fully trust us yet, and you can't blame them. We'll see.

Would you trust a Country that aids and abets the Mexican Cartels?
Not me!
But, of course, you would!!
The man you adore says he trusts Russia more than America, insulted our President on the eve of talks and gave his "warmest regards" to the murderous thug Putin.

You and he are a disgrace to America.

Putin got it right yesterday when he said in so many words that Bi-Dung is a career politician that hasn't done much.
Putin has 'Sippy-Cup Joe's' number!
Joe is old and Joe is weak and THIS is America's image projected on the International screen!!!
And there ya go, siding with the murderous thug Putin, just like the man you adore.

You're a disgrace.

Only because Joe called him that?

Surely, you jest! :iyfyus.jpg:
Joe called who, what?

You are a disgrace. Those are my words, Trumpster.

Mac. The old Soviet fell 29 years ago.

Earth to Mac.
Wake up Mac.
Like all leftists, Mac wept bitterly when the Wall fell.

The New World Soviet is American Marxism sponsored by the Dimm's!!!
Democrats are homesick for an America that never was -- the United Soviet Socialist States of Amerika.
Like Canada France New Zealand Australia Scandinavia Italy and every other developed country? Why are we the only developed country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations? The GOP brainwash. Better have martial law and dictator Trump right? WTF is wrong with you people..... Rhetorical question we know the brainwash....
You mean the raping of America can now continue.

Like Biden’s new “global corporate tax” …which gives China an exception.

And is that tax to be on profits or revenues? The American Marxists want to tax revenue.

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