World reaction to US presidential debate: Mockery from China and Russia, concern from allies


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It would be nice if the U.S had two younger candidates. Perhaps the problem is a two party system and money in politics?

I hope the best policies win in 2024.

America's adversaries didn't just think President Biden got pummeled in Thursday's debate, they claim the United States was the real loser.

Russia, China, Iran and others weighed in after Biden's faltering performance left viewers stunned. Media outlets in those countries, many of which are government-run, seized on the debate debacle to criticize the U.S.

"Every outlet, big and small, carries a piece describing what happened," Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of "Putin’s Playbook," told Fox News Digital. "Some have more than one. Most of them, if not all, are derogatory of both candidates and mocking America."

"What [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is seeing is that the American Society is deeply fractured and consumed by its own problems," Koffler said. "Putin likely believes that Russia wins either way, no matter who wins, because he expects the U.S. to plunge into chaos in the aftermath of the elections, because the country is so divided and polarized."

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