World warming to US under Obama, BBC poll suggests

"For the first time since the annual poll began in 2005..."

ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS HUGEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Dems might keep the Kennedy seat because of this!

What's wrong Frank? Can't accept the fact that America's standing has gone up in the world in great numbers since Obama became President?

they bar being so high and all.....
World warming to US under Obama, BBC poll suggests

Well, how the hell can that be when so many intelligent and insightful cons on here keep insisting our image in the world is going down because the President dares to show respect to other world leaders??
World warming to US under Obama, BBC poll suggests

Well, how the hell can that be when so many intelligent and insightful cons on here keep insisting our image in the world is going down because the President dares to show respect to other world leaders??

He does have the whole "Bowing to others" down pat...
Does anyone think the right wing gives a damn what the rest of the world thinks?
World warming to US under Obama, BBC poll suggests

Well, how the hell can that be when so many intelligent and insightful cons on here keep insisting our image in the world is going down because the President dares to show respect to other world leaders??

recent polls suggest non americans respect him more.....those that will vote in our elections respect him less.....
BBC News - World warming to US under Obama, BBC poll suggests

Views of the US around the world have improved sharply over the past year, a BBC World Service poll suggests.

For the first time since the annual poll began in 2005, America's influence in the world is now seen as more positive than negative.

The improved scores for the US coincided with Barack Obama becoming president, a BBC correspondent notes.

As in 2009, Germany is viewed most favourably while Iran and Pakistan are seen as the most negative influences.

Nearly 30,000 people in 28 countries were interviewed for the poll, between November 2009 and February 2010.

Fifteen of the countries have been surveyed every year since 2005, allowing long-term trends to be discerned.

In these nations - or 14 of them, not including the US itself - positive views of the US fell to a low of 28% on average in 2007, from 38% in 2005, but recovered to 35% in 2009 and 40% in this year's poll.

Compared with 2009, positive views of the US jumped 21% in Germany, 18 in Russia, 14 in Portugal and 13 in Chile - though Russia and Germany continued to have a negative view of the US overall.

Meanwhile, negative opinions of the US declined by 23% in Spain, 14 in France and 10 in the UK, with the result that all three lean towards a positive view of the country.


The "world" is full of idealist morons. I feel MUCH better knowing this.:cuckoo:
Where are the poll fiends on this one I wonder? After all, what are they going to say about BBC? That they're under Obama's thumb? :rofl:

Junior, I got a newsflash for you. You got a bunch of militants kicking the shit out of the actual, established world order because the latter lost it's balls to fight back due to leftism.

You sound like the morons that felt sorry for the "Native American" instead of seeing the American Indian in full battle dress who were the greatest guerrilla warfare fighters of all times and laid waste because WE wouldn't. Even then we had a stupid set of rules that tied a hand behind our backs.

We're going down and you are leading the way. Hope you feel proud.
Junior, I got a newsflash for you. You got a bunch of militants kicking the shit out of the actual, established world order because the latter lost it's balls to fight back due to leftism.

You sound like the morons that felt sorry for the "Native American" instead of seeing the American Indian in full battle dress who were the greatest guerrilla warfare fighters of all times and laid waste because WE wouldn't. Even then we had a stupid set of rules that tied a hand behind our backs.

We're going down and you are leading the way. Hope you feel proud.

Not quite. How can you blame leftism for anything like this considering the fact that Obama has gone a step further than Bush and ramped up the War in Afghanistan?

And you're a moron...

Explaining the obvious to you far leftoids is so tiresome...

Ask an adult to help you....

Oh no, why don't you do it.

Tell me and everyone else here why it matters.

Who said it matters, fuckstain?

You made a stupid leftist comment and I made a counter post mocking your stupid leftist comment...

Do you spend hours practicing at being stupid or is it just a natural born talent with you?
And you're a moron...

Explaining the obvious to you far leftoids is so tiresome...

Ask an adult to help you....

Oh no, why don't you do it.

Tell me and everyone else here why it matters.

Who said it matters, fuckstain?

You made a stupid leftist comment and I made a counter post mocking your stupid leftist comment...

Do you spend hours practicing at being stupid or is it just a natural born talent with you?

So, in other words, you're just talking out your ass (again) when you bring up the bowing thing.

Does anyone think the right wing gives a damn what the rest of the world thinks?

Why should anyone give a damn? No other nation can boast of the same kind of significant accomplishments of the United States of America.
Does anyone think the right wing gives a damn what the rest of the world thinks?

Well, you would think they don't, but they've sure made a big deal out of it earlier with this President.

I imagine they have made such a big deal out of it because the left frequently pointed out how Bush was disliked around the world and that Obama was going to be some sort of savior for our world image.

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